- M
- pux
- 05 Aug 2011
It's official, France got it first. Check HTC site. Only in France it doesn't have "coming soon" status, and it available via SFR network.
- ?
- Anonymous
- m@f
- 05 Aug 2011
its aviable in sweden now :D and cost about 600€ and i am gonna buy it soonnnnn can't wait few days more :/
- r
- reddwarf
- 04 Aug 2011
It is available in Slovakia and Czech republic from 3. august.
- M
- pux
- 04 Aug 2011
It seems HTC EVO 3D first came to France, because yesterday I stumble upon the site showing the picture of the SFR (French carrier) having it in stock. I went to their site to check up, and it’s true, they really have it in stock. Is it just for pre order, or you can buy it this moment, I don’t know, but worth checking up. This can probably be true, since the HTC France first announced via Twitter that they will be having GSM HTC EVO 3D soon after the CDMA version release. So, if there is some one from France, check this up, and give us an update on this, please. Only thing is that I would like to know is when the rest of the Europe will be having it via local carriers. I’m from Serbia, and it’s interesting that in case of Sensation, it was available via VIP mobile, 10 days before it was in UK, who had exclusivity in that moment so fingers crossed as well for EVO 3D arrival during this month :)
Check the SFR link anyway
- m
- msk19994
- KIe
- 04 Aug 2011
AnonD-14582, 03 Aug 2011status aviable but from where can i buy itYou Can Buy It From Ebay For A Cheaper Price
- a
- ace
- kWu
- 03 Aug 2011
sprint have it
- D
- AnonD-14582
- ttw
- 03 Aug 2011
HTC many hopes with this phone please dont let us down
- D
- AnonD-14582
- ttw
- 03 Aug 2011
status aviable but from where can i buy it
- D
- AnonD-11135
- nAw
- 03 Aug 2011
"Status Available. Released 2011, July" A.Y.F.K.M.
Just tell me Where? Which country and which the operator?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 9xE
- 02 Aug 2011
I want use this Phone in Bangladesh. Is it possible if possible then how, when? I really want it!!!!!!!!
- F
- Flower223344
- 3x@
- 01 Aug 2011
This phone looks great, it has some awsome features to it and i am thinking about picking this phone too have. I Would rate the looks of this phone 8/10.
- S
- 8hF
- 01 Aug 2011
As of the current date I've had my HTC Evo 3D for a month and a half ( One of the...benefits of working for Uncle Sam's darker agencies ;-) so I can say and answer with actual hands on experience. The phone it's self is...Incredible. The 3D really does work and yes...without glasses. It has demo 3D pictures and "The Green Hornet" pre-loaded also in 3D and other movies that can be purchased in the player. I will admit the best viewing is NOT in direct sunlight, but more say inside or even in the shade.
There are more apps than I can list or mention here, but one I've used at sports bars and clubs has caused more attention and dates than I can keep track of. An app that uses the proximity sensor to control almost every aspect of the phone. Imagine being at a club and pull out your phone, waive your hand over the proxy sensor and the screen comes on !! Then waive it across again and an app starts to run !!
Also depending on your carrier, myself and about 4 of my other Govenment buddies went up to Shenandoah Mountains for the weekend. Guess what?? They had No Signal or very weak. Mine on the other hand not only had full 3G, but full...4G as well and as I have the "Hot Spot" feature I was able to let all 4 of them access my signal after typing in the Password/Passphrase (Up to 8 people can share my signal and at the signal I'm getting 3 or 4G strength) So while they were doing various things on thier laptops or phones I was watching a movie and answered a few calls that came in at the same time. I've even been able to drop my internet provider as there is a 4G tower recently installed in the Falls Church area and I have full 4G even in my Condomunium and am using now to type this posting.
Most other info can already be found. I'm just trying to provide my own hands on experiences so far...oh yes, the phone has a tiny switch on the side next to the small silver button. This swith only chooses between 2D and 3D. Yes the phone takes 3D pictures and...3D video as well. The phone inserts an electronic..."Tag" on anything that is done in 3D and automatically will know between 2 and 3D. Battery life is...Incredible as well. Having the 1730 Miliamp battery was a very smart idea and it lasts very well. With all of my daily usage around the Washington D.C. Metro area I only have to plug it in once a day, but for heavy usage say...downloading large data to the phone I do have the combo Lighter/Wall plug with a 7 foot cord and I just plug it into the Suburban's lighter for more juice and to top it off. I hope this is a help to those that are interested or had any questions answered. One more thing...the 3D video games from Gameloft are really a...Mind Blow !! Especially Tom Clancy's Hawx, N.O.V.A. and many others. JD
- ?
