Motorola E398
- a
- angel
- YfF
- 29 Sep 2005
i just recently bought an e398 but cant get the proper coverage/signal. i am subscribed to cingular. is anyone having any problems w/ theirs who are w/ cingular as well? i was told by their customer rep to just sell it and buy one branded cingular. im not sure if that's good advise or just biased. can i get some advice? thanks!
- d
- dimal
- PA3
- 29 Sep 2005
pls help me how 2 upload java app.use usb cable via my e398 it'have't java uploder menu
- l
- luke
- Uip
- 29 Sep 2005
hi i was just wondering how do you download games onto your computer and then transfer them onto a e398 phone via a usb cable?
- d
- dilun
- TC%
- 27 Sep 2005
Hey guys! I was wondering if there is an adapter for the normal type earphone jack. The e398 jack is smaller, can i use a normal earphone but is there even an adapter to begin with? Or are there better earphones, like Sony's earbuds....thanks guys!
- J
- Joelle
- 27 Sep 2005
YES it comes with programs and usb cable to transfer mp3 and video to the phone.
- A
- Andy
- Uip
- 27 Sep 2005
Does the phone come with programs and cables to transfer mp3 and video to the phone?
- n
- nicole
- iba
- 27 Sep 2005
can i put a 128mb Transflash card instead of 64mb card into tis phone?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4T@
- 25 Sep 2005
i called up motorola service. they said they dont do it coz its unlicensed and illegal.
- K
- Kade
- 24 Sep 2005
TO Deadly Sins
Thanks 4 ur reply! But i wonder storing 50 songs would mean that songs would be compressed at a tiny rate such tat the audio quality may suk! b'cos i once tried 2 compress a song up to 40kbps but it ended up sounding shit on my phone. Or u could probably recommend me a small standard compressing rate which would enable me 2 hav lots of songs at the same time retaning the sound quality! And also i had searched on several sites which enable moddling the phone, but i find them non-user friendly- dude do u know any site which has user friendly e398 moddling software? Thanks
- n
- nilayabhishek
- RKq
- 24 Sep 2005
can the persons at motorola service stations can upgrade e398 to e398i?can this be done in lucknow?
- J
- Joelle
- 24 Sep 2005
May I know am I able to save my sms to the phone instead of my SIM card which always tell me messages FULL when there's around 25 sms! :(
- b
- boby
- Tm8
- 24 Sep 2005
hi!does anyone knows wheather e398 has sms report for received message.Many motorola phones does not have this useful feature
- S
- Spy
- SnL
- 24 Sep 2005
Can I use 512MB TransFlash card with Motorola E398? How can I enable video recording without losing the MP3 Player?
I heard that in i398 I will have iTunes but the MