User opinions and reviews

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  • T
  • Thomas
  • nCb
  • 29 Apr 2008

To Success Cre8or:
HTC TyTN costs USD 535 (not USD 335) - Sorry.

    • T
    • Thomas
    • nCb
    • 29 Apr 2008

    For Success Cre8or:
    In Dubai the HTC TyCN costs AED 1,950 (USD 335) and a 2 Gb card additional will cost about AED 40 (USD 11)

    For Desert Fox:
    As per a phone technician, the synchronizing is done automatically by the phone. This particular unit, due to some other wrong settings, has disabled the SMS messaging system. I need to take it to a HTC technician to get it right. The phone is excellent and is well designed. The best option I liked is that the unit can be charged even from a laptop (HTC is very well aware that the battery life is not that long!!) Have a nice day - Thomas

      • D
      • Dave Mohan
      • PPD
      • 29 Apr 2008

      The functionality is good, but the speed is apauling. I got mine in Jan 08 but its really slow, after you run sms and camera.

      You have to reset the phone quite often. Called customer support in Australia and they said they cant increase the ram.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • ftQ
        • 28 Apr 2008

        Pls i'd like to know if this device has a function whereby it can be locked if at all it gets missing, just like the secure iq function of imate?

          • a
          • mSd
          • 28 Apr 2008

          Hi, well about the Iphone VS Tytn2,
          the only disadvantage of Iphone against the Tytn2 is that it does not have GPS, the camera of Iphone is muuuuuch better than ot Tytn2, dont forget that with this Windows pro mobile 6, they have closed all possibilities to use unsignid aplications, so it's really hard to make an downloaded game or program work on this Tytn2, and for Iphone knowers, there is installer aplication on Iphone, which gives acces to thousands of games, and aplications. Further the Iphone has the most beautiful, usefull and userfrendly graphics and display, you cannot just say tytn2 has touch, it does not have touch, it's toch VS Iphones is bullshit :). I'm not using Iphone, but I admitt that Aplle has the best touch system ever. also note this phone's battery is terrable, if you put on standart lite setting's it will finish in 8 hours max. :) to be able to use it 1 day, about 10 hours,I used to set it to very low lite settings.
          I got E90 now, believe me on my word. Nokia !!!
          is the best. dont ever doubt it. just buy nokia, buy N95, or some like that, if you need more than buy E90, you will not regreat. forget windows. just take anything als but no windows phones.

            • D
            • Desert Fox
            • n90
            • 28 Apr 2008

            to Thomas,
            u said that u can't send sms but u can recieve sms so i think u should check msg center no in sms settings ,whether u r etisalat or du network u can refer to customer service to provide u wz the msg center no , don't worry and enjoy TYTN 2

              • T
              • Thomas
              • nCb
              • 27 Apr 2008

              I live in Dubai, UAE and purchased an HTC TyTN last week, still playing around with it - nice looks and options. I am still unable to send SMS messages, but can receive them. Could someone locally be able to help me out in this. (I am still to set up the internet connection) - Thanks

                • C
                • Cybebe
                • Ych
                • 27 Apr 2008

                I used Tytn II. Dont buy this. u will be waste your money. Soooooooo weak. i didn't even drop. my lcd is bloken.

                  • D
                  • DI
                  • S3L
                  • 26 Apr 2008

                  I purchased the Tytn2 some time ago. Few months after I got seduced by the IPhone, which I have used for 3 months, the Iphone worked perfectly per its abilities and specification. I am now back using my TYTN2, I also had a trial run with the Nokia N90. Again I am back using my TYTN2. Enough Said?!!.

                    • d
                    • dfm
                    • PUT
                    • 25 Apr 2008

                    The best PDA ever...
                    dont listen to these people saying about this pda.
                    just works really good
                    although sometimes the qwerty board really u shud pres well to recognise...
                    i use this phone for 6 months and really loved it...
                    these pesimis people just bullshit dont listen to their crap...
                    buy this phone,this is the pds of htc ever built so far...

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • RHb
                      • 24 Apr 2008

                      iPhone vs TyTN II....Startling results!!!


                      A coleague of mine has an unlocked 8Gb iPhone. I have a TyTN II.

                      Colleague: My iPhone has a great display with great touch interface
                      Me: Yeah, your display looks like crap by the end of the day. Look at mine. Oh and mine also has a great touch interface
                      Result: Colleague looks perplexed

                      Colleague: Check out how my iPhone plays videos!!! (He proceeds to show me a music clip....HOHUM)
                      Me: Check this out (whips out TyTN II, opens CorePlayer, and plays Mission Impossible 3)
                      (Also opens TCPMP and plays Duran Duran Rio FLV video from
                      Result: Colleague not only impressed, but he had to wipe the drool off his chin)

                      Coleague: OK, OK, my iPhone has a great he proceeds to take a sample
                      picture of me.
                      Me: Starts camera app, starts to take a pic of him...first AUTOFOCUS fires ...then CLICK...perfect picture of him.
                      Result: colleague now looking positively flustered.

                      This carried on for about half an hour.
                      Every time he whipped out an app or function on the iPhone, I was able to trump him.

                      Then he said his iPhone has 8Gb of memory!!! WOW I said my TyTN II can handle up to 32Gb on a microSD!!!!!

