LG KE820
- l
- luke
- kM4
- 31 May 2007
hey, i own this phone.. and i have been having trouble connecting to the internet, and also mainly getting MP3's off my computer on to it. my manuals in korean so i cnat read it, but does anyone know how to get the MP3's on the micro SD card to actually show up in the MP3 list on the phone
- ?
- Anonymous
- pdP
- 30 May 2007
this phone is very good...Just battery life is a little short if you use it in big business all day...I trying to find the french language in firmware (get hong kong version)...He comes with nice leather protection and the screen is very funny...Edge, MP3, MP4, 2MP everything is ok on this phone and belive me, All people see it, want to have it !!! You want change your phone ? GET IT !!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- p60
- 30 May 2007
You can watch 3gp-format videos with this phone. With free Acala Software it´s easy to convert your dvd´s to 3gp files.
I think this phone also plays mpeg4 files if they are converterted with righ software. I got video without sounds when I tried to convert my videos to mpeg4.
- R
- Roy
- n%k
- 29 May 2007
Hi, if someone could answer this question for me:
This site states that this phone plays mpeg4-files:
Is this true? So it's possible to play video's from your sd-card?
Could somebody who tried please confirm this?
Thanks in advance!!
- c
- carla
- Nxp
- 29 May 2007
how do i make the internet work? the error msg i receive says "check connectivity" ... but i dont know how to fix it...
- D
- Dom
- iLM
- 22 May 2007
I've had this phone for about a month now and I am really pleased with it. I'll try and answer some of the questions posted here!
Reception is good, as good as the Nokia I had before.
The phone doesn't get hot when you use it, even for long periods and the navigation joystick seems very good.
The battery life is pretty bad, nowhere near as good as my Nokia
MP3 and FM radio playback is good using the provided headphones.
There are 4 built-in tones used for SMS and you can't use MP3s for this, MP3s can only be used for ringtones.
It does seem to have some very odd settings for composing an SMS - there is no way to get back to a T9 capital letter without going through all the T9 and then non-T9 options which is a pain, so if anyone knows of how to get a firmware update that fixes this I would be very grateful (I have a Hong Kong sourced phone).
- A
- Anil
- Pxx
- 19 May 2007
how is the camera for macro shots? If i take a photo of an a4 page or a business card lying on the table is the photo clear enough to read the text on the page/card? Can someone who has the phone please try this for me and let me know.
- s
- sss
- Rjq
- 18 May 2007
does the joystick stick or stop functioning sometimes?
- ?
- Anonymous
- p60
- 15 May 2007
My phone works very good here in Finland.
Maybe the signal area is different in USA.
- p
- pow
- kSm
- 15 May 2007
this phone suck balls in u.s. omg the service on this phone with tmobile or cingular its like trying make a phone call 50 ft below ground. I get 8 drop calls per 10 minute phone calls. its pretty damn bad. dont get this phone
- ?
- Anonymous
- 2@q
- 12 May 2007
how is the camera for macro shots? If i take a photo of an a4 page or a business card lying on the table is the photo clear enough to read the text on the page/card? Can someone who has the phone please try this for me and let me know.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 2@q
- 12 May 2007
can you attach your own earphone to this phone? How is the mp3 playback in terms of quality and loudness via the supplied wired handsfree?
- p
- prem
- mJe
- 07 May 2007
hi, can any one tell me whether this phone gets hot while talking??????
- b
- bk
- 06 May 2007
how do you install apps into this fone? i need a dictionary app
- e
- echo
- Q$5
- 06 May 2007
hey i was wondering does anyone know how to send picture messaging or going online on this phone? i've had it for a month now and have no idea how to and my phone manuel's in chinese... thanks in advance!!
- g
- grisha
- Qu1
- 02 May 2007
Hi..i wanna get this phone,and i read all commnents...i guess is a good phone isn't??? should i take it???
thanks!! :)
- M
- MAnulm
- TjE
- 26 Apr 2007
in answer to some questions, this phone has edge.
- E
- Em
- 11 Apr 2007
i really like the design of this phone but i'm a gadget type of person. does any1 know if they're letting out a better version of this phone, including 3g?
- ?
- Anonymous
- mh}
- 09 Apr 2007
Is there longer lasting batteries somewhere for this phone? This battery´s power expires very soon is you use camera or watch videos.
- K
- Kalle
- mh}
- 09 Apr 2007
Everyone of my friends have admired this phone!