HTC Flyer
- J
- JJ
- q}u
- 10 Mar 2011
Looks very similar to apple products. A little disppointed with no droid 3.0 and no dual core cpu.
- s
- soroush
- 3be
- 08 Mar 2011
this is very good,but camera is weak
- D
- Descharles Ghana
- mcu
- 08 Mar 2011
yes the flyer may be nice because we are yet to see how it works.But i will not take it for free let alone pay for. i have desire that rebooth itself every half am second and all attempt to get heip even from the customer service centre never resolve the problem.
i cant really trust HTC .
- D
- AnonD-3105
- sXL
- 05 Mar 2011
this is stunning
and whoever thinks it would work better with windows is stupid
- 7
- 7 Mozart
- tLt
- 04 Mar 2011
May be First hTC item have front camera lolz
Spec are cool except Gyro :)
I wonder why hTC still not put Gyro and front cam in their product?
- F
- FishEyE_UK
- M3s
- 04 Mar 2011
am gona swap my galaxy tab for this when its out..... its defo better on all levels. except weight
- V
- stS
- 03 Mar 2011
I wish fine folks at HTC would create a 5" screen version to this. Windows and increased camera mega-pixel would be great too.
Always on the look out....
- 4
- 45345
- n2U
- 03 Mar 2011
marzaan, 01 Mar 2011hey, i have hd2 & i want to port windows mobile 7 on it... moreImpossible to do that. Read about WP7 then you will understand why.
- j
- joepring
- 0Pa
- 02 Mar 2011
can i use this as a phone and ca n be use for tex. tnx......
- S
- Yc0
- 02 Mar 2011
You all should know by now that HTC have two cycles of new phones every year.
Right now, HTC is waiting for qualcomm's dual processors with Adreno 300 GPU.
- m
- marzaan
- tE$
- 01 Mar 2011
Onwan, 28 Feb 2011By the way, I'll really be concerned about the battery life... morehey, i have hd2 & i want to port windows mobile 7 on it, can u please help me...
- C
- Claudia -
- i5B
- 01 Mar 2011
I think people are missing the point of Htc at the moment the whole mobile world has jumped on Dual core which is great but of yet i am still trying to find a purpose apart from it makes you phone use really really fast, cool but dosent mean anything. And so Htc take their phones down to MWC and everyone slags them off and says Htc is finshed. of coures all Htc were doing was refreshing one of the most popular handsets of 2010 whilst giving us something a little new i dont really think they came to blow peoples minds they just wanted you to know that there still there. And oh yes they reveal the Flyer which everyone has missed the point of oh yes onlive games and movies that you can watch why they load oh and lest i forget scribe which makes a point of a tablet in an Android to be honest i think this is just a taster peice of kit from Htc if i was them i would wait and see where this tablet war is going.
As all these fancy Android tablets dont really have a decent app market that is scaled for them yet oh and there really isnt a media centre that you can get music and film from in the Android market yet all being built but not up and running it kind of just makes you tablet a nice place to go on facebook and surf the web.
As an Htc fan i await later on in the year your dual core phone with onlive on and Htc watch.
- ?
- Anonymous
- q9y
- 01 Mar 2011
can you make phone calls with the flyer without internet calls . . .
- O
- Onwan
- fsV
- 28 Feb 2011
By the way, I'll really be concerned about the battery life - My HD2 currently gives me 8 hours max (I have wp7 on it though)
- O
- Onwan
- fsV
- 28 Feb 2011
First of all, I had an Ipad, which I had to do away with because it was just rubbish, then i got the Samsung Galaxy S - which is really doing it for me.
I would love this IF ONLY it was with WP7
- ?
- Anonymous
- v0X
- 28 Feb 2011
Dunno wot is the real purpose of tablets, its not a good replacement for smartphones. Hell it doesnt even work like a netbook! Its just like a huge android! Lol
- b
- bleh.
- 2GV
- 27 Feb 2011
man. HTC flyer looks pretty awesome. if it does have sms and such that'll be great! i'd buy one as soon as it's released haha. i'm not really a person who calls much just mainly texting all day.
- I
- Inlove with Apple :)
- 3T$
- 27 Feb 2011
Got to say looks good ! But i'm not sure about that it work as good as Ipad! There is no better and smooth moves than the ones in IOS !
- ?
- Anonymous
- utp
- 27 Feb 2011
What are the exact 3G speeds of HTC Flyer ?
- ?
- Anonymous
- utp
- 27 Feb 2011
Which is better HTC Flyer or Samsung Galaxy Tab ?
Any info on Flyer price and release date in India ?
Should I postpone my decision on buying Galaxy Tab ?