Latest Humble Bundle for Android features classic Neo Geo titles

Prasad, 21 July, 2015

Humble Bundle has released a new bundle for Android, and this time it features some classic titles from the old Neo Geo console to celebrate its 25th anniversary. Neo Geo is an old Japanese arcade and home console system released back in 1990. It may not be as popular as something like the Atari or SEGA arcades but has some popular titles and a fan following.

If you have an Android device you can now play those games on your phone or tablet. By now you maybe aware of how the Humble Bundle works; you can pay what you want, as low as $1 for the basic bundle, and you get the set of games included within. If you want the extra games, and the ones that may be added later, you pay above the average price. As a bonus, if you pay over $29.99, you also get a 25th anniversary Metal Slug T-shirt. Also, you can decide how your money gets split between the developers, the Humble Bundle team, and a charitable organization.

You can check it out in the link below.



Reader comments

  • Jirokanz
  • 22 Jul 2015
  • KZ8

We want disqus back

  • Ari
  • 22 Jul 2015
  • ImE

Most of these games are unplayable on touch screen. Samurai Shodown II worked surprisingly well but was still difficult to maneuver. I hope you have a bluetooth controller.

  • Bin
  • 21 Jul 2015
  • 7XX

What happened to the comment section? Disqus gone?

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