Motorola E398
- M
- Murthy
- P$x
- 26 Dec 2005
I have the Motorola E398. Its a great phone, but the only problem that i have with it is that when playing mp3 songs after some time it gives a "System error" and until i reset the phone nothing on the "Trans Flash" can be used. None of the contents on the "Trans Flash" can be accessed until I reset the phone. Does any one have the solution to this problem?
Thanks in advance. Please mail me at
- P
- Pallav
- 2S%
- 25 Dec 2005
hi guyz i m bored with the three default themes in the phone. can anybody tell me how to install new themes to phone.
plz send me mail at
- r
- rald
- RKn
- 24 Dec 2005
to dyman,
man can u sent me the software to upgrade my e398 to ROKR E1??? here's my email address TNX in advance!
- C
- Chilled Pluto
- PS@
- 24 Dec 2005
If you have any queries regarding e398 games and apps, and troubleshooting the phone just mail me....i could also give ya links to free games for the phone. It si a faitly long process that is why i am not writing about it here.
PS: Greatest Phone Ever Made
- d
- dianatcw
- 24 Dec 2005
anyone here knows a software or a way that can unlock those locked images?if so please email me it would be a big help, thanks
- M
- Muslim_toledo
- mjE
- 23 Dec 2005
Hi friends,
this phone seems to be a good one but does it really cant have SMS saved on its internal memory? i mean about 69 Mb(5+64) with no SMS cant be saved on internal memory?
if yes, is their any software upgrading enable saving SMS on internal memory
also what is the average price of this set?
- p
- paul
- Mbt
- 23 Dec 2005
When i use usb data cable to transfer mp3 song to phone,the mp3 song at the phone become sound distortion,is it data cable problem or anything to cause this problem?
- g
- gerry
- 2Am
- 22 Dec 2005
same problem with dyman.Pls help!!!
- h
- hudy
- mN%
- 21 Dec 2005
quite decent phone. I've had for a couple of weeks and it doesnt have any secrets for me. Using appropriate software it's possible to convert virtually any video file (even a complete DVD movie) into compatible format and watch. The quality is also decent (eg 80kbps/but low frame rate - like 7-8fps since the hardware has trouble processing the data and gets cut. As for software and games- no problem Midway 2.8 works excellent
- A
- Anser
- PTp
- 21 Dec 2005
can anyone tell me how can i download games in my E398 using the USB cable which was included with it ? Thanks !!!
- r
- riyan
- 21 Dec 2005
well nice yong...make sure that it is in gud condition ..E 398 can never die..i mean it it can never :)) ..well modd ur fone it looks great it can even beat 6600
- r
- riyan
- 21 Dec 2005
ya warsa i knw :)) even i encounterd that bug :))
- y
- yOng
- F4p
- 21 Dec 2005
wad i mean is i'm goin to buy a used e398 for SG$200. it comes wif a 256mb transflash
- w
- warsa
- PF8
- 21 Dec 2005
there is a bug in the program. when input a contact into the phonebook, if we forget to fill the "name", we cannot enter into the phonebook menu... please check it !!!
- r
- riyan
- 20 Dec 2005
yong ,second hand hp??wat is it ?? i didnt get u man?
- c
- carlos
- PbG
- 20 Dec 2005
I don't have spanish language, and i would like put my cell in spanish . ¿can anyone help me to have it?
- E
- E
- T4a
- 20 Dec 2005
Can anubady tell me why i can't not open the Mp3 player it writess mp3 files were not found and usb cabel disconected
- y
- yOng
- F4p
- 20 Dec 2005
thx again riyan. anyway i am buyin a second hand hp. it is sellin for SG$200. so is it a gd buy? the warrenty's over. but it comes with a 256mb transflash card. so is it a gd buy?
- d
- dyman
- msn
- 19 Dec 2005
i tried and didn't find how to upgrade my phone! can anyone explain exactly what steps to take so i can upgrade my phone to R373??? help pls
- r
- riyan
- 19 Dec 2005
william charles....ur current stock E 398 has R 372 to software...if u upgrade it to R373 or popularly called us ROKR E 1 ..u can enable video recordin if am nt wrong u get unlimited vdeo rec..depending on ur card memory which is gud ...and all minor bugs are fixed if u upgrade(flash) ur fone to the new software ...u get lot many things...and guess wat ur fones becomes an apple i pod fones:)) i mean u can enable apple i tunes with it and many many many many more features....well if u want to mod ur fone to ROKR e 1 just go here
where u can learn how to change ur fones software :)) any thin else u wanna knw do ask me or mail me :)) cya