Internal testing reveals that the Apple Vision Pro is too heavy, Apple considers a solution

Sony made the WH-100XM4 out of plastic and they weigh 254g. Apple used premium materials for the AirPods Max and they weigh 385g. Apparently, Cupertino didn’t learn the lesson here and the $3,500 Apple Vision Pro “spatial computer” is on the heavy side.

Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman reports that after the Vision Pro was unveiled, Apple gave more of its employees access to the headset. Previously, only a select few were read in on the secret and were allowed to try it out.

This wider testing pool revealed a problem – some found the headset too heavy after a couple of hours of continuous use. We don’t know the exact weight (Apple never posted an official number), but the headset uses premium materials like aluminum and glass rather than the plastic that other XR headsets use.

Apple reportedly has a fix ready, a strap that goes over the user’s head and helps spread out the weight. Problem solved? Not quite as Gurman reports that the strap will not be included in the retail package because it is not considered essential.

In case you missed it in the opening paragraph, the Apple Vision Pro is $3,500. And that’s just the starting price, before optional extras are included. We wonder how much a simple strap can cost (and we shudder at that thought, considering how much Apple was charging for Mac Pro wheels).

Speaking of extras, those will likely include corrective lenses made by Zeiss so that people who wear need glasses can use the headset. Anyway, the Vision Pro is set to come out “early next year”, so Apple has plenty of time to reconsider what is essential.

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Reader comments

  • S

Only those will buy who have plenty amount of money and don't know where to spend it wisely. They go and purchase this type of products.

This is so apple-like, it is their identity at this point.

Apple expiry has arrived( 3500$ headset with no band and external battery with only 2 hours batterylife!) to achieve only a big monitor that gives you headache in an hour