LG U8180
- M
- Margory
- P%r
- 31 Oct 2006
I think it's a really great phone its so good and fun and tasty i lick it so good all the time i catch the train and i watch ot very fast so good for no good you bad monster! OOOH! Hello Yusof come and play in the internet cafe! FIGGlE FIGGLE SOG ooooh im siittting in the spinning chair of goodness oooh this phone has the camera that is like so fun to touch and move up and down ooooh i love just grabbing a firm hold of the camera and sliding it up and down omgomg someone just walked apst and they had like a white shirt on with like writing on the back i have a nokia n70 and i love to play slideises w ith the camera but it is a much better camera to plau flipzos on this phone i just love LG it is so creative and full of delight! i love the orange colours it is very orange and i love orange the fruit orange is so good aswell because it tastes so yummy and it is very good you bad bad sepppppp hellol
- M
- Muhammad Imran
- ypp
- 30 Oct 2006
I have used Lg U8180. I really liked its features,but the only problem which I face is connectivity via usb to PC. I request manufacturers to please send me its drivers.
- ?
- Anonymous
- im4
- 27 Oct 2006
i got this phone.. so yea. its good .. but i would prefer nokia phones as u are able to type faster and better.. much better response acutually...
if ur having trouble connecting it with ur comp , use the cd provided and install it.. all the frivers needed are in the cd itself.. use the lg phone manger that comes with it..
- r
- rodney
- 2CC
- 26 Oct 2006
hey peeples i too dont have the * next to the reccommended com port number could some1 plz gimme info of how to find it????
if u do plz e-mail me @ rodney_evil_flathead@hotmail.com
- S
- Sophie
- CV$
- 23 Oct 2006
hi im Sophie
i received my phone earlier this year and i have taken pictures with my phone but im not sure how to transfer them onto the computer. i was just wondering if u would be able to email me back with how to do this.
- s
- santosh
- 2Zg
- 14 Oct 2006
iam getting problem when i connect to usb to my lg phone u8180.plse post me how to use the phon maneger for it
- s
- sammy
- i2H
- 12 Oct 2006
can someone help me with being able to transfer the videos that i have recorded on the fone to my computer. I am able to get the videos on my comp but i am unable to play with windows media player. Is there a certain player i should be using?
- B
- m{n
- 02 Oct 2006
my phone is log up, requiring a security code , but if i key in my code it gives me ivalid signal. Please show me how to unlog it.
- J
- Jim
- U2T
- 01 Oct 2006
I just bought this phone and i cannot connect to the Computer i have installed everything and have found the syschronise on my phone but it just wont... i seem to be having the same problem as everyone else.. PLEASE EMAIL ME AND HELP!
- p
- peter
- kPx
- 23 Sep 2006
i just got my white chocolate lg kg800 and im havin a hard time puttin songs from my comp in there how do i do it, if theres anyone out there that knos please help me out tx alot...
- N
- Nathan bro
- P%A
- 18 Sep 2006
this fone is so sick bro, its got a mad camera and mp3. the 3g capability is mad. should defo buy it if ur looking for a fone very very good looks too..
- r
- riley
- x{@
- 14 Sep 2006
i own the LGU8180 but i cant seem to connect it to my computer. i own the software and have it installed but every time i connect the usb it makes a funny noise and doesnt recognise it. can anybody help me with my case?
- b
- belal
- NhI
- 12 Sep 2006
i want lg u8180 phone maneger full optione
please because i dont have the lg cd
- c
- caitlyn
- 2I2
- 11 Sep 2006
i have tried heaps of times but i can not work out how to use infared can anyone help me please?
- A
- Ang
- wgG
- 08 Sep 2006
Does anyone have to software for this phone my sister has it and she has lost the disk, if anyone has a copy or knows where i can find the software plz email me at ang_2069@hotmail.com, i'm desperate and she needs to get the thousands of photos off the phone lol.
- l
- luke
- Uip
- 07 Sep 2006
hi i have an lg 8180 and i have problems syncronising it it says that sync failed and to check the com port
- L
- Laur
- nDV
- 02 Sep 2006
i have phone manager&driver for LG 8180,if somebody need something i would like to help you.....and learn little bit romanian:p....se ya`
- p
- pekesh
- ijN
- 01 Sep 2006
please any body got handset manager
for the model lg U8180
email me at pekesh_s@hotmail.com
- J
- Jenna
- wgI
- 01 Sep 2006
Hi, I bought this phone last october and have misplaced the cd that came with the phone, and three no longer make them, please can someone send me an email how to download it or send me a copy of the disk. Please email little_jenna_kay@hotmail.com. Thanks..please help
- r
- rick
- i4b
- 01 Sep 2006
this phone has great looks.wow wonderful orange colour n i like it very much.the only problem im facing is wid the infrared n can i play the mp3 songs on it.plz can anybody
help me?