- Anonymous
- Hxe
- 31 Jul 2011
when will this phone release in Dubai?
- D
- AnonD-15099
- 3G$
- 31 Jul 2011
pH1, 28 Jul 2011"Can't people just admit that it was the leader when i... moreOk a little over the top lol. There are polar opposites to apple enthusiasts obviously but chillax its all good.
No phone is really smart its just coding and hardware but the term "smartphone" is based around a handset that can do many tasks other than the basic phone functions. Most handsets these days are smartphones. The iphone has always been a smartphone since it can run apps (whether comercially available through a store or not). I'm not an iphone hater nor a lover. I certainly wouldn't go back to a iphone while ever android is available but I really don't care if someone else wants to get one. I just get annoyed when people (whether for or against) spout for no solid reason.
- 👍
- ?
- Anonymous
- SnA
- 31 Jul 2011
i want this phone so badly i running out o patiance and going to do what ever it takes to get it and it will be avible in sweden in 10days and im going crazy soon i want this beast right now!!!
- 👍
- M
- pux
- 29 Jul 2011
mosi1380, 28 Jul 2011is it real? is this available in "July"!!!!?No, unfortunately, we'll have to wait until September, if we can believe HTC PR this time. Check this link for more info.
- ?
- Anonymous
- ttv
- 29 Jul 2011
although this site list this phone as "available" i couldnot find it in any online stores, amazon/ebay/radioshacks... ?? from where can i get it???
- H
- Hicksy
- nxQ
- 28 Jul 2011
Anonymous, 27 Jul 2011vodafone has dropped the evo 3d due to technical issues uns... moreVoda have said it was due to delays nothing to do with any issues experienced with the software or hardware for that matter
- m
- mosi1380
- IvN
- 28 Jul 2011
is it real? is this available in "July"!!!!?
- p
- pH1
- Gx%
- 28 Jul 2011
ejmjs, 27 Jul 2011The argument you have for the iphone is that they update th... more"Can't people just admit that it was the leader when it launched"
--> i disagree. besides multitouch (which apple did not invent), nothing new was introducing when apple "revolutionized" the phone. even slide to unlock was available before the iphone. when it first launched it did not have the appstore which is rly 1 of its key selling points (the others being an apple logo on the back, a simple but limited os, and good ads). the now disliked symbian os had an online site where u cud buy apps before the appstore. what apple did that made them stand out is market themselves much better than the other phone companies.
"Apple enthusiasts, fair enough apple led the way initially and aided the smartphone growth"
--> just bcos it has a touchscreen doesnt make it a smartphone. apple probably noticed that they can justify their prices more if they call it a smartphone which it was not when it launched. it recently got copy and paste and still does not multitask properly. its more like task switching. it had a useless bluetooth feature and without 3rd party apps, the 1st gen shudnt be classified as a smartphone. its os was v limited but other oses where not as user friendly. iphone had a combination of features found on other phones but this combination made it popular. and the way u can tell if something will be popular is if steve ballmer (ceo of microsoft) dislikes it. ipods came out, he disliked them bcos of ppl downloading music illegally (which also became popular). iphone came out, he said it wont catch on bcos its too expensive and winmo can do what ios does. ipad came out he says ppl wont buy it cos they cant afford 5 devices. android came out he said he does not understand how it cud bcome popular, how google can make money, and they r starting way behind the competition (next yrs news android is fastest growing os, a few yrs later, it has the most marketshare). and he continued to say the lack of revenue from android wud mean the improvement of the android os wud be neglected. and only recently has microsoft rly started to focus on touchscreen devices. (ik the microsoft surface is great but that was nvr for the average consumer)
"Get yourself an andriod and see if you go back to apple when the contract finishes again. I ditched my 3GS for the sony ericsson x10 and never looked back. Android is the way forward."
--> finally u hv seen the light.
- 👍