EU to charge Apple under Digital Markets Act, impose a fine of up to $50 million per day

Vlad, 15 June 2024

Back in March, the European Commission announced that it started an investigation relating to Apple's new fee structure for alternative app stores. Namely, the fact that Apple charges a "Core Technology Fee" for developers who want to "steer" users to offers outside of its App Store. There's also an additional 3% that goes to Apple if a developer uses its payment processor.

The imposing of such fees onto developers will be found in breach of the EU's Digital Markets Act (DMA), according to a new report from the Financial Times. This would be the first time a tech company would be charged based on the DMA, which started having effects earlier this year.

EU to charge Apple under Digital Markets Act, impose a fine of up to $50 million per day

An announcement of the charges is allegedly expected in the coming weeks, according to "people familiar with the matter". Apple is facing a fine of up to 5% of its global daily turnover per day for non-compliance. That's around $50 million per day.

But it won't necessarily get to that - things are a bit more complicated, since the company could still take actions to correct its practices to the satisfaction of the EC after it announces its preliminary findings in the near future.


Reader comments

  • Anonymous
  • 4 hours ago
  • JHf

Yeah for example Xiaomi phones would be vastly cheaper than competitors with lower customs, as seen with prices in other regions. As with oppo and vivo court case with nokia happened and they withdrew from several european countries during it. Apple...

  • Anonymous
  • 11 hours ago
  • I@H

'I can't really find Realme/One Plus/Oppo/Vivo phones in Czechia anymore.' It because your region is either hostile to Chinese products or your country imposes obscene taxes on them.

  • Anonymous
  • 20 hours ago
  • thY

Not really. Apple will find ways to either comply (30%) or weasel their way out (70%). "The calculations are modest" Worse case, Apple will just take the ball and leave EU (& Japan).

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