Microsoft resumes the February WP7 update for Samsung phones

03 March, 2011

It looks like Microsoft has ironed out the issues that plagued the first update for their WP7 mobile platform. The issues that lead to bricking of some Samsung Omnia 7 units are now taken care of and the update has been made available once again.

Microsoft has been pushing the update since yesterday and we are getting no user reports of bricked devices so far.

The company didn't say what the "technical issue" with the Samsung WP7 smartphones was, but it's a good thing they fixed it so quickly.

The update is being sent-out on a rolling schedule and your WP7 device will notify you when it has arrived. Have in mind, though that the update itself is not available over the air and you will need to plug your handset into your computer and use Zune to get it.

Microsoft are also still sending the update to Windows Phone 7 devices from other manufacturers, so even if you haven't received yours there's no reason to worry just yet.

Now that they have this one cleared we are hoping they will get back to work on the major update. We'd love to try some copy/paste and voice-guided navigation on WP7.


Reader comments

  • Anonymous
  • 10 Mar 2011
  • IaH

I own an Omnia 7. It has brightness control. That is all.

  • PerTech
  • 05 Mar 2011
  • mHr

That sounds a little better CJ! As far as numbers are concerned it isn't competing with Android or iPhone yet. I definitely believe it will though and I don't think it will take long either. If Microsoft are serious about entering the phone mark...

  • AnonD-2881
  • 05 Mar 2011
  • utm

@Chris, my brother has a nokia 5230 and it is able to give more then 24 hours playback and also there are many phones from nokia and sony(java enabled) and many other companies(java enabled) that give great battery back up for listening music and wat...

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