HTC Desire
- Q
- Quiapo Dibidi
- UD}
- 05 Apr 2011
watching Naruto Shippuden Episode 205 in anilinkz using my htc desire.... damn.. i love my phone...
- Q
- Quiapo Dibidi
- UD}
- 05 Apr 2011
pinoy from rizal, 05 Apr 2011mine's doing good! i browse everyday, be it wifi from my ho... morehmmm.. mine, lasts only for a day if i use it too much..
but comparing to you, i havent tried juggling my desire with fxns in a day... wow.. u really make full use of it.. i own an itouch so most of my media comes from it.. i mainly use my desire for browsing,youtube, android market (thru wifi only, still cant get my 3g settings to work), mild to moderate texting, hmm... i guess thats what i usually do.. and im only able to make it last for one and a half day..
hmm.. i envy your usage and batt lifespan..
i think il try pushing every function tomorrow..
il drain my battery tonight and charge it to full then use its functions fully one whole day...
ey, one question, is avi movies better than mp4s?
- S
- Sameh
- mjE
- 05 Apr 2011
when i display photos from galary
it is not in the full screen size
that is happening with the downloaded photos only
and i tried it on anther phone it come in full size
any body know how to help me
- b
- bostami
- nCe
- 05 Apr 2011
hi iám using desire since 3 month, it's very good device, especially when upgrade to Froyo 2.2 & soon we will receive 2.3 , now with these specs desire still alive (1Ghz Procesor,5Mp camera,576 RAM) if you want to compare with some available devices from Moto or SonyErc they make some device with same specs or maybe less, the only thing can be better than what we have is dual-core Procesor which is something still new, but i think desire is great,fast,gentel for now, no need to change unless you wana to pay more for some improvment in speedy & games.. this is my opinion.. thanks
- D
- AnonD-4089
- t7y
- 05 Apr 2011
hauu, 05 Apr 2011hey guys. im planning to get a desire here. so got some que... moreRegarding the wifi connection, I say Desire is doing well in this. But if your wifi is covered by some proxy server.. You might have some problems accessing the internet 'cause Android devices don't have standard proxy settings in them (I'm not sure with Gingerbread though). I just don't know if there's a way to solve this problem without rooting our "precious HTC Desires." Haha :P tell me if you've found one :)
- D
- AnonD-4089
- t7y
- 05 Apr 2011
hauu, 05 Apr 2011hey guys. im planning to get a desire here. so got some que... more"limited storage available to the user on the system partition (you are left with only 120 MB for installing apps)"
- Yep, it's true. But I believe almost all retailers now are selling HTC Desire in FroYo and this update lets you transfer SOME apps to the SD card. And trust me, if you've downloaded an app which you can't move to the SD card, updates to this app MAY come later on which will let you move it to the SD card. So my final say is: have no fear regarding the limited phone storage :> been there, and now I'm happy that I went for Desire rather than those OTHER competitors :)
- D
- AnonD-4089
- t7y
- 05 Apr 2011
[deleted post]Hey dude, my Desire's doing great. No problems so far.. Ang nakakainis lang is, I can't use wifi in school because Android didn't provide a standard Proxy Setting in the OS. However, my brother's Samsung Galaxy S I9000, has this setting on his phone. So I guess it's the phone manufacturer's decision if they'll include this to their products. I've tried downloading some apps in the market, like HTTP Proxy Settings and Proxoid to solve my problem, but none of them worked, unfortunately :(
Let me know if you've found a solution for this :) thanks!
- D
- AnonD-4909
- vby
- 05 Apr 2011
my phone software number- it gives another
update of 30mb 2.10.161.?
should i have to update this 30mb version before updating to gingerbread(coming soon) bcoz after downloading 30mb file it gives me ERROR on installing.
plzz need help about this...
- D
- AnonD-4909
- vby
- 05 Apr 2011
is HTC Desire getting latest HTC Sense just like HTC Desire HD???
