Google Pixel 5

Google Pixel 5

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Google Pixel 5

    • R
    • R.Aiman
    • IVT
    • 16 Jul 2022

    i need choose iphone 11 or pixel 5 ?

      Pixel phones are updated for a period of 3 years for a very long time now (perhaps you have a different brand). What are the other "lots of bugs" that are driving you crazy? If you love IOS that much, why did you choose a Pixel device from the start?

        • x
        • xyler
        • 99g
        • 11 Jul 2022

        almost all of the pixels have bad thermal management .

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • Tui
          • 10 Jul 2022

          Darren, 07 Jul 2022This is my last stand for Android. I'll definitely swi... morelike apple dont have connection and heat issues lol

            • D
            • Darren
            • iiK
            • 07 Jul 2022

            This is my last stand for Android. I'll definitely swicth to iOS in the near future and never come back.

            In the begining, this product'd bee quite amazing actually but it was getting worse with the update of Android. The heat problem, Bluetooth connection issue, and other lots of bugs are annoying enough to drive me crazy. I don't appreciate a buggy phone with a premium price. Nevertheless, as the premium phone from Google in 2020, why the operating system update is only 2 years?
            In summary, the hardware and the pixel team have been doing a great job but the Android OS sucks!

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 0mU
              • 03 Jul 2022

              Anybody facing overheating issue, even during web searching and facebook, for only 15 min about?

                • M
                • MaDog
                • 35m
                • 02 Jul 2022

                kelly, 23 Jun 2022why is it great to have no headphone jack? i think this is ... moreNot Great Not Terrible. Everything has good and bad side. So it is good for you, if:
                - use Bluetooth headset
                - not like the cord because of ... something :)
                - not one other place where can water go in
                - want potentially thinner phone
                - etc.

                and maybe not good for you, if:
                - not has Bluetooth headset
                - not want to worry because of the headset battery
                - you have a lot very good headset with cord

                Otherwise in the quality not has difference if you use BT headset with aptX or other loseless technology.

                By the way I use the Pixel 5 a time now (and like it a lot:) ) and not was problem the missing jack. I bought a BT headset and I like it. Old times I used headset with cord, but the BT headset has a big freedom. I can put somewhere my phone and move freely. Or I can put my phone to a backpack and can listen music and accept any calls. So yes I think it has good sides and as well bad sides and this will be the feature because of the bigger freedom in usage. :)

                  kelly, 23 Jun 2022why is it great to have no headphone jack? i think this is ... moreIt says no 3.5mm jack, there are many other jacks, like as follows
                  . Lightning Jack audio jack
                  . Micro jack 2.5
                  . 3.5 mm mini-jack
                  . 6.3 mm jack
                  . USB audio jack
                  . Type-C
                  I think the charging port also serves as the earphone port, just like iPhone

                    • k
                    • kelly
                    • q}5
                    • 23 Jun 2022

                    mitkodhP5, 16 Apr 2022The best device I've ever had. Absolutely no remarks o... morewhy is it great to have no headphone jack? i think this is the stupidest thing! Worse - every company followed suit and no one has them now. Why? I see people walking down the street all the time with headphones on - so how are they doing it if all the phones have no jacks? why would the manufacturers stop making headphone jacks when EVERYONE USES THEM?? It makes zero sense to me

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • nU5
                      • 03 Jun 2022

                      You buy a Pixel phone because you are a fan of Pixel and you want to have a good phone, you do not buy a phone that you do not know and then complain I am from Bulgaria for a year used Pixel 5 phone is amazing to have only 4G because no operator certified it or maybe google didn't bother to certify it but that doesn't mean the phone is rotten the phone is amazing. Everything in it is at a level that other companies simply cannot afford.

                        Tomi, 01 Jun 2022No VoLTE, proximity sensor not working well... My last Pixel... If you live in a country in which Google has not officially launched its product, you complain for nothing. This device has VoLTE but not in your buy this device for what it stands not for a feature; buy a device supported buy your country's mobile operators and you'll have VoLTE

                          • T
                          • Tomi
                          • J8L
                          • 01 Jun 2022

                          No VoLTE, proximity sensor not working well...
                          My last Pixel...

                            Anonymous, 10 May 2022Is the camera better than the 4a? Is the refresh rate that... more4a Camera is the same as pixel 5 but Video pixel 5 is a bit better.

                              • g
                              • godthepixel
                              • rCp
                              • 11 May 2022

                              Anonymous, 10 May 2022Is the camera better than the 4a? Is the refresh rate that... moreI think this phone is better than pixel 4a camera.
                              refresh rate is better than pixel 4a too.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • jg$
                                • 10 May 2022

                                Is the camera better than the 4a?
                                Is the refresh rate that big of a difference?

                                  W, 21 Apr 2022GSMARENA list it as "avaible", but it's not ... moreYou ask why is it so expensive, well that's what the Pixel 5 was all along. You see these videos from 2 years ago, all saying the Pixel 5 is overpriced as hell. Even if it was available at a retailer, the price would be high.

                                    • M
                                    • Murat
                                    • Jxe
                                    • 01 May 2022

                                    Enpei, 29 Apr 2022The Pixel 5 and the Google service is a disaster. As I was... moreYou can use the esim Option.

                                      • E
                                      • Enpei
                                      • tdr
                                      • 29 Apr 2022

                                      The Pixel 5 and the Google service is a disaster. As I was switching sim card to get a passcode for my company's login. The top of the sim card tray broke. Not being able to get a sim card in my phone any more and having my phone for less than 2 years, I contacted Google about the issue. After chatting with 3 individuals repeating my stories for 3 times, they asked me for a phone number for contact, which I no longer had because I was not able to put a sim card in the phone any more. Then they asked me to send the phone back for repair that I'll have to pay for. This would be my last Google phone and should be everyone else's as well.

                                        • E
                                        • Enpei
                                        • tdr
                                        • 29 Apr 2022

                                        The Google service is a disaster.