LG to update Optimus 2X this May, fix bugs and stuff

16 May, 2011

In a Facebook status update LG announced their plans to issue a software update for the Optimus 2X. The device has been on the market for couple of months now, but there's still some time before its Gingerbread update arrives.

According to developers, the Optimus 2X felt kind of rushed, as some of the code wasn't as optimized as it could've been and some occasional reboots occurred. Well, it looks as if LG has listened to the users complaints and the upcoming software update is going to address them.

Some of the fixes include reinforced video formatting, resulting in a better functioning video/music player and prevention of freezes and reboots. The update should be out by the end of May.


Reader comments

  • T-mobile user
  • 31 May 2011
  • xW@

Where's my update, LG? Why is it that when the media hypes something, the company don't follow the tread! =

  • Symbiantoandroid
  • 22 May 2011
  • KhE

The good thing from nokia is advertisement,they attract us well.when u buy it u will feel that u have been cheated When u still feel symbian is great then u should try android or ios before u start ur trash talk here with ur great nokia I believe...

  • Yani
  • 18 May 2011
  • 3pw

I don't know why Nokia needs to be dragged into a LG's discussion, but OK. I live in a country where the Nokia brand was the most desired brand a few years back (when there was no iPhone). Symbian as an idea of an OS is great. But iPhone/Android ma...

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