China sets aside $47 billion to boost its chip industry

Yordan, 27 May 2024

China established a new investment fund to boost its semiconductor industry, according to official documents. The Chinese finance ministry and six major banks are key investors in the fund, which set aside CNY 344 billion (over $47 billion) for chip manufacturing equipment, revealed Reuters.

China sets aside $47 billion to boost its chip industry

This is the third phase of the China Integrated Circuit Investment Fund, which was officially established on Friday, May 24. It has been the biggest fund since 2014 and is known locally as the "Big Fund." According to Tianyancha, a Chinese company information database organization, the finance ministry is the key investor with a 17% stake and paid-in capital of CNY 60 billion.

The second-largest shareholder is China Development Bank Capital, with a 10.5% share. Five more banks, each contributing around 6% of the total capital, are the Commercial Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Agricultural Bank of China, Bank of China, and Bank of Communications.

Huawei Mate 60 Pro motherboard with Kirin 9000s chip
Huawei Mate 60 Pro motherboard with SMIC-built Kirin 9000s chip

The Big Fund has already provided financing for SMIC and Hua Hong Semiconductor, two of China's biggest chip foundries. The commitment of hundreds of billions of yuans is a sign of the Asian country's drive to achieve self-sufficiency in the advanced chips field, which the United States is once again targeting through export control measures.



Reader comments

The way countries & corporations find billions of dollars yet we still have world issues that can be changed is crazy

Free trade will always win in the end.

  • Amanda
  • 28 May 2024
  • nmP

To anonymous: 1. Saying that the US can not eliminate dependence on China because of manufacturing costs is flying against reality in which there is already undergoing huge effort to move supply chains out, to India, Vietnam (which is kinda funn...

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