LG U8180
- p
- pam
- iLW
- 12 Jan 2006
The Infrared seems to connect with other phones but no info transfers. If you know how to get it working, please let me know.
- T
- Thushyanthan
- PA5
- 12 Jan 2006
this phone facilities satisfaction but blue tooth is need, i need your help for this model number(U8180) please send this phone software since i lost this software cd.Untile I can't get that software my living place. I looking forward your help. Thanks.
- k
- kayode
- mgh
- 11 Jan 2006
my problem with lg phone is infrared anytime i buy any lg phone the infrared doesnt work pls ineed help cause i love this phone
- P
- Pete
- CV$
- 10 Jan 2006
Does anybody know how to get the caller ID to show up? Like everybody else I don't know who's calling me
- a
- andrew
- U2P
- 10 Jan 2006
hot phone just cant work out how to setup USB, anyone know?
- i
- issy
- im0
- 10 Jan 2006
Hi I just bought the LG U8180, can someone tell me how you put mp3's on it. Also were i bought it from it said it has a radio ? I cant find it. all help greatly appreciated, please email me at issy62@aapt.net.au
- i
- ivan
- nUW
- 09 Jan 2006
great phone!!!
- A
- Alice
- RxY
- 08 Jan 2006
I think the phone is GREAT!
But, the only problem that I am having is with the Caller ID. Whenever someone calls me it always comes up as private number and I don't know how to change it.
Can someone help me please?
- f
- frankie
- 07 Jan 2006
hi. i just bought on of these babies over here in australia with the orange skin. and well i can't seem to figure out how to put some mp3s on? and how many i should put on when i do coz i don't want to totally slow it down :B please and thank you
- A
- Assane Sar
- N7}
- 07 Jan 2006
yes i think that its a wonderful call, but there some informations that people need to know to use it. For example i need to know the name of the software to convert the mp3.
- M
- Monika
- P$W
- 06 Jan 2006
I love the phone, but I don't know how to use the caller id. I want it to display when somebody calls, can anybody help?
- M
- Minh
- UYn
- 05 Jan 2006
i just got a u8180. ive been readin ur tips but they dont work. in my select com port there is no * next to any com port. the closest ive got to is com3. someone plz help?
- A
- Alexandra
- ntM
- 03 Jan 2006
Even if i have games in my mobile phone my only problem remains the irda...i cand't send and receive anything throw it...do you have the same problem? Or does anyone now how to use it?
- A
- Alexandra
- ntM
- 03 Jan 2006
Well i read your opinions and i noticed that you have problems using your apllications...to load games follow the next steps:
1)Enter the phone menu, then go to applications, go to settings and finally press 3698#*#
2)Doing this you will have on your phone display: Toogle(Cur:Disabled)
Make another folder
Delete all
3)Pressing the toogle option you will have now on your phone display Toogle(Cur:Enabled)
4)Once you have followed the first 3 steps download some games. You may find only the .jar part of the game but using a program(jadgen) you will also have the other part of your game .jad
Once you have the both parts(.jar and .jad) rename your games as: 00.jar 00.jad, 01.jar 01.jad, 02.jar 02.jad and so on....For example: if you have a game called bowling you must have bowling.jar and bowling.jad. As i told you you will rename them as: 00.jar 00.jad
5) Enter the phone menu, then go to applications then go to settings and finally press 3698#*#
6)Press 2 and you will have a message like this one: folder 00 added, folder 01 added, folder 02 added, etc.
7)Now go to your mobile phone manager and connect.Before you do what i said you had in your phone only: animation, audio, videos, images. Now you will have a java folder too. Now copy your games(00.jar 00.jad 01.jar 01.jad etc) and paste in the java directory.
8)Once you have done this, disconect your phone from the computer.
9)What you have to do now....open the phone menu go to application, press my application and surprise! :D You will find there your games
10)The last step and the hardest is this one...Why? Because you must enjoy playing the games and be proud of your mobile phone:P
Good Luck ;)
- p
- paul miles
- iLM
- 03 Jan 2006
just bought it today this phone not happy 1 bit i connect me usb lead to pc same thing says something about port com not right and it wont connect and if i do get it to work. later on same thing happens again and i can only put like 3 mp3 files and one video on the entire unit then it tells me im out of memory. worst phone ive ever had will be getting a samsung d600 now. a game i also tried to install said not on handset no more yet 3 charged me five quid for it dident even get the game. phoned them up waste of time they said did i have enough memory at time it was 32mb they said diffrent. so last word is avoid this phone like the plague its bad.
- d
- defster10
- ntN
- 02 Jan 2006
Guess the U stands for UMTS..just a guess :)..
- M
- Mattias
- PAy
- 02 Jan 2006
I just want to know if anyone knows what the "u" stands for.... why is it called a u8180 why cant it be a E8180.... its iek LG U(gly)8180 LOL
i love the fone and think everyone should ge one........
- d
- defster10
- ntN
- 31 Dec 2005
OK..I've read your posts and noticed a problem with the usb connectivity. You should take the next steps: 1.Connect your phone to the computer using an usb cable 2.Start the LG U8180 phone manager application and also select USB from your connectivity phone menu 3.Select your com port (mine was COM5) the working port has an * so you should select that one. 4.After you started a new usb connection from the phone press the (END CALL KEY) by doing that you'll return to the usual phone screen (the one showing your operator). 5.Press connect from your computer software and it should work..cheers! and a Happy New Year!
- D
- Dan Chishick
- nE7
- 30 Dec 2005
Please help, I am having the same problem as others. I can't connect the phone to the PC. In the Set Com Port in the Phone Manager I have an * next to COM 5 so I have selected this on and USB is selected. Also in the System Device Manager I have made sure that the devices are all working properly but still I get a fail to connect message. If you know the answer to this please can you e-mail me at dan_chishick@hotmail.com.
Have a Happy New Year.
- P
- Problems Solved!
- AeF
- 29 Dec 2005
Well, where to start. MP3 Files: The memory capacity of the phone is 32MB shared amongst everything. I believe that the software itself is taking up about 11MB, which leaves you 21MB of memory for "your stuff". The problem that you are having is that your MP3 files are too large, ie. 6MB each. You should reduce the file size, using an MP3 converter, and make the file into a smaller file. You will loose sound quality, however on the phone you will not notice much difference (due to the fact that your phone is not a complete 5.1 dolby surround sound system!). Next, those whos phones will not connect to the phone, you must ensure that you are connecting through the right 'com' port, which you must set using the software.To do this, open LG Phone Manager, Go to:
[TRANSFER] in the main menu up the top, then go to [SET COM PORT], and change this to 'COM6', ensure the 'USB' check box is checked, and then press OK. This should now enable you to connect. As far as installing java, I do not know, but am yet to find out.