HTC P3600

HTC P3600

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • Ss@
  • 30 Jun 2007

But,Soxinooo,are the google maps appropriate to run with tomtom6 navigator application because not all label maps works with... are they specific to TT6? What`s the key word?

    • s
    • soxinooo
    • n9k
    • 28 Jun 2007

    hey elvis go to download tomtom navigator on ur pc then cop the source to ur phone and install it
    if also u need maps u can download google maps from google for mobiles

      • E
      • Elvis
      • mJD
      • 27 Jun 2007

      Hi guys,

      I have a problem with my P3600 here in Egypt. The GPS is disabled by the dealer due to country regulations. Does any one knows how to enable it cause I'm going to London & i need to work it there & thanks.

        • A
        • Armin Caldeira
        • Ss@
        • 22 Jun 2007

        Yeh! After my last post I finaly have my GPS enabled! How? I am not quite sure but the mistake stays on my ignorance about this gps could I have the satelite reception enabled while staying inside de house ? Now,it only remains configuring the options to the best and instal other maps on the card.

          • O
          • Oleg
          • 4Vi
          • 22 Jun 2007

          Hi guys,

          I think, eventually, I have the simple answers for two problems recently questioned in this forum: 1) [P3600] User and/or GPS softcopy guides availability (PDF format); 2) Built-in GPS receiver’s sensitivity.

          1) About softcopy... Click on “Manual” link below the image of P3600 on this very page to get to the HTC Support site… Select “Training Guides” link there… Good luck!

          2) About GPS [some mistakenly mentioned “GPRS” - see glossary for explanation – whereas “GPS” stands for “Global Positioning System”]. For almost 3 months (!!!) I couldn’t make it work for me due to some lack of prior hand-on experience with such receivers. Finally, I set it right. Well, if you’re still in “my shoes”, don’t despair and try my advice.

          The installation of the patches (ROM upgrade, and then TomTom) is relatively easy. Do it once, and take your phone out. The GPS “setup” is automatic; however, it could be idle if you bring the unit to a wrong place (as I did). It all depends on how well you find a right “open air” outdoor location to ease your GPS receiver’s search for its first satellites. [The middle of a soccer field would be ideal] Leave your phone on a flat surface facing heavens for 5-10 minutes. Make sure that nothing shadows the sky for it, including your own body, meaning you’d better stay away at a distance of 30-40 feet. That’s it.

          Hint: all subsequent satellite catches would be comparably instantaneous while you keep the application running. However, if you decide to close it or shut the unit down, you’ll need to repeat the described GPS setup entirely after Tom Tom’s next invocation.

          Optional details: got my P3600 in February through (US) [Matching prices, excellent Customer Service]; Later, added mini SD 2G card; first installed TomTom Navigator in April; have been enjoying the flawless usage of the unit with GPS functionality since June… and wish you the same!!!

            • O
            • Oleg
            • 4Vi
            • 21 Jun 2007

            Hi guys,

            I’ve read some recent posts and decided, first ever, to share my personal experience of using [and enjoying] P3600. My long message (Sorry, I struggled to be concise) might be interesting only to 1) those who need the .pdf versions of P3600 User Guide, GPS Guide; or to 2) those who can’t make their GPS receiver work... The rest of the audience would better avoid wasting their time…

            1) Softcopies of User Guides. If you click on “Manual” link under the image of P3600 on this GSMArena page, you’ll be transferred to the HTC Support site where I’d recommend you to select “Training Guides” link… Good luck!

            2) GPS [stands for “Global Positioning System”, rather than GPRS which means something else – see glossary at HTC Support page] enablement. I’m writing the following notes only because it seemed to me that somebody has similar unlucky fortune with the suggested ROM upgrade as I did for the first months. So, don’t despair and keep reading on - it might help you…

            I purchased my P3600 in the US through a trusted web site this February. I first downloaded a ROM upgrade enabling GPS functionality in April. By that time I didn’t experience any problems with the phone, including newly added TomTom Navigator, except the sensitivity of the built-in GPS receiver…

            Most of the times, I saw “No valid GPS signal…” on the TomTom screen or an endless “Initializing GPS…” warning on the Camera screen. I didn’t know what to do. So, I repeated the download exercise a couple of times without any visible success. I contacted my retailer about the problem, and he assured me that it sounded unique for him, for he never heard similar complaints from anybody else among his customers…
            However, the end of the story is happy - my GPS receiver works now, although I actually don’t know what so special I did to “revive” it …

            Thus, I routinely visited HTC main web site after a long “break”; tried a new option of “HTC e-club” membership; registered my phone there; found a new link to the “familiar” ROM patch; decided to apply it one more time.

