LG U8180
- k
- kathryn
- 2If
- 29 Dec 2005
im thinking about...getting the fone can people please tell me if the photo quality is good in aus the fone is going for $200 is that a good deal
- G
- Geoff
- iLW
- 27 Dec 2005
Hi All. I have ben struggling with the USB sync. However I started the LG desktop and then right clicked on the manager icon in the tray. Select configure and set the com port to 5. Imediatley before I had connected the phone via a usb cable and tried to sync withe manager configured for com 1. When I went back into manager configure com 5 was showing available for usb Ihad not previously noticed this. Hope this fix works for you. It make a really good phone brilliant. LOOK IN DESK TOP HELP.
- J
- Jess
- 27 Dec 2005
hey i just got this phone for christmas, i love it, but i only have one problem, when someone calls me (and i have their name+number saved into contacts) it says NO caller ID and when im talking to them on the phone i ask whether their phone is set to "private" and they said no so can someone help please because i have to answer every call now even ones i dont want to!!
- D
- Donna
- UiH
- 26 Dec 2005
I love my LG U8180, but I am having trouble with the Software from the CD when trying to put MP3's on my phone. It doesn't seem to be reading the software properly. Please Help...it looks like other people have had similar problems.
- j
- jordan
- PAy
- 26 Dec 2005
im having EXTREME trouble with my lgu8180 with the usb cable everytime i try it dosnt connect PLEASE E-MAIL ME at duffstar777@hotmail.com
- S
- Sam
- imp
- 26 Dec 2005
Hey i just got this phone for christmas does any one know how to keep the time on the front screen (when closed) on at all time instead of it just going bank. Please Help Me.
- G
- Gavin
- imp
- 25 Dec 2005
Hey people... my computer has the software on it from the cd but then i go to sync on the phone and it doesn't let me??? :( if anybody knows please email me on fmrgodfmaa@hotmail.com.. thanx for your help.
Regards Gavin
- D
- Dilanka
- Uiw
- 24 Dec 2005
Hey!!! Guys... This is the best phone ever I had used. The Picture quality is grate & the MP3 sound quality also grate. There is a problem with the software cd .. but i found that it is not a problem with the software cd ... if your computer hardware dosent support the cd it dosent work properly. what ever this is the BEst... for ever.
- v
- vicky flewitt
- n1i
- 22 Dec 2005
hiya my cable thing eont connect 2 the p.c im gettin stressed it sed summit bout a com thing
if any1 can help me please do so plzzzzzzzz
lots of lurvee vickyyy
- V
- Varvi
- m1T
- 22 Dec 2005
the phone in Italy costs 150euros and LGu8330 costs 50euros,.And the phone is grate!Instal the software and set the com port at 6 and then put every mp3songs that u like ,.
- v
- varvi
- m1T
- 22 Dec 2005
,.set com port 6
- ?
- Anonymous
- PSt
- 22 Dec 2005
Very very smexxii fone !!
- l
- luke
- PAh
- 22 Dec 2005
hey im havin trouble wit my usb cable i plug it in then it says Please check the COM port and connect in idle screen. wat does this mean how do i fik this please help
- e
- ellie
- Pxv
- 22 Dec 2005
im getting this fone for christms i think n i just want to no is it worth it? it looks perty kool n i read tha reviews they sound good but if ther are any problems with it can u let me noe?
ma email is jellybean_and_a_half@hotmail.com
- d
- dani
- mK9
- 19 Dec 2005
ey yo...how can i make the irda work..need help...quaick ...please:D
- s
- sexii
- RN@
- 19 Dec 2005
this fone is very sexy and is better than joeys!!!!!!!!!!
- j
- jimmy humunukunukuap
- mK9
- 17 Dec 2005
This phone is very, very ugly and bad. In italy it cost 50 euro 2 phones like this 8180
- H
- He3HaMkAgECbM
- m{j
- 17 Dec 2005
Please someone tell me how i can connect my phone to pc whit USB.Lg Phone Manager don`t connect whit pc.Programs tell me:
Fail to connect to the mobile phone,
Please check the COM port and connect in idle screen.
- R
- Rhilo
- x{@
- 17 Dec 2005
I just got my new Lg u8180 and i reallt like that you can play mp3s on it but i can only fit three songs on it and then it says theres no more room! Can anybody else fit more than three songs on theres if you can please let me know coz i was pretty pissed of when that happend
- K
- Kate
- Mvi
- 16 Dec 2005
joseph...yes it has.kylie you need to set the com port that you have in your computer.but i don`t promise you that will work.it`s a little difficult this tel.keep trying.don`t put on irda.usb.