HTC One (M8)

HTC One (M8)

User opinions and reviews

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  • D
  • AnonD-116479
  • iwp
  • 19 May 2014

AnonD-265110, 19 May 2014Does HTC M8 has beats audio?No it hasn't the Beats Audio. Nevertheless, it's not really impact the music quality of the M8.

    • D
    • AnonD-116479
    • iwp
    • 19 May 2014

    rahul, 18 May 2014Hello friends, I wanna buy the xperia z1, xperia z2 or htc... moreI've been using the M8 since 3 weeks. I certainly think that HTC M8 overall better than the Xperia Z2. If you highly concern about the camera Z2 is better. Although, I saw some reviewers have mentioned its low-light performance not really great.

    According to the battery life test of the Z2, it has beat the M8 as well as the S5, obviously as it has a high capacity battery. However, if you are a moderate user, you can obviously use the M8 around 2 days. It has a feature called "Extreme Power Saving Mode" will assist to extend the battery life.

    I think the M8 is capable enough to beat the Z2 in Display, Music, call quality, User Interface and functionality.

    If you hope to buy a HTC M7, it's a great phone too except the camera performance.

      • D
      • AnonD-265110
      • 2Z3
      • 19 May 2014

      Does HTC M8 has beats audio?

        AnonD-89109, 19 May 2014Yeah, wasted space right. Then show me a phone which has am... moreHey, did you purchase m7??

          • U
          • UK Karthik
          • ut%
          • 19 May 2014

          rahul, 18 May 2014Hello friends, I wanna buy the xperia z1, xperia z2 or htc... moreDon't go with Xperia Devices, both Z1 & Z1 devices will end up with overheating issues,

          Z1 Poor Battery LIfe,
          Z2 is better,

          M8 has good design, but poor camera, only 4up

          Performance wise M8 blows out every competitor, 2.5GHz Asian Version

          Sense 6 Stunning experience

          go with HTC ONE M8, or wait for LG G3

            • D
            • AnonD-89109
            • ute
            • 19 May 2014

            Jonny, 18 May 2014So much space wasted on the front. Big phone but not so big... moreYeah, wasted space right. Then show me a phone which has amplifiers behind the speakers.

              • D
              • AnonD-89109
              • ute
              • 19 May 2014

              rahul, 18 May 2014Hello friends, I wanna buy the xperia z1, xperia z2 or htc... moreZ2 has the best battery life.

              M8 speakers are the best and literally unmatched.

              And no, I don't think M8 is worth the extra cost of 10k. Besides M7 is easily available for around 32-33k on eBay, and M8 is around 46-47k, so extra cost is around 15k, no it's not worth it. Unless you want the latest hardware.

              Z1 has a pretty dull display, so I would avoid it.

                • J
                • Jonny
                • pyh
                • 18 May 2014

                So much space wasted on the front. Big phone but not so big screen. Quite impossible to find HTC phone here in Thailand. Everybody want Samsung. Personaly i will probably get LG G3.

                  • r
                  • rahul
                  • X{1
                  • 18 May 2014

                  Hello friends,
                  I wanna buy the xperia z1, xperia z2 or htcc m8 but i am not sure if:
                  1- which device have better battery life.
                  2- which device support 4G in INDIA.
                  3- Is Camera of z1 same as z2 except some software tweaks. Hardware of camera seems same in both z1 and z2.
                  4- HTC M8 seems better than Z1. But is it better than Z2 in terms of performance and camera?
                  5- In INDIA HTC M7 is costlier than M8 by 10k. M8 costs 50K while M7 costs 40K here in INDIA. Does M8 really worth 10K incremented cost?


                    • M
                    • MrCorrect
                    • 9Ad
                    • 18 May 2014

                    mobiman, 17 May 2014camera is 4 ultrapixel , not 4mp !It is in actual fact 4 MP sensor. UltraPixel is just a buzz word coined due to the sensors pixels be so large which helps capture much more light.

                      • R
                      • Ravi
                      • uvN
                      • 18 May 2014

                      Amir, 18 May 2014Just got it less than a week. Here are my commentS on the... moreGreat camera oh come on its 2014 and htc are making 4mp camera think what you type.

                        • A
                        • Amir
                        • IV$
                        • 18 May 2014

                        Just got it less than a week.
                        Here are my commentS on the M8:

                        1. Superb battery life.
                        2. Excellent speaker sound.
                        3. Nice camera functions.
                        4. Tv remote control awesome.
                        5. Cool blinkfeed.
                        6. Zoe is wonderful.

                        Great phone. Congrats HTC.
                        Happy owner of the M8 from Malaysia.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • In1
                          • 18 May 2014

                          Flagship User, 15 May 2014Come on htc,release a big size ONE with 5.5 above QHD displ... moreWtf u want tegra 4 k1 shitucant over lag that HTC without pushing it with massive 3d graphiz

                            • S
                            • Slavko
                            • JLZ
                            • 18 May 2014

                            I have it more than a week, perfect phone with excellent battery :)

                              • D
                              • AnonD-245569
                              • vGU
                              • 17 May 2014

                              Dear HTC India we got your incredible device M8 , but where is the advt of this device....I,m not seen single hoarding in my city or media. Come on HTC create noice other wise this device will not be pushed to the people mind.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • R9L
                                • 17 May 2014

                                AnonD-259635, 16 May 2014I have both phones. The battery life is much better with... moreOh bro I dont even a single one of 'em

                                  • m
                                  • mobiman
                                  • pSs
                                  • 17 May 2014

                                  camera is 4 ultrapixel , not 4mp !

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-264499
                                    • PB7
                                    • 17 May 2014

                                    In short its a great phone or it is the great phone for now. I am happy with it.
                                    you too will be happy

                                      • k
                                      • kaka
                                      • IWd
                                      • 17 May 2014

                                      htc speaker sound build at front is super clever design , see movie or answer phone sounds come at front very good job.. but after i see this M8 .. OMG .. y the home button go up to the screen there ? wasted the screen place . just like sony and motorola phone .. damp STUPID DESIGN .. it just make the phone look longer , no point at all . . HTC fans after buying this phone try think about it .. lol

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-231422
                                        • g8b
                                        • 16 May 2014

                                        AnonD-259635, 16 May 2014I have both phones. The battery life is much better with... morelg felex is fablet and m8 is phone you must compare g flex white one max in battery life and in the display m8 beat all lg phone,s