Motorola C115
- t
- trippa
- SpL
- 12 Apr 2005
hiya! i got a motorola c115 2 weeks ago but it wont change meh screen saver it seems impossible to compose a tone! or to find a tone to compose! so im gettin yet another new fone in 2 - 3 weeks a (motorola v220) camera flip fone :) now i wish i'd kept meh other camera video fone
- k
- karleigh
- SpL
- 12 Apr 2005
how do you compose a ring tone? i cant seem to be able to do it!
- h
- hazza
- nE0
- 12 Apr 2005
I just bought 1 on a special deal from for £20. It comes with £10 free airtime and 1000 free txts!!! WOW!
It will arrive soon. I cant wait!
- f
- furqan
- PZ%
- 06 Apr 2005
wel come !
i buy new motorolla c115. When i insert sim and on the phone . phone oned. but when i dial no . on the screen appear ; the ser busy ; i so disturb . I do no call on it .Please give me some solution of the problem i shall be thankful to u.
furqan mail me soon i will wait
- c
- clifford
- mgi
- 05 Apr 2005
I really love everything about this motorola c115 but the problem is just the ring tone,it does not have this mark"-"to complete most ring tones
- b
- boubaker
- mCp
- 04 Apr 2005
- L
- Liviu
- i8u
- 04 Apr 2005
Regarding Liviu post, about ringtone composer, mail was changed. This post have the right e-mail address.
- P
- Paul
- PW7
- 04 Apr 2005
The software is buggy and the phone must be reset once in a while. The message area gets corrupted easily and means the user must delete all messages for the phone to receive messages again.
- r
- rahim
- PB2
- 02 Apr 2005
My childrens have changed its screen savour now i can'd understabd how i again set the fish screen savour again and also some body tell me can i down load some new ring tones in it.
- b
- boogachu
- PAy
- 01 Apr 2005
how much is it in western australia?
- L
- Liviu
- 31 Mar 2005
Hi, I am from Romania and I believe is a very nice phone for his price.
A lot of people ask for free ringtones. Here I have two links for you:
In the first site (, you can download the imy file. This type of file is a text file so you can edit with notepad, but I think is much better to use the ring tone code on the page. You don't need all content of the file, only what is write in MELODY: section, like (*4a4*4a3......). All that string you must compose with phone like this: with MENU key select the RING STYLES > SELECT > MY TONES > SELECT > EMPTY RING > SELECT > CHANGE on NOTES: menu. With up an down arrow select the desired musical note. Little trick: If you whant to have a louder tone, try to increment with 1 the first number afther the * in the ring code. But not bigger than 6.
Normal note: (*3a4*4a3*5a2......)
Changed note: (*4a4*5a3*6a2......)
Any time you can hear what you composed, with MENU key > PLAY ALL on the phone keyboard and for your own expert knowledge try to use HELP feature in the same menu.
And the last and important advice, try to use only this kind: *4b3*4#g3*4e2*4e3*4e3..... of ring tone, not this type: vibeonbackoff*6c5ledon*6d5ledoff*6e5ledon... because I don't know what kind of ring tone is the last type.
For other kind of problem mail me and I reply you If I know the answer.
Good luck composers.
- A
- Andrija
- SwH
- 29 Mar 2005
I paid it 49,90 EUR , so for that money this is excelent choice !!! Who will ask for any ringtones !?
- s
- segun
- Sw}
- 29 Mar 2005
it is nice it has a nice face and
but i don't know how to use the
composer in composing the songs i like for my songs
- P
- Prabakaran. K
- RKe
- 29 Mar 2005
Sir, This is a compact cell but the problem which i faces while using this set are
1. Volume of the ringtones are very low
2. No new ringtones i can download
3. The screensaver is not working properly
Can u please rectify this problem or give some suggesions. hu to download ringtones? please help me in this regard. Thank you
- s
- segun
- mJZ
- 29 Mar 2005
it a good phone but no good ringtones,and i need help two create my own tone. been trying to compose from my tone but not good enough ,if u could hlp me with ome music note u write happy people.
- C
- Charlotte
- 27 Mar 2005
i loveeeeee this fone but i can't seem to send messages, it says i have to setup my inbox has anyone had this can can you tell me how I'm supposed to do it?
p.s this phone is really lush to use
- D
- Deonarine
- jtw
- 27 Mar 2005
HI there,
I bought the motorola c115 and it works well. The only problem is that i'm not getting any ringtone for the phone. I download the coding workshop ringtone converter but that's only a trial verson and it only converts a christmas song. Can anyone help me with the full verson of coding workshop ringtone converter or is theer another software that can do the job. The bad thing is that I can't even buy the software brcause I'm from south america so I wouldn't have a credit card that the internet accepts. Someone plz plz plz plz help me out . Send me an email plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
- 5
- 583
- 26 Mar 2005
hi i am plannin to buy this phone am my 1st if amy1 has figured out the ringtone thing plz mail me abt it thnx guys
- h
- harikishore k
- ijJ
- 23 Mar 2005
this is very beautiful and comfortable
- K
- Kapila
- Uiw
- 23 Mar 2005
How I dounload ringtons ?