CR: Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max is the best-selling smartphone for Q1 '24

Apple and Samsung dominated the top 10 best-selling smartphone charts in Q1 of 2024, as revealed by Counterpoint Research's latest report. Each company had five phones on the list, but it was Apple that came on top with the iPhone 15 Pro Max becoming the best-selling phone, followed by iPhone 15 in second and iPhone 15 Pro in third.

The research pointed out that 5G is becoming more and more present in the everyday life of the average consumer, as all 10 devices in the list are 5G-enabled. Also, the trend towards premiumization is clearly visible, with 7 phones being priced above $600.

The Pro series of iPhones is also growing in popularity. In 2020, the share of Pro devices was 24%, while currently, it is 60% of Apple's sales value in Q1 2024. One reason is that Apple offers substantial upgrades and enhancements for users who decide to buy a Pro variant.

Samsung Galaxy S24 and Galaxy S24 Ultra both placed in the top 10, thanks to Galaxy AI. It was over a month before the new technology reached older devices, such as the 2023 flagship foldables, the Galaxy S23 lineup, and others.

Consumers are holding onto their smartphones for longer periods, noted Counterpoint. This leads to customers opting for a high-end smartphone that will ensure their devices remain “technologically relevant” for a longer period of time.

Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max

256GB 8GB RAM $ 969.00
512GB 8GB RAM $ 1,199.00
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Expectations are premium devices to capture a larger share of the entire smartphone market, as companies are focusing on leaner portfolios with premium features.


Reader comments

People are so gullible. The S24 Ultra got 50% more sales than the S23 Ultra last year due to the Galaxy AI, which is also on the S23 phones and will be removed next year on all Samsung models. The S24 Ultra is the weakest Ultra phone in years due to ...

S24 is a really great phone, it’s basically an IPhone 15 pro max with android. However I don’t know if it hold up as well as the iPhone. The last S22 I had the battery swell up exactly at its 13 month mark. I’m hoping the S24+ I have will be more dur...

Look at the data, and S24 is in the top 10. Spec is not the determining factor. Guess which iPhone sells the most? The iPhone 6/6 Plus, despite it having bendgate, slow storage, slow A8, and only 1GB of RAM. Heck, the 6 Plus lags on its launch firm...