- p
- pinoy from rizal
- 9xk
- 05 Apr 2011
hauu, 05 Apr 2011hey guys. im planning to get a desire here. so got some que... morewifi works like a charm, just choose a good spot with fast internet speed
- p
- pinoy from rizal
- 9xk
- 05 Apr 2011
hauu, 05 Apr 2011hey guys. im planning to get a desire here. so got some que... moreit's not that bad, since with the froyo update there are some apps then can be transferred to the sd card (it wasn't possible before with eclair), apps from the android market will just take a couple of mb's anyway, for your music, videos and pdf files you can put that straight to the sd card.. you'll only have problems with some games like need for speed shift which i got from pirate bay, it's not transferrable to the sd card so it took 40mb of my phone space! but then again, i have all the apps that i need and the phone handled it well
- h
- hauu
- P@Q
- 05 Apr 2011
hey guys. im planning to get a desire here. so got some questions to ask first. i've read about the disadvantage of desire which says that it has "limited storage available to the user on the system partition (you are left with only 120 MB for installing apps)". is that true and how bad can that be? and also is there any problem with wifi function of the phone? thanx guys. appreciated your comments.
- p
- pinoy from rizal
- 9xk
- 05 Apr 2011
RAQ, 05 Apr 2011Mga Kababayan! im also a pinoy who has this amazing phone. ... morehello ser! i guess you automically get the globe APN once you start browsing here in the philippines thru your globe sim of course.. guess ko lang po yun ser:) globe will automatically send you settings anyway and you just need to save it.. inform us when you're already here, gud day
- p
- pinoy from rizal
- 9xk
- 05 Apr 2011
Quiapo Dibidi, 04 Apr 2011Ey.. my desire is also a month old.. and never had any prob... moremine's doing good! i browse everyday, be it wifi from my home or other wifi-ready places, i also use 3G sometimes especially if i tinker with lattitude or maps.. i play the most cpu demanding pirated games, if the game is corrupted i uninstall right away.. my battery usage is 24-36hours medium to heavy usage, heavy texting, i listen to music 2-3hours when travelling (i live far from work), i watch avi movies, take pictures and videos here and there.. my wife has a blackberry but prefers to use my phone for e-bay a lot because of the speed difference when it comes to browsing.. i guess all of us are worrisome about "rebooting" and other issues about our phones and it may eventually happen so i make sure i don't drop my phone accidentally and i won't risk rooting though it's tempting coz our friend "mike" says it's safe (might give it a try hehe there's a ROM that will allow us to store or transfer all your apps to sd card or i guess its a ROM that will increase you phone memory to 2gig or whatever).. and also we filipinos are used to nokia "hangs" blah blah blah, so i'm quite surprised my desire hasn't hanged inspite of my usage, remember its my very 1st smartphone.. my last nokia phone hanged after a week, i used it for texting, calls, games and audio.. my other nokia's hanged all the time as well.. so i'm looking forward to have my desire for the next couple of years.. unless samsung starts selling the galaxyS2 for just 10k pesos and that won't ever happen hehe
- p
- pinoy from rizal
- 9xk
- 05 Apr 2011
BonnY, 04 Apr 2011Hi Guys, I have upgrated to Froyo & my phone is NOT ... moredownload the speedtest app first, if your getting speeds of below 500kbps regardless if its wifi or 3G you'll get "retry" prompts everytime you browse, so it's a speed issue, i think.. and when you do youtube make sure you have full bars for wifi signal even if you have a fast isp
- p
- pinoy from rizal
- 9xk
- 05 Apr 2011
Felix, 04 Apr 2011Hi, I m confuse between HTC Desire and Wildfire there are... moreboth are good phones, but cater to different user categories "budget-wise".. obviously the desire has double the cpu value so browsing speeds are faster and the screen resolution of the wildfire is a downer.. if speed and screen is not an issue for you then go for the wildfire, but if you want your money's worth and willing to shell out extra bucks then go for the desire
- ?
- Anonymous
- 9xk
- 05 Apr 2011
- R
- 05 Apr 2011
Mga Kababayan! im also a pinoy who has this amazing phone. I bought the European white version. Am still here in Europe but goin home next month. I just want to ask about the Globe Network APN. How did u guys acquired it?
- p
- pinoy from rizal
- wY5
- 05 Apr 2011
BonnY, 04 Apr 2011Hi Guys, I have upgrated to Froyo & my phone is NOT ... moreErrors like that will happen if your internet source speed slow, also clear the cache of your youtube and othen browser apps that should help
- B
- BonnY
- DQn
- 04 Apr 2011
Hi Guys,
I have upgrated to Froyo & my phone is NOT rooted. However when ever i try to play any video on You Tube I get an error message as ( There was a problem while playing Touch to retry ) Can anyone help me with a solution to this issue it really makes me ANGRY but I love my HTC desire alot ) NEED YOUR HELP GUYS...