LG U400
- S
- Stu
- n1g
- 18 Mar 2007
Heya, I'm thinking about getting this phone on 3. Read some really good reviews on it and the specs seem excellent. Can anyone tell me what the sound quality is like? I currently have a Samsung D600, Better or worse?
Please email me :)
- K
- Kevin
- nyE
- 11 Mar 2007
I just got this phone today, It set me back 250€ with a pay as you go on network 3 Ireland.
About The Phone:
If your worried about the interface, dont be. It is excellent. I used to work with sony n nokia n this was a bit of a gamble. but the interface is excellent. the roller is fun but not too acurate. its not like ur ipod it takes time to get used to.
Yes you can put music on the phone n id say it is the best mp3 phone out there... It supports a wide range of music formats.
Plus the media player is good.(first impressions) I luv the hands free, cos it got all the mp3 playa controls on it... n the ear phone supplied are actually really good.
The interface supports multi-taskin so u can open ur player lock ur keypad n put the phone in your pocket n use the hands free for ur music.
I got A Memmory Card Adapter + A USB Data Cable with my box.
DATA Cable Option:
1) With the cd you got, Install the drivers first
2) Install the phone suit & all software
3) Plug in the phone and your computer will do the "found new Hardware Thing". Just hit next...
Note: You might get a warning, Just hit "continue anyway" its perfectly safe(Im MCSA Qualified)
4) once all that is done. Note you will detect lot of new hardware may be 3 or more dont rember.
5) Open you phone manger which you installed.(Lg Phone Suite - Lg Manager )
6) Click on Transfer - set com port (Use anythin higher than 10 to be safe, anythin will work usually) and say usb - ok
7)Then hit transfer - connect
8) Click on contents (the big folder)and you will see a LG phone. Double click that and then browse to where ever you want to put your music. You just drag and drop what ever you want into your phone.
If your still having trouble wit music.
mail me at admin@stonchek.com and i will send you an complety fool proof instalation step.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Cfh
- 01 Mar 2007
I think that this phone is good... I had it since September 2006, as I went on Contract, and yer it is a good phone, just as usual every phone has its pros and cons, this phone doesn't have a zoom, and when listening to music the battery goes down really fast, I like the phone, but i'm a bit bored of it now, I received an upgrade from 3 but I don't like it so I stuck with my LG, as its better then Mtorola all motorolas are rubbish and I hate them.
- j
- jack
- mpX
- 28 Feb 2007
my phone is anoying me after one day how am i suppost to get music on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- S
- Satski
- M6r
- 26 Feb 2007
Could some one tell me if this phone is any good????
- s
- steven
- 4Am
- 20 Feb 2007
Im up in Canada and there are three options for phone bearer. They are UMTS, GPRS and CSD. Whats the difference, does it matter which one I use?
To answer someones question, yes there is a sim card slot.
- j
- jerry
- SYq
- 19 Feb 2007
hey freind,can any1 of u tell me abt this mobile sound and picture quality??email me plz
- ?
- Anonymous
- 14 Feb 2007
i think this handset is overated and no where near good as the sony ericcson k800i.
- d
- danielle
- QsN
- 14 Feb 2007
does this phone have a sims card slot?
- J
- James BG
- M}5
- 12 Feb 2007
Im thinking about buying this phone, does it have a card reader mode? by this I mean can you just connect the USB to a PC and a window pops up with all the files on the card (ie you dont have to install additional interface software) I am asking as the head unit in my car takes USB input.
I am currently using an O2 X4 with the head unit with no probs.
Thanks for your time
- L
- LB
- jnZ
- 12 Feb 2007
hey guyz ive been wundering if i should or shouldn't get this phone.. ive looked everywhere and couldn't find it in Montreal or toronto.I heard it gives electric shock:S i was wundering if i should get it or if i should look for another one.. can you plzz mail me! i really love this phone and i would be soo happy if i hav it but i need to know more about it so plzz plzz mail me!!!
- b
- becky london
- mAn
- 09 Feb 2007
please coulld anyone tell me how many text messages this phone holds. thank you
- a
- ana_marcia
- PmW
- 07 Feb 2007
does it have portuguese language option? and what about the batery's life when i'm listening to mp3?
if yes, would u please send me an e-mail? thanks
**sorry if my english isn't good. i'm from brazil. and i'm learning.
- s
- sangram
- mA8
- 05 Feb 2007
guys.....i am planning to take this phone....shud i go for it?? as i dont trust lg! i hav alwayz been using nokia.....but seems this is a good one n looks gr8....so i wanna know from the users the feedback.....
- T
- 2A4
- 03 Feb 2007
hey the design its not bad, and it have EDGE and 3G
- T
- 2A4
- 03 Feb 2007
it looks great,as all latest LG phones! i think LG phones are good for people who want to have something unusual,nice looking new and calssy and matching their personality! can't even compare with cheap plastmass look of samsung and awfull design of nokia...Go LG!love your phones!
- S
- 2A4
- 03 Feb 2007
I think this is a great phone... Beautiful, and have good functions... let's see how this thing work now...He seems to be expensive, too...
- P
- 2A4
- 03 Feb 2007
thanks for letting me know abaout the speaker, the Lg phone os probably the best phone i have had, its all the modern features and its smart. ideal for any young person, Can't Go Wrong, Check the webiste i have stated below, pleasae post feedback about the Website
- p
- peter
- 2A4
- 03 Feb 2007
yo sup up dis fone is good man i jst got it for my 14 birthday it wkd man good product
- h
- harry
- 2A4
- 03 Feb 2007
overall great phone
good mp3 player, great screen resolution, great quality reception, 2mp cam,stereo bluetooth myne came wiv free stereo bluetooth headphones,looks great
the cons would be the no zoom or auto focus with cam. and the surface is finger mark prone trust me im always cleanin it