HTC Sensation XE

HTC Sensation XE

User opinions and reviews

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  • D
  • AnonD-14151
  • K2I
  • 03 Aug 2012

Hey guys..I got this phone and I saw theres written Made in China. As I know,HTC is a Taiwan product and my sensation was frm Taiwan,but this XE is not. But its running good,no difference from my previous Sensation. Is it a super copy??? But its very good to use I saw,not trouble...strong android. I just bit confused abt production place..pls explain if any1 get like me

    • a
    • ahm
    • uZH
    • 03 Aug 2012

    salam.. guys i have this phone and i went to update how can i update the device... sorry for english

      • c
      • captin epick
      • 9Jx
      • 03 Aug 2012

      qatarboy, 02 Aug 2012can some1 convince me to buy this fone? i have no doubt in ... moreit's a super phone ove corse games are good

        • q
        • qatarboy
        • pui
        • 02 Aug 2012

        can some1 convince me to buy this fone? i have no doubt in terms of sound/music but games are good on this mobile. how about browsing? Xperia S or Sensation XE?

          • D
          • AnonD-30965
          • 3bm
          • 02 Aug 2012

          I have this device and my android version is 4.0.3
          there is one more OTA update around 60MB which i have problem instaling i can't install it. So my question is which version of android is latest for this device.

            • m
            • md ali
            • PGH
            • 02 Aug 2012

            which one i should buy? xperia sola or htc sensation xe??

              • H
              • HTC bad support
              • 39D
              • 01 Aug 2012

              runna, 29 Jul 2012i recently brought my htc sensation xe.with in one month i ... moreHTC customer services and tech support is the 3rd worse in the world Apple is the worse and Google 2nd and they should be ashamed.

                • e
                • elikemberlou
                • 9La
                • 31 Jul 2012

                I just recently updated my software to ICS but it's kinda slow.

                If i'll do a factory reset, does it necessarily mean that i should include the memory card while doing it?

                Or is it okay to action factory reset without the SD card?

                Which is which? help...

                  • e
                  • elikemberlou
                  • 9La
                  • 31 Jul 2012

                  Leo_007, 29 Jul 2012this phone really started to get on my nerves after the upd... moreI recently updated my HTC to the new 4.0... I love it but i think it consumes a lot of battery.. My handset got quickly drained.

                  But I still love my HTC though!

                    • j
                    • justice
                    • 39D
                    • 30 Jul 2012

                    louigi, 23 Jul 20122 things 1. Where can you legally and legitimately buy f... moreOn the Android market and some are even free just like the developer who doesn't place adverts on the books he\she offers mostly Charles Dickens

                    Batteries firstly most manufacturers put lithium ion when there is lithium polymer a much better form but cost more also I am sure there is a far better material available but battery manufacturers don't want it profit would drop

                    Just like the common cold they have researched it for over 100 years but claim they can't solve the problem that's rubbish the reason is they make obscene amounts of profit by selling worthless junk.

                    Tyres is another one they have the knowledge to make everlasting tyres but they don't care about saving lives they make obscene profits

                    I would like to know how old you are and what field you work in?

                      • f
                      • fool
                      • 39D
                      • 30 Jul 2012

                      AnonD-64507, 27 Jul 2012All Sensation Xe users. before updating your phone to ics..... moreDO YOU EVEN HAVE A CLUE WHAT FORMATTING YOUR MEMORY CARD WOULD DO IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING ON THERE?

                      It would delete everything on the card and you don't have to anyway all you should do is remove your memory card before updating and that is only a precaution because it should be no problem anyway Google are not obtuse they know music photographs videos can only be stored on a memory card so when they upgrade Android they make sure it's compatible with previous versions

                      DON'T TELL PPL. TO DO DANGEROUS THINGS

                        • h
                        • his at it again
                        • 39D
                        • 30 Jul 2012

                        louigi, 23 Jul 2012Here is a comparison, you decide which one has the features... moreIf your such a fan of plastic phones why didn't you stretch your budget?

                        Samsung Galaxy S II has 4.0.3 not 4.0.4 I know ppl who own the fashion plastic phone

                        You must have a tiny wink because your obsessed with numbers YOU CAN'T MAKE A COMPARISON ON WHAT VERSION SENSE 3.6 TOUCH WIZ 4 THEY ARE TOTALLY DIFFERENT SYSTEMS and most ppl prefer sense even Samsung lovers wish they had sense instead of touch wiz

                        I don't know what phone you own but it does not sound like you own an XE from your whinging about a top quality SUPERPHONE


                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 39D
                          • 30 Jul 2012

                          louigi, 23 Jul 2012Here is a comparison, you decide which one has the features... moreIf your such a fan of plastic phones why didn't you stretch your budget?

                          Samsung Galaxy S II has 4.0.3 not 4.0.4 I know ppl who own the fashion plastic phone

                          You must have a tiny wink because your obsessed with numbers YOU CAN'T MAKE A COMPARISON ON WHAT VERSION SENSE 3.6 TOUCH WIZ 4 THEY ARE TOTALLY DIFFERENT SYSTEMS and most ppl prefer sense even Samsung lovers wish they had sense instead of touch wiz

                          I don't know what phone you own but it does not sound like you own an XE from your whinging about a top quality SUPERPHONE


                            • f
                            • fool
                            • 39D
                            • 30 Jul 2012

                            AnonD-64507, 27 Jul 2012All Sensation Xe users. before updating your phone to ics..... moreDO YOU EVEN HAVE A CLUE WHAT FORMATTING YOUR MEMORY CARD WOULD DO IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING ON THERE?

                            It would delete everything on the card and you don't have to anyway all you should do is remove your memory card before updating and that is only a precaution because it should be no problem anyway Google are not obtuse they know music photographs videos can only be stored on a memory card so when they upgrade Android they make sure it's compatible with previous versions

                            DON'T TELL PPL. TO DO DANGEROUS THINGS

                              • L
                              • Leo_007
                              • sp@
                              • 29 Jul 2012

                              this phone really started to get on my nerves after the update. wifi is not working always on error mode, got slow as hell, and guess what? even the widget and apps are not optional any more..blanc..nothing..!!!!

                                • r
                                • runna
                                • uu3
                                • 29 Jul 2012

                                i recently brought my htc sensation xe.with in one month i had a pblm on on/off button and they replaced the mother board.and now my mbl is suddenly blanking but still the buttons at the bottom are glowing.when i took the mobile to the service center they change the software but the pblm is still continuing..i used the mobiles in nokia and sony..but i didnt experince this like nokia just there is a software pblm and they will rectify it within halfan hour..but in htc they are taking one day...worst service..

                                  • j
                                  • james avatar
                                  • PGH
                                  • 28 Jul 2012

                                  xloud vs beat audio?? which one is nice.. beacuse i confuse which one to buy.

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-64507
                                    • vGe
                                    • 27 Jul 2012

                                    All Sensation Xe users. before updating your phone to ics.... please format your memory card from phone n then make factory restore. After that download and install your ics...... 100% no issue with ICS all games running perfectly and dnt found any lag.

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-64481
                                      • 3Au
                                      • 26 Jul 2012

                                      hey guys,
                                      when i look at the task (killer)manager that phone comes with
                                      it show total memory 583MB with a free about 140-160MB

                                      is this normal? i mean were are the 700+ ram?

                                      and btw the phone came new out of the box with ICS 4.0.3 and HTC sense version 3.6 with a 16gb SD card

                                        • v
                                        • v6rajgr
                                        • jJY
                                        • 26 Jul 2012

                                        Even Mine started running slow after the ICS update,
                                        I tried doing a factory reset, guess what it started working awesome.