Motorola A780
- m
- michael
- Yg6
- 28 Mar 2006
iv just bought this phone,do you folks think i made a good invesment even though the phone has been out for a while now.i really hope i like it.i live in atlanta georgia and use cingular.i hope its not hard to setup with cingular.thanks michael
- h
- herm
- 4hA
- 26 Mar 2006
Heck, if you can find it on ebay why not?
- N
- Nira
- Rb8
- 25 Mar 2006
Thanks Herm. I appreciate your help. Don't mind me asking few more ques when my phone arrives here on Monday. Also, can you please tell me where I can buy a 1gb memory card? I purchased my phone from ebay. Can I buy it on ebay?
Thanks again!!!
- h
- herm
- 4hA
- 25 Mar 2006
Typical an MP3 song is like 3.xMB so with 40MB internal memory you would be able to store around 10-12 songs. I got a 512MB transflash card and when I recorded my CDs I used wma instead of MP3. I also lower the bit rate (less quality, smaller file) to 64bit and I can store close to 200 songs.
Btw, 1GB cards are out now and they should work on the phone.
- N
- Nira
- Rb8
- 25 Mar 2006
I meant how many songs it's going to hold....
- n
- nira
- Rb8
- 25 Mar 2006
Hi guys,
I just ordered this A780 and I am wondering how many it's going to hold.
- C
- Corporate Rock
- iZB
- 21 Mar 2006
Yes you can record while you converse. hit the camera button on the side while your talking and it will record.
- h
- herm
- 4hA
- 18 Mar 2006
Plus, the Asian version (the one I have) does not sync over the air with MS Exchange/Active Sync. The European version does.
- P
- Phil
- myP
- 17 Mar 2006
Ok here's the official line on European A780 voice dial. As Herm says this version of the phone is shipped without the feature. Motorola initially said it was the CoPilot phones, but they haven't said if the feature was taken off because of CoPilot.
ALK said initially that they have phones with CoPilot on that can still voice dial. Now they are concurring with Motorola and saying if Motorola have decided to disable the feature on Euro phones then they must have had a good reason.
My beef is that when I first looked into the phone the only spec I could find was the one that showed voice dial as a permanent feature. Neither CoPilot or Motorola (or BT) said in their blurb that this model had no voice dial. They didn't say it didn't either but I feel that they should.
So if you're looking for a phone with both voice dial and CoPilot - look elsewhere. I wonder what would happen if you bought a US spec phone and installed CoPilot after purchase as an add on? Guess we'll never know
- E
- Sw}
- 16 Mar 2006
hi, plz help me is it possible call recording during call. plzzzzz
- ?
- Anonymous
- 441
- 14 Mar 2006
I have been using the A780 for over 6 months, and have yet to have any problems. The downloads are lightning quick (for a cell phone) and the software has never frozen up. Of course, since it is basically a mini-computer, it *may* lock up in the future, but it hasn't yet. I love it. Can't wait to get the GPS version with CoPilot.
- s
- ssk
- Y1X
- 13 Mar 2006
does anyone know how to have different fonts viewable on the document viewer??
Because i have files that are in different fonts (languages) and i can't get them to come up on the document viewer. Please help as i need those files in those different fonts
- h
- herm
- 4hA
- 11 Mar 2006 is a cool site but I don't look forward to cripple my phone messing with Linux. My advice to you b careful.
- h
- hadus
- TKb
- 11 Mar 2006
i love the design...but unfortunately the phone is sooo not stable. I experiences several times where the phone hang and the touchscreen is not functional... very disappointed..
- h
- herm
- 4hA
- 11 Mar 2006
Johnny A,
What was Motorola response?
- J
- Johny A
- myi
- 10 Mar 2006
Phil & Herm
Cheers guys!
I wrote to Motorola tech support and in fairness to them I got a reply within 3 days.
I will try the link suggested.
(isn't the web fantastic-we really were in the dark ages before it!)
- P
- Phil
- myP
- 10 Mar 2006
Johny A.
Am having the same prob with my UK A780 - no voice dial.
Herm's response is the same as Motorola's - You got CoPilot - you no got voice dial.
However ALK say different. They say their A780's work fine with CoPilot - voice dial and all. Go figure.
- s
- ssk
- 46p
- 10 Mar 2006
it has a whole bunch of helpful tips about the a780
- h
- herm
- 4h2
- 10 Mar 2006
Sax Man,
Using phone tools you can get an internet connection via Cingular (I tried and I was able to get 115kbps). You can also use your phone as a usb modem and connect dial up to an ISP
- h
- herm
- 4h2
- 10 Mar 2006
Johnny A,
I read on the internet that voice command was removed from the European version (I guess a trade off since it has GPS). to view wmv you will need to get a 3gpp/mpg4 converter. See to get 1. I can view pdf without any problems. The Picsel viewer has instructions.