BlackBerry 8830 World Edition
- A
- AShOoOR "mohsaas"
- NhG
- 05 May 2007
I don't consider this phone as a public or a user friendly phone, just cuz it doesn't have camera nor all other specifications required for youth daily use.
- c
- c-dawg
- Qbe
- 04 May 2007
you guys dont seem to understand... BBs are targeted towards businesses... not regular average joe... the BB is for the exec person and managers therefore, most if not all companys dont allow cameras for copyright and forgery(sp?) reasons... get over yourselfs and accept that the BB if for the business person not someone that wants it all in a phone.
the BB has the most stable OS out there. i have owned both symbian and windows os phones/pdas and all they do is crash, freeze or something... i now have a BB and have never once had to restart or pull the battery because of a freeze or restart...
like i said if you want a phone with a mp3 player or/and camera go elsewhere, these PDAs/phones are for the businesses! get used to it...
- H
- Hamid
- 2Ad
- 04 May 2007
u can`t compete with nokia ok.they are not making toys they know what customer want.
- ?
- Anonymous
- U2e
- 02 May 2007
Dear Readers
U all have to understand that Black Berry is a dedecated business phone and now days camera phones are not allowed in offices .So pls dont expect any camera from BB Phones if u need a camera Phone then u can buys Nokia Toys
- d
- dakotah
- T23
- 02 May 2007
this phone is hot i wish i had me one.
- A
- 48K
- 30 Apr 2007
no camera, go home man!
- D
- Diego
- kxT
- 30 Apr 2007
Hey Scott Yankee, I don't know where you get ypur info from but it is common knowledge that that this dors not have a camera.
- B
- Ben
- TkL
- 27 Apr 2007
no this does not have a camera, go see for full spec. The one with the camera is the swordfish and has not yet been put on gsmarena yet as it has not been officially been released. check out for real BlackBerry news
- s
- scott Yankee
- S35
- 27 Apr 2007
GSM ARENA got this wrong this phone has got a 2mg pixel camera with flash, and the CDMA feature is only for those countries which has got the cdma coverage, so for the business man going to china and other parts of the world will have the choice of CDMA feature. this phone is very good looking and has got everything you would want in a phone plus with the added feature of GPS. i cannot wait until this comes out, i have heard that the code name for this phone is "swordfish"
- J
- John
- MwQ
- 27 Apr 2007
Well the onli strog part that have BB phones is that you can read office and adofe an corel. out of this is like a normal Phone with some features.
- A
- Alloutthere
- m0k
- 27 Apr 2007
Don't know why BB do not add the Wireless WAN feature to its function since with the you can check email everytime where the Wi-fi access available!
- C
- Charlie
- Yai
- 27 Apr 2007
ooohhh, i get it. its gsm AND cdma, i heard there was a razr v3x like that in japan...
- C
- Charlie
- Yai
- 27 Apr 2007
why is there a cdma phone here? seriously?
- ?
- Anonymous
- je4
- 27 Apr 2007
Nothing works better at what it was made to do than a BlackBerry, NOTHING.
- i
- idriss
- x{r
- 26 Apr 2007
I know the nokia n95 is too powerful for you guys! but please at least try to produce some decent phones!
- B
- Ben
- TkL
- 26 Apr 2007
Thats come RIM have 45% of the market share for PDA/Data Handsets. The only reason why you people dont know how much of an impact BlackBerry has had on the mobile industry is that companies simply buy thousands of them for their employees and give them to them! its not something that the majority of workers buy as companies want them to have them!! Thats why MI5, CIA, all government departments, majority of cheif execs for any company use them!! You cant put them next to Nokia E61 etc as they are for a totally different market!! 8 million users and counting cant all be wrong!
And also how many other manufacturers hit the headline news just cos there was a fault for a day!! If Nokia had that kind of media attention everytime Symbian crashed we would have to have a seperate bulletin every secons of the day!!!
Phew there is my rant over!!
- p
- papito
- PjC
- 26 Apr 2007
it looks beautiful, but has no good features and its going to be released only by carriers
- ?
- Anonymous
- QSd
- 26 Apr 2007
No WiFi and only 16MB SRAM?????
Nokia's still leading the way, especially now that it has BB Enterprise support, along side with Good Server support...
- h
- harlekkin
- 26 Apr 2007
This is great for the American and Korean market, but not so suitable for the Europeans and Asia Pacifics.
Oh well, it's only a Blackberry after all..nothing special.
- ?
- Anonymous
- nw$
- 26 Apr 2007
yeah:) I'd rather buy e61i, this is not so tough.