Fairphone 5 gets 10/10 repairability rating from iFixit

Fairphone products are built to last and with repairability in mind. The Fairphone 5 which launched back in September ticks all the right boxes according to iFixit which took the sustainable phone through its paces in their signature teardown giving it a 10/10 repairability rating.

Fairphone 5 is extremely easy to open up with no need to heat the back or try to pry off any glass elements – you just snap the covers off and you’re ready to replace the battery. Despite the removable back cover, Fairphone 5 still carries an IP55 ingress protection rating against dust and jets of water.

Going deeper reveals more of the Fairphone 5’s repairable design with easy-to-remove connector modules, individually replaceable camera sensors, and marked cable and component labels to help guide users during repairs.

You can go ahead and check the dull teardown from the iFixit team here. You can also head to our detailed Fairphone 5 review where we put the phone through our signature testing procedure.


Reader comments

I didn't say the Fairphone 5 was worth the money. Also, I agree with bringing in more robust specs for its price.

N, it'a POS because battery is abysmal, so are the speakers, screen is pretty mediocre and it has no 3.5mm jack. There is just nothing good about it.

Well, we can't sue them, as we already agree to that when we start using a android device, that 5 hour of reading privacy policy, that no one actually reads. I am ok with thaz, well cause i use other means of privacy protection. I do not know f...