            When I saved the patch on my laptop, I compared [visually] its details with the old one downloaded in April from HTC Europe Support site. The differences were “microscopic”: like the same size, but different “Last Modified” date. Even now I doubt it was not the same patch…

            I usually synchronize the phone with my laptop through ActiveSync running under my user profile (without any administrative privileges), yesterday I repeated the entire upgrade (first ROM, then TomTom) under my Administrator profile (through Guest connection). That was all I can report to you on the matter… Later I found my GPS receiver to be super-sensitive (meaning recognizing up to 8 satellites!)… Well, when you finish, don’t hurry testing it in your room – go outside to the open air! And don’t forget to prior ask and then thank Heavens for the little miracle! Good luck!!!

              • g
              • guitartech_jim
              • m5y
              • 20 Jun 2007

              Hi guys,

              getting my upgrade on orange next month. I'm not sure whether to go with this phone or maybe jump ship and go to 02 and get the XDA orbit. I guess there isn't much between them?

              What's everyones experience with the tomtom software? I'm on the road alot and need a good GPRS solution.

              It seems to be a good solid phone, but from peoples opinions below, the GPRS experiences seem to be varied.



                • a
                • andrei
                • iKD
                • 20 Jun 2007

                When I access a page made in Flash, the phone does not open it, it asks me to download the flash plugin first. I did from the - flash player 7 for PPC, but it still doesn't work. can anyone help me??

                  • A
                  • Armin Calder
                  • Ss@
                  • 20 Jun 2007

                  Just updated to new rom 1.23.405.2, but gps seems not enabled? Although TomTom6 and map installed but no satelite signals. How do I know the gps is activated? There is no gps program icon in the connections folder. What went wrong? please!

                    • k
                    • kris
                    • n2H
                    • 20 Jun 2007

                    it finds a gps fix, but a little slowly (even among tall buildings). mine works fine for months.

                      • o
                      • ozan
                      • p2J
                      • 20 Jun 2007

                      Can any body please tell me if you need an extra device to use GPS with this phone, I downloaded the last version of firmware and then i downloaded the TOMTOM trial version and 1 city map from HTC e-club, but TOMTOM can't not find any valid gps signal, do I have to buy sometihng else or do I need something else. what is the problem?

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • mjF
                        • 18 Jun 2007

                        I need some informations about the GPRS. Is it exist or not for P3600.
                        Can Gas send me the pdf manual of P3600.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • mjF
                          • 18 Jun 2007

                          It is Fantastic this small PDA mobile.
                          I admire this P3600

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • mjF
                            • 18 Jun 2007

                            Dear Mr. GAS
                            Can you send me the pdf file of the complete manual of the HTC P3600.
                            Thank you indeed.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • mjF
                              • 18 Jun 2007

                              I've seen the HTC P3600. I'll buy it soon. Can any one send me the Complete Catalouge of P3600 in pdf file. I heared that Mr. GAS had sent this file to some colleagues.
                              I would be the most grateful if GAS or any other one send me this file.
                              Thank you.

                                • c
                                • ck
                                • gWB
                                • 12 Jun 2007

                                What software to use the GPS ? Where to download ?

                                This phone rockz.......

                                  • A
                                  • Armin Caldeira
                                  • Ss@
                                  • 10 Jun 2007

                                  Just bought my TRANSCEND 4GB miniSDHC card from Fnac and is perfectly readable with Pocket Mechanic`s card information. Now I can format my P3600 and give it a try!

                                    • M
                                    • Mahesh Deva
                                    • NHL
                                    • 09 Jun 2007

                                    Hi...some sites say theres a fm radio.Is there a radio? or can it be activated.....pref with rds like the 3300. Also any news on the wm6 upgrade?

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • Sk%
                                      • 09 Jun 2007

                                      According to HCT this phone supports HSDPA up to 3.6 Mbits.

                                        • M
                                        • Michael
                                        • PxQ
                                        • 08 Jun 2007

                                        Enable GPS version is great. iv done it. theres a DOPOD D810 version same as this.