BlackBerry Z10

BlackBerry Z10

User opinions and reviews

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  • @
  • @bhi
  • Dk3
  • 19 May 2018

I Want Blackberry Z10 Motherboard
it's available or not please suggest

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • gDH
    • 17 May 2018

    selim khan, 17 May 2018i want to know about its batterylife and camera.and i also ... moreDownload 1 mobile and 90% of android apps will work on it.Battery and camera is good,for me Z10 is the best device ever made

      • s
      • selim khan
      • uNV
      • 17 May 2018

      i want to know about its batterylife and camera.and i also want to know that
      is facebook massanger support in this phone? please ans me .its emergency

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • gDH
        • 16 May 2018

        RJs, 16 May 2018Can all Android apps run and update including online banking appsCan run 90% of android apps but updates are less

          • R
          • RJs
          • t7k
          • 16 May 2018

          Anonymous, 04 May 2018Download 1mobile and after that all Android apps(whatsapp,f... moreCan all Android apps run and update including online banking apps

            • J
            • Jenny
            • CAq
            • 13 May 2018

            G, 07 Apr 2018go to google and search for GB WHATSAPP apk and download it... moreHey how can you use snapchat on blackberry z10

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • gDH
              • 04 May 2018

              uzair, 04 May 2018how we use whatsapp in bb z10?? plzz tell me Download 1mobile and after that all Android apps(whatsapp,facebook,viber,we chat,instagram and others) will work wonderfully as mine now. My Z10 now easily beats my friend's iPhone 5s in everyday's life

                • u
                • uzair
                • KIF
                • 04 May 2018

                Anonymous, 28 Apr 2018Blackberry's best device is Z10how we use whatsapp in bb z10?? plzz tell me

                  • a
                  • ayommi
                  • r3H
                  • 29 Apr 2018

                  bb z10 is no more valuable in the nigerian smartfone world. what a pity! RIM should do something about this.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • gDH
                    • 28 Apr 2018

                    Blackberry's best device is Z10

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • u3x
                      • 18 Apr 2018

                      Anick, 02 Apr 2018Is this phone black Berry z 10 is 4G supported? yes

                        • s
                        • son
                        • wYA
                        • 09 Apr 2018

                        i have blackberry Z10 , somehow it was broke . one of my friend insert his sim card to my Z10, then wen he take off his sim my BB Z10 wont start on.. please can u help me or suggest to do . i mised my Z10

                          • G
                          • G
                          • Nw6
                          • 07 Apr 2018

                          go to google and search for GB WHATSAPP apk and download it. then install it. thn whatsapp will work but u cannot send pictures. to send pictures download from you blackberry world an app called WHATS UP FIXER by NEMORY studios then u can send pictures and use whatsapp normally! cheers

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • gDH
                            • 06 Apr 2018

                            sk , 06 Apr 2018Does WhatsApp Work on this ? If you download 1 mobile then of course

                              • s
                              • sk
                              • Kg2
                              • 06 Apr 2018

                              Does WhatsApp Work on this ?

                                • D
                                • AnonD-749895
                                • j{c
                                • 05 Apr 2018

                                So about six or so weeks ago, I found myself in a situation where my need for a new cellphone became an urgent matter. I need one for work, and I didn't feel like taking the chance with my swelling samsung battery, blowing off my balls. So I returned to Virgin Mobile, thinking that I'd get some helpful advice from the vendor. Nope. Not only were they unconcerned about the garbage product they sold me, but they suggested that I buy a new phone instead of a new battery. Ya, they're in sales, I get it. What they failed to understand is that I've been a customer of theirs for over a decade and the service is less than satisfactory. F'em though, I found a glitch for pay as you go that allowed me to get a month free internet, so joke's on them. But I digress.

