LG KE820
- a
- anton
- 4Mv
- 01 Jan 2008
i got this phone in hong kong it is kick ass and it is very sexy. I live in Canada so absolutely no one has this phone.
But this phone has some defects well, there are some aspects i would like to be better about the phone
- D
- Daniel
- 0UZ
- 30 Dec 2007
The camera of this phone (credit card) is VERY GOOD!!!!Pictures are cristall clear,it's not usualli for phones with this size!!!I use this phone ,and I'm very happy.....with this phone I'm cool everiwhere!!!!
- r
- ryan
- 4fX
- 28 Dec 2007
oh one other thing. My camera stopped zooming. Is there a setting for this?
- r
- ryan
- 4fX
- 28 Dec 2007
A few questions for anybody who might know the answers.
First is there any way to select multiple contacts when text messaging? It seems to limit me to about six, and it's really annoying to individually select those six.
Second is there an auto complete for the t9 text input? I seem to have to type every letter out in a word.
Finally I can't connect the phone to my computer. I don't know if I need a new driver or what, but it just shows up as an unrecognized USB device.
- ?
- Anonymous
- wgN
- 28 Dec 2007
i have a sandisk 2gb MicroSD... it's great but all MicroSDs have a slow transfer rate from computer to phone or viceversa which is a pain
- p
- pat
- kxC
- 27 Dec 2007
is the camera good
- 6
- 640x480
- 4sw
- 27 Dec 2007
How much can you expand the memory? I saw a 1gb max somewhere...
- b
- brent
- 463
- 26 Dec 2007
you can buy 1000mah battaries on ebay for like 8 bucks.... just search for them. i have one and it is 100% better and lasts way longer!
- m
- michael
- jS6
- 22 Dec 2007
HAS any one try to use the internet cube softwear.
if so any one could tell me how to make it work thanks =)
- ?
- Anonymous
- wgN
- 19 Dec 2007
where do you copy it to on the phone?.... from experience, you can only apply pictures to contact or wallpapers i they are on the phones memory NOT on the memory card of the phone.
- ?
- Anonymous
- L4@
- 19 Dec 2007
" When I transfer photos (jpeg) from PC to phone, I can use it as wallpaper. But it won't let me use photo as contact photo. It says, "Not Supported!". I can use the photos taken with the camera as contact photo. Anyone know how to deal with this problem?"
This is what i did. Take a picture for a contact with the phone, copy that picture to pc and change the name, use a program like photoshop or photofiltre to edit and save it. dont change any format of the file. then copy it to phone again.
- J
- J
- 0hs
- 18 Dec 2007
I saw this question asked by another person on earlier post but no one responded so I thought I ask again.
When I transfer photos (jpeg) from PC to phone, I can use it as wallpaper. But it won't let me use photo as contact photo. It says, "Not Supported!". I can use the photos taken with the camera as contact photo. Anyone know how to deal with this problem?
- D
- Dave
- 4xI
- 09 Dec 2007
A couple of issues with this phone. One, is there an english manual available anywhere? Two, I can't receive picture messages. I can send and take pictures, however I can't receive them.
- ?
- Anonymous
- wgN
- 08 Dec 2007
Obviously you have no idea what I was implying... Go on ebay and buy an LG KE850 (prada) battery, if you are unhappy with the battery life.. not the whole phone!
The LG KE850 battery won't be substantually better, but you will get an extra day out of it (but this depends on how much you use your phone).
- ?
- Anonymous
- RKf
- 06 Dec 2007
I cant afford to buy the LG KE850 PRADA :),but I am happy enough with my LG KE820, I love the simple tiny design, the camera, and the ring tones,when it rings all my friend was surprised when they found it comes from the tiny phone. I have no problem with the batery, it was weak on the beginning when I bought it,I never turn it off even when I sleep, but since u charge the battery full enough it will last for 24 hrs. I love my tiny LG KE820 !!
- ?
- Anonymous
- wgN
- 06 Dec 2007
Hey buddy, i also own a ke820... and apparently the LG ke850 (prada) uses the same battery as the ke820.. only the prada battery has a higher 'maH' rating contributing to a higher battery charge time (more hours of use between charges). Maybe i'm wrong, maybe the prada has the exact battery as the ke820 but I highly doubt the ke820 and ke850 share the same battery 'maH' (I do know that the ke820 and ke850 have the exact same battery dimensions and shape).
After just checking the specifications and comparing the 2 mobiles on gsmarema.. the ke820 has a 750maH battery and the prada has an 800maH battery. You can try the prada battery but the time between charges using the prada battery won't be much different to the ke820 battery because there is only 50maH between these too crappy batteries.
It's probably still worth a buy and try though.
Hopefully there are other LG batteries out there with the exact same shape and dimensions to fit the ke820 and if there is.... LET ME KNOW!!! some where above the 1000maH would be ideal!
- v
- vhd
- 4Gt
- 06 Dec 2007
Where can I get English Manual for this phone?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4xg
- 05 Dec 2007
This phone is great in terms of design and its features. Although those are great, the battery seems to be dying on me. The last few days were basically charged daily and the battery would run dry within that day. Kind of sad, because i wanted to keep this phone for a long time. I also have the roaming problem, but if you check with your phone company, it should just be something to do with the phone. Reception also isnt the greatest for those using Rogers in Canada. but ehh, theres probably worse out there
- R
- Raquel
- q{7
- 03 Dec 2007
My phone always shows that it is in roaming mode all the time. Does anyone know how to change this? As well does anyone know if this will affect the strength of my connection signal? Can this affect my battery life?
- C
- Connie
- wHr
- 01 Dec 2007
Please help me i'm having problems with my LG KE820 phone, sometimes when i use the speed dial the phone shut's off but it will open by it's own. I also encounter this kind of problem when i use to call the last no.dialled and sometimes when i'm texting. i already reset the phone 4 times already. is it the battery? i only bought this last May 2007. Pleeese help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!