iPhone 4 “death grip” is back, now with the Verizon version

28 February, 2011

We hoped the antenna re-design of the CDMA version of the iPhone 4 wouldn't have the reception issues, which plagued the GSM one. Sadly it turns out we were bound to run into the problem again, as the so called "death grip" is back, this time with the Verizon iPhone 4.

Consumer Report, a US web site, which made a really big splash with their technical research on the iPhone 4 antenna issue, now confirms the latest CDMA version of the smartphone is still susceptible to the so-called "death grip".

We also did a scoop on the reception issues last summer. You can check it out here. And you can also check out our full review of the iPhone 4.

The problem occurs when you cover the tiny gap in the lower left corner of the iPhone 4 outer rim. Like, say, when you're holding your phone in a typical way. This can result in dropped signal bars or even dropped calls in areas with bad signal.

As before, should you cover the external iPhone 4 antenna with a bumper or some sort of case, the problem will be solved. Apple announced a free bumper-case program for people who had bought the phone and had issues with signal loss. It looks like we may soon see the process repeated.

It's disappointing to see the new release of one of the best selling smartphones in the world has the same unresolved issue from last year.

Consumer Report even made a video of their test of the iPhone 4 CDMA reception issues. Here it is.


Reader comments

  • Anonymous
  • 07 Mar 2011
  • 3Jd

lol. Apple make pretty products, have a very effective marketing department, and a large base of insufferable hipsters who buy every overpriced and unnecessary product they make regardless of quality, on the false assumption that buying into a "...

  • Natedog*ANDROID*
  • 05 Mar 2011
  • 3Wa

People who say ios is better are just wrong, my arguement lies where if its so good why are so many people jailbreaking them to get android features or symbian feaures do your selves a favour and just buy an android phone which YOU can edit to how YO...

  • Anonymous
  • 02 Mar 2011
  • nRa

Hi there Apple is using Samsung hardware to construct your precious iphone. Thank you everyone for loving Samsung hardware.

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