                                So, after hearing his speech about what a good deal $120 was for a clamshell. I decided that the diplomatic approach, being "No thank you." wasn't working, and shifted to. "Look, I've got shit to do and I don't want your garbage F-ing phones. No means NO!" I then headed on my way. Another store caught my eye. The Sasktel store. I figured I'd have a look to see what they had. I told the clerk "I need the cheapest pay as you go, phone you have that takes decent pictures." She directed me to their selection and the same clamshell that the previous clerk tried to sell me, was about $50 cheaper. This clerk was a little more interested in my situation and I explained that I need a phone that takes pictures because of my work. She told me to hold on a moment and headed into the backroom. Emerging a moment later with a lovely box with Z10 on the exterior.

                                I took it out of the box and examined it for a minute. Checked the specs and it was decent. When she said the price, I said "Sold" without a moment's hesitation. Never having used BB devices in the past. Seeing this unit and having it meet my preset needs. I left the store happier than when I went it. It took good pictures and could receive calls. For its intended purposes at the time, it was more than satisfactory. I even went back later that day to purchase an identical one for my girlfriend. It wasn't until I got home that I realized the truth...

                                Original retail price for this phone was $599.99+taxes, which in Canada means you're severing a limb or another horrible scene. Just imagine a sexual deviant whose fetish is to molest your wallet, in public, while lying, and switching between English and French while making excuses for the act. That's Canadian politics in a nutshell, but again I digress...

                                So RIM has its own O/S which is fine in theory. What is not fine is charging people for bootlegged apps, that are normally acquired for free. Social media apps aren't supported. The Amazon games and apps don't work when downloaded. Apps that are preloaded, are unsupported. The screen doesn't have good contact detection, or lags when buttons are pressed. The Blackberry world software for PC and the cooresponding software on the phone don't function together. Cant or wont connect to the internet unless several attempts are made. Sometimes requiring a router to be manually reset. Which is an inappropriate request in most places. The apps that do work, aren't of any particular interest and due to their being no google anything. The useful things like GPS and maps are virtually useless.

                                I feel bad for anyone who got this phone at full price or on a contract. I got it for one tenth of the original price, and feel that that was too much. It works for work and is useless in every other way possible. I thought about using it for music, but worry that it will find a way to bill me for it. And since we're on the subject of billing. It wouldn't even let me connect with things like paypal, and wouldn't authenticate when I put in a credit card. At this point, it almost seems reasonable to use a mass produced, heavily flawed Samsung that may explode near my balls. At least with that I can play PubG and count my steps with functioning fitness app. I'd use BBM, but when I went on facebook from my PC and asked if anyone had it. I was met with nothing but dismissive laughter. Its like I just overheard an inside joke and couldn't understand the punchline.

                                From what I could see, the newer devices have Android O/S, which may be too little too late for RIM. I am all for Canadian Tech being in the world market, but honestly, at the executive level, this company doesn't seem to have a good handle on reality. I mean they actually at one point had employment advertisements which were advertised as RIM Jobs. Like yeah, its funny to me because I have a functioning brain, but come on. The hell were they thinking?

                                I'll be getting a new phone as soon as possible, but for now I'm stuck with this beautiful device with an ugly interior. If I could describe this phone as something, I'd equate it to a million dollar house that had its siding redone, and while that work was going on. Someone on the inside, sealed up the whole house so that it was air tight. Then plugged all the drains and turned on every tap. Then dug a pit around the house before draining the water to fill up the pit. Then moved a bunch of farm animals inside before smashing all the windows and allowing the interior to rot.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • gDH
                                  • 03 Apr 2018

                                  Ranbir, 02 Apr 2018Does it support VoLTE as it supports 4G? ThanksOf course

                                    • R
                                    • Ranbir
                                    • yZu
                                    • 02 Apr 2018

                                    Anick, 02 Apr 2018Is this phone black Berry z 10 is 4G supported? Does it support VoLTE as it supports 4G?


                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • gDH
                                      • 02 Apr 2018

                                      Anick, 02 Apr 2018Is this phone black Berry z 10 is 4G supported? Yes,supported

                                        • A
                                        • Anick
                                        • XRi
                                        • 02 Apr 2018

                                        Is this phone black Berry z 10 is 4G supported?