Jolla Jolla
- M
- Mumbokid
- 22 Mar 2015
Hi, I'd like to get this phone so how do I go about it as I'm from Malaysia
- c
- chax
- rKa
- 11 Mar 2015
kanishka, 28 Feb 2015Hi this phone yesterday. Can anyone pls explain o... more@kanishka! Congrats at first on an excellent buy! There are two apps, 'Aptoide' & 'Yandex' that are available in the Jolla Store. Download these and therefrom u can access Android apps.
But on the other hand try out native Jolla apps. They are real good.
- D
- AnonD-70078
- StU
- 04 Mar 2015
kanishka, 28 Feb 2015Hi this phone yesterday. Can anyone pls explain o... moreTry apptoide. Its built in. And works as good as google
- ?
- Anonymous
- myE
- 02 Mar 2015
kanishka, 28 Feb 2015Hi this phone yesterday. Can anyone pls explain o... more
- k
- kanishka
- 0RR
- 28 Feb 2015
Hi this phone yesterday. Can anyone pls explain or post a link on how to get Google play & services working? Thanks.
- D
- AnonD-70078
- dUu
- 27 Feb 2015
AnonD-368390, 27 Feb 2015coming from it's predecessor the nokia n9 and using this te... moreDoes quiz up work on Jolla when you install google
- D
- AnonD-368390
- n%4
- 27 Feb 2015
coming from it's predecessor the nokia n9 and using this telephone feels as an upgrade.
It's responding fast and the native and also android applications work really good. there is an obvious small drawback of having android and native applications an that is the android applications are not able to see the native apps. the other way around does work though.
It takes some work to get the google play operational on the phone but it does pay of in being able to run all of the apps without issues.
- D
- AnonD-70078
- mx}
- 25 Feb 2015
Ok I've just had my Jolla for almost two days. Still getting used to looks promising.
- ?
- Anonymous
- H4t
- 13 Feb 2015
AnonD-273829, 04 Feb 2015guys what online shopping store has this?i want buy one
- D
- AnonD-70078
- mx}
- 09 Feb 2015
Lol. Live a little. You sound like Grinch. Lol. The o's is improving every month. Just takes time. Look at android its took years and its still rubish
- ?
- Anonymous
- Ss1
- 09 Feb 2015
AnonD-70078, 04 Feb 2015Amazon uk. But I you buy the Jolla tablet 64gb. You get th... moreIf you dont have what to do with money,then throw them away for an obscurious os and chinese made phone with astronomical prices!
- D
- AnonD-70078
- dTR
- 04 Feb 2015
Amazon uk. But I you buy the Jolla tablet 64gb. You get the phone almost free. From Jolla site. I ordered my tablet and phone this morning
- D
- AnonD-273829
- dQ8
- 04 Feb 2015
guys what online shopping store has this?i want buy one
- D
- AnonD-343805
- Lfv
- 21 Dec 2014
Abhilash, 12 Dec 2014Hi, I'm playing clash of clans in my moto G and saved it in... moreUpdate to Sailfist OS (Tahkalampi)
Yes, it is possible to transfer contacts from google+ to this phone. I had before the Motorola RAZR XT910.
Phone works from google+.
- ?
- Anonymous
- gxJ
- 18 Dec 2014
new update today.great work. Vaarainjärvi
- ?
- Anonymous
- gxJ
- 18 Dec 2014
new update today.great work. Vaarainjärvi
- A
- Abhilash
- rKy
- 12 Dec 2014
Hi, I'm playing clash of clans in my moto G and saved it in google+. So, when I buy a Jolla device, can I transfer the same account in moto to this device ??
- D
- AnonD-340687
- 12 Dec 2014
Hi! I`m Brazilian and I would like to buy it in total black colour. How could I be buying it from this shop story? My e-mail is
- ?
- Anonymous
- dZ}
- 10 Dec 2014
jithu, 04 Dec 2014can you please direct me to install jolla on my n9?
jith... - can you please direct me to install jolla on my n9?
Hey jithuchavady, ask the same question at Twitter "JollaHQ" or see&ask forum "" or see Wikipedia.
- j
- jollauser
- dZW
- 09 Dec 2014
I think it is worth to see specification and details of Jolla Tablet to find out what are advantages. And eventually use discount which is to be closed in less then 20hours. In my case this is true multitasking and safety of my data including contacts and professional data, as loosing them can lead me to trouble or can feed my direct competitors if they would get them. Jolla provide me both advantages. As Wikipedia says:
Jolla Tablet's Sailfish OS can run its own native apps and Android apps, downloaded via the Jolla Store or any other Android app marketplaces. A widely understood Linux software can be used (in both console/terminal or graphic mode, either as compatible binaries or compiled with actual The Sailfish OS SDK), the OS use RPM Package Manager[6] by default.
This is important for all admins. The Sailfish OS as a full Linux gives ability to supervise remotely any services or servers. There are plenty Lion inux or Android tools. Jolla Tablet CPU is Intel so x86. Note that Jolla does not break sessions like others, so having a connection allow to stay connected several hours undisturbed. And here comes true multitasking (after Wikipedia):
Live Multitasking on Linux MeeGo Sailfish OS allows different apps to run simultaneously, parallelly in the same time, and independently. Among other advantages multitasking allows to switch between any running software (also Android to Sailfish and vice versa) in the fly. User can see all running apps in one single multitasking view, from which can directly control running and minimised apps like e.g.: to change music track or to play and pause video stream, without opening the app in full or to call/answer/take a picture without breaking, all of those mentioned above, players activities. This way of interaction is impossible with other mobile OSes which freeze apps temporally in a background without access, in contrary to true multitasking.
That means that when I have opened a session to correct or maintain a server I can leave it, and eg. make a call to sb or pick up a call from an senior staff to instruct me what to do,and session still will be active, not any frozen etc.. that is really important, as otherwise I would have to log in again from the beginning. Jolla allow me not to go through all this every 15minutes. I can do my job faster and I am more moveable, as I can take Jolla with me anywhere and alarms will let me know if anything would require my attention or intervention. This is really advantage. As I assume Linux tools to be way better, Jolla Tablet due to Intel CPU is x86, and Linux Sailfish OS gives me advantage of using terminal/console mode what is more convenient for me - all that makes me to think I will have a dream machine for my purposes.
Also I will have with Jolla Tablet possibility to launch all kinds of: Sailfish native soft + Linux huuuuge library of soft + Android apps + eventually some MeeGo software also. That give me more software possible then any Android device have..... And all this for that price?? For me this is a game-changer.