                      Then the absolute caveat was when I said that I have access to tens of thousands of games and apps for my TyTN II which I can install and uninstall at will.

                      I can sync with Outlook etc etc etc ad nauseum.

                      Eventually he just shook is head and walked away visibly shaken!!!

                      UP THE KAISER!!!!!!
                      for more go to :

                        • P
                        • Peter Bereta
                        • Na$
                        • 24 Apr 2008

                        I have been trying to speed up my the HSDPA on my modem and it is still slow, please help

                          • w
                          • wilem
                          • T4n
                          • 23 Apr 2008

                          how do i copy my contacts from the sim card to the fone?
                          somebody help?

                            • s
                            • simon
                            • pJD
                            • 23 Apr 2008

                            not to sure about this one theres no memory card in box my orbit II came with 1gb, car charger and cradle plus full copilot 7,sat nav is only 1 map free,you cant charge and listen to music at same time,no htc cube even though its a htc phone,speaker is under unit so when watching movie on flat surface sound is low,no audio booster for head phones and the headphones are the cheapest nastiest things ive ever seen.

                              • J
                              • Jay
                              • TXd
                              • 23 Apr 2008

                              Hi all,

                              Just ordered my new Tytn ii from Orange has to pay £80 but have it on a 12 month deal so will be upgrade to the Sony Xperia X1 if it ever arrives in time! So until then I have my 1st ever HTC device, which arrives Friday as Orange are out of stock (a good sign I hope). A few questions before it arrives and I'm sure I will have a few when its here!

                              1) I had a quick try of the phone in the Orange store and one thing that has to go is the Orange homescreen and backround colours, is there a way I can have the HTC home screen and a black theme as I have seen on other Tytn ii's? I would like to do this without flashing the ROM as I have been advised against this strongly!

                              2) Does TomTom 6 run correctly on the Orange branded version of the Tytn? I have the application at home ready to be installed so thats quite important.

                              Ordering a 4gb memory card from ebay hopefully that will be suffice, hope the phone is worth the wait and drama!

                              Cheers guys


                                • a
                                • mSd
                                • 23 Apr 2008

                                Yes :) trow it to the trash :), or better bring it back to shop and ask your money back. this phone is known for many bugs. those are not the only one :)

                                  • B
                                  • Bebooo
                                  • N7T
                                  • 22 Apr 2008

                                  i got this mobile a week ago and guess what

                                  that stupid mobile cant play videos as other symbian mobiles :(

                                  any solution for this??

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • SYf
                                    • 22 Apr 2008

                                    hi everybody...anyone can help with this issue....yesterday my TyTn2 suddenly stopped to output media, i.e. somebody calls me,it's only vibrating...the songs are being playded normally but there is no soun outcoming from it...etc...
                                    what should i do?? PLeaaaaseeeeeeeeeee helppp.... THaannkssss

                                      • X
                                      • Xulfi
                                      • Rxx
                                      • 22 Apr 2008

                                      Got this amazing machine a week ago.
                                      Plz any who can tell me about the GPS of it. when I run quick GPS a screen appears with download button in the middle and timer below. When I hit download it just increases the timer (Expiry time)and nothin happens after that. plz help me out n tell me how to use GPS navigation. thanx in advance.

                                        • a
                                        • mSd
                                        • 22 Apr 2008

                                        Hi to all people who is interested in this phone, let me kindly ask you : " DO NOT BUY THIS PHONE " this is the worst phone I have ever had, it's the best award winning phone of 2007 on paper, but trust me on my word this is not the truth, this phones

                                        1: qwerty keyboard works nice
                                        2: email works fine
                                        3: looks very nice
                                        4: gps works nice
                                        dissadvantages :

                                        1: totatly not userfrendly.
                                        2: touch system sucks, it's like a wall you need to almost scrab to get it moving.
                                        3: the windows is realy slow, if you start skype and somebody sends you 3-4 mesagges the phone goes down.
                                        4: sound is the worst, you cannot hear it, ringtone is realy low.
                                        5: oficialy the speacker is not working, so if you think this will replace carkit, you are mistaking like me, I buyed this and made a call people on other side could not hear me, this is on all TYTN2, still not solved.
                                        6: the software is not installing on it so from 100% of software that I tryd 3-4% installed well, others get certificate error.
                                        7: Camera does not work 100%, taken picuters are mostly unreadable, somehow the phone cannot safe them normaly.
                                        8: video camera takes movies if you dont move, when you move the movie gets a mess, it's like a tv loosing sattelite connection and you get pixels in place of moving objects, so be carefull the camera of this phone is really a mess.
                                        9: the phone does not works well with phonebook, it mixes up the numbers, if the first 2-3 numbers are same, than it shows a differant name, so if you call Nicole with number : 06432xxxxx and Ricardo has number : 0643xxxx it will sort on letter and take show you the name of Ricardo instead of Nicole.
                                        10: very dificult to use in the car. Very dangerous, cause it's not listening to your requests. you push one button, but other reacts faster.

                                        So guys, hereby you are warned.
                                        My storry ?
                                        I was in love with this phone afte watching add on youtube, so I searched for it, and was difficult tu find for less than 400euro here in NL, so at the end I found some guy he was selling this in not opened box, he got it from work, so I bouth it for 280euro, and after few days of use I sold it for little more :). I think I must tell you the disadvantages sothat you dont make a mistake like me.