LG U8180
- L
- LeBron
- 2Gs
- 21 Feb 2007
Hey guys if any1 can tell me how to use infra red (IrDA) please email me becoz i dont know how to use it unless it doesnt work... Thanks cya
- s
- spider
- inx
- 07 Feb 2007
I can't get Caller ID to work, and I can't set the time - it only lets me set by time zones, and during daylight savings, there's no zone offered that suits the correct time, so it's an hour out, which is quite confusing.
The menus is set out stupidly, and things aren't where you'd expect them to be.
DON'T BUY THIS PHONE, there are much better ones out there, and you don't get used to this
- p
- pravin
- U2a
- 04 Feb 2007
this is good phone but my installation disk was damaged hence i cant install usb data cable. pl. guide me to download the necessary files/drivers and process
thank you
- r
- ragu
- w9L
- 30 Jan 2007
in the review its say we can connect via usb but there no usb port in it , help me pls mail me
- A
- Andi
- nye
- 26 Jan 2007
Let me show you how to put mp3 in ypur LG phone...
1 - Connect the phone to the PC by the USB
2 - Instal all the drivers an the manager phone
3 - Open the manager phone and there you'll see a little window where it says connect...but this it will not work until you press 'Contents" and after that search the button could "transfer" (look up the page)...there try to set the COM PORT but do not press OK....PRESS CANCEL....
4 -now try to connect the phone...it is easy...
If you have any questions contact me at "andi_cimpean@yahoo.com"
- d
- dufus
- Uib
- 23 Jan 2007
it5 is a nice phone 9 mega pixel camera and no 3 g but i dont care
- k
- kezza
- mpN
- 21 Jan 2007
i dont on how to put music on my phone how do i do it? if u no plz email me a kez_4007@hotmail.com kezza
- A
- Anthony w
- wg9
- 19 Jan 2007
for all who are having truble connectin there mobile to there computer u neeed to call 3servises and asck them how the losers make so u hav to call them its hard to talk to them but it worked out great for me so just call 3 servises and say that i want to connect my phone to my desktop with the usb cable and they talk u through it when u get it workin u can thank me msg me at quentinrules@hotmail.com until then
- D
- Dylan
- 10 Jan 2007
Hey well Im actully going today to buy this phone am i making the right deciscion cause so many people have said that its a bad phone is it :(???? arghh i dont know what to do
soz lol can some one please e mail me and tell me
- m
- megan
- i23
- 06 Jan 2007
i have this phone and have 2 problem the infered desnt work and the stupid 3 network wont let me unlock to swap to optus
so people watch out when u are buying a phone that it is not locked
- S
- Simon
- mHa
- 03 Jan 2007
Was given this phone by a friend. Didn't want to stay with 3 (because I heard that they are uncool) so I got the phone unlocked and went to Orange, problems, problems, problems! Pitty, seems like a nice enough phone. My advice, "find a phone box"! :-)
- -
- ------
- 2Gp
- 27 Dec 2006
ok ppl who want to buy this fone:
the infrared doesnt work properly so u can recieve things from other fones- my friend is using a loan phone while her other phone is getting fixed, and she took some really important photos with it.... she tried to send them to my LG u8180 via infrared, and it didnt work!! so now when she has 2 return the phone when hers gets fixed, she will lose the pictures forever!! and its very difficult 2 connect it to the computer via USB (took me forever). VERY disappointing!! also, it doesnt have ANY form of connectivity with other phones, not even bluetooth which is just pathetic. its really chunky too! like, a brick!!! oh and the screen isnt anything special!!!!! so yeah if u r considering buying this phone, do yourself a favour and DONT BUY THIS PHONE!
by the way if anyone can help me with the infrared (IRDA) problem please please please email me!!! thanksss
- E
- Eshan
- w9L
- 26 Dec 2006
I have that same problem with the sync
So is there any solution ... send me an email.
- V
- Vicki
- wg}
- 18 Dec 2006
I bought this phone for chrissy ( but not allowed it until chrissy day cos have lil sis who beleives in Santa)
Is it a good phone??
- ?
- Anonymous
- i2a
- 16 Dec 2006
i have this phone and the phone wont synchronise, always says sychronisation failed and to check the COM port...???
Help would be greatly apreciated :) email me..
- J
- John
- 2Gn
- 10 Dec 2006
yer...i posted a post a while ago...about the same problem the person below me has..is there any help out there a admin or sumthin really appricated if you can solve my promble....
With no astrix (*) when i go to connect
- S
- Secret
- 2Gn
- 10 Dec 2006
oMg......this is so crazy.......i have no F********************King ("
**************************") Astrix!!!..........wtf is my * thingy....OmG................
LOL....anwyas i all...doesn any one know how
to fix this astri promblem it reckon i have no COM port 1 so i put it in COM port 2 and still no Astrix......plz help had this phone 4 ages so anyoing
- ?
- Anonymous
- wf5
- 19 Nov 2006
how do you get the INFARED PORT to work??? i have had this phone for almost a year now and i can get the port to work
- n
- niina
- 12 Nov 2006
hi how do i find the com port that is marled with an *. none of my options allow mw to choose one. please help
- n
- niina
- 12 Nov 2006
hi. my problem is that my usb will connect fine to the phone and computer. and there is three options to choose the contents, messages and contacts. i can go into the messages section and look at the messages i have on my phone. but the problem is every time select the contents one this message appears " runtime error" and then once i click ok another message comes up "lg phone manager exe. has generated errors and will be closed by windows. you will need to restart the program. an error log has been created, click ok." and the program closes. i have tryed restarting my computer but that does not help at all. someone help me please niinza_luv@hotmail.com