Honor V Purse concept live photo gallery

Honor is at the IFA congress in Berlin to make the Magic V2 global and to show off the V Purse concept - an advanced outward foldable tailored towards the fashion-conscious.

We were able to spend some time gawking at the Honor V Purse and captured a gallery of shots for your viewing pleasure.

Now, we weren't allowed to touch the concept phone, but it looks better in the hands of Honor's models anyway.

The Honor V Purse as a purse

From the outside, the Honor V Purse concept looks quite a bit like the Huawei Mate Xs 2. It uses the same wraparound display that can fold flat on itself, resulting in a thinner profile, no gap, and no need for a cover display.

But while the Mate Xs 2 is around 11.1mm, the Honor V Purse is just 9mm - a substantial improvement.

Honor calls the V Purse design a “phy-digital fashion statement” - combining physical designs (the straps) with interactive always-on display styles. The goal is that with interchangeable straps and a variety of AOD designs (which are visible on both sides since this is an outward foldable), you can match the Honor V Purse to any outfit you wear, thus reducing your reliance on fast fashion.

The hardware of the Honor V Purse

The Honor V Purse is a concept device and may very well never make it to a shelf near you. Or perhaps not in this Pret-a-Porter guise. We could still see a direct Huawei Mate Xs 2 rival from Honor so fingers crossed.

Reader comments

  • Excellent

Hurry to get: Play Protect, Google Android Certified, Qualcomm Snapdragon. Ignore the naysayer noise, and drive hard to bring it to market ASAP.

I love this discussion. Oh, they are so brave, why no one else thought of that? That's simple, every other manufacturer does not make 99% of its sales in China, does not have to make PR stunts like this just to remind other it actually still ...

  • She

Make up can be replaced by filters, cash by mobile payment, how about car and house key if they are not connected to smart home? I think if I purchase such small handbag,I will need to take a bigger bag with me to put phone purse and house key in.