HTC Wildfire
- ?
- Anonymous
- K6m
- 08 Jun 2011
not batter other htc models ,and the phone display regulation is not good
- F
- Freak
- T6r
- 08 Jun 2011
How is the camera? pls let me know about the camera and video quality. Is that better than sony's 5MP
- ?
- Anonymous
- b$2
- 08 Jun 2011
AnonD-10406, 08 Jun 2011hz the touch is it smoothTouch is awesome in the market...
- ?
- Anonymous
- b$2
- 08 Jun 2011
AnonD-7713, 08 Jun 2011guys plzz tell me iam using wildfire since 20 days bt the b... moreguys plzz tell me iam using wildfire since 20 days bt the battey backup is damn low is it so with ur phone also... plzz comment
My battery runs for almst 2 days...u shd use Advance task killer app, or ES task will increase ur battery backup..and reducing the brightness also helps alot.
- D
- AnonD-10406
- vI2
- 08 Jun 2011
Anonymous, 07 Jun 2011totally amazing phone which good for social networkig sites.....hz the touch is it smooth
- D
- AnonD-10396
- uvX
- 08 Jun 2011
Joe, 06 Jun 2011Hi Guys, my wildfire drops the network and gives me a messa... morewhich service r u using?2g or 3g?it happened to me in my nokia where it keeps switching between networks.go to options and change from automatic network selection to manual
- D
- AnonD-7713
- utS
- 08 Jun 2011
guys plzz tell me iam using wildfire since 20 days bt the battey backup is damn low is it so with ur phone also... plzz comment
- D
- AnonD-7392
- PI5
- 08 Jun 2011
AnonD-8180, 06 Jun works!! thanx lot....maybe i should have download m... moreanytime mate... :)
- n
- nik
- u7J
- 07 Jun 2011
i bought my HTC wildfire a week ago.earlier i dnt have internet in ma cell.nw i hav switched to dis cell n wondering if someone could plz help me regarding the internet settings..please...
- ?
- Anonymous
- u14
- 07 Jun 2011
totally amazing phone which good for social networkig sites.....
- a
- andrew walsall GB
- LhR
- 07 Jun 2011
[deleted post]Your phone is plainly faulty as a friend is using his HTC Wildfire on T Mobile UK and gets at least 4 days out of his battery and he uses all his facilities on the without problem. It is of course possible that your using too many extra apps which are drawing on a lot of power from the battery. If your signal quality is poor then the phone would draw more battery power in an attempt to boost signal.
Take your phone back to where you got it from and ask for your a replacement.
- ?
- Anonymous
- nIY
- 07 Jun 2011
well i found it good compared to its price...
it has got every option compare than that of other anroid phone...
its good :)
- n
- neha
- utN
- 07 Jun 2011
whc one is better? new one or old ???
- n
- neha
- utN
- 07 Jun 2011
is tis can be upgraded to gingerbead???
- D
- AnonD-10305
- ftZ
- 07 Jun 2011
i downloaded live wallpaper but didn't work please help.
- m
- meroo
- ftZ
- 07 Jun 2011
i downloaded live wallpaper but didn't work help please
- ?
- Anonymous
- ftZ
- 07 Jun 2011
i have a problem with my phone i downloaded many live wallpaper but didn't work pleas help.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Hkv
- 07 Jun 2011
how's battery life of this phone?
I want to buy it in few days......
Is there any problems with the device pls help.
- D
- AnonD-10285
- kJr
- 07 Jun 2011
Hi I'm using Rogers carrier in Canada and can't get 3g signal, only edge, do you have any ideas what I can do?
- ?
- Anonymous
- t}g
- 06 Jun 2011
Hey, i sent a video 4m my lap to my wildfire via bt but i could't view the video can u assist me pls...