Final Android 7.0 Nougat Developer Preview is now available

Vlad, 18 July, 2016

Today Google has made available the last Developer Preview release of Android 7.0 Nougat. The new OS version is almost ready for prime time now, and after this we'll see the finalized bits rolling out to supported Nexus devices in a few weeks.

The last Nougat preview brings with it bug fixes across the board, as you'd expect. Developers are told that this release gives them "the near-final system updates for all of the supported preview devices". So testing apps against this iteration will help them get their software ready for consumers. The final N APIs are shipping in this Developer Preview, and you'll also find the latest system behaviors and UI packed in.

As always, if your supported device is enrolled into the Android Beta program, you'll get an update notification soon enough - and when you install the new software you'll be on the latest Developer Preview. You can also jump on the bandwagon now by going to Alternatively, you can grab and flash the update manually if you want. The new build is NPD90G on all devices.


Reader comments

  • Anonymous
  • 18 Mar 2017
  • kNY

Right on bro !✅

That's a fair point, actually. I guess if it really doesn't get the update, then a lot of their consumers will just dissipate into other brands. Probably HTC since they're making the next Nexus phone.

The user base of the G3 is atleast 10-20 times that of E2. So i doubt even that to happen. If Lenovo wants to retain their customers, they better not pull a E2 on the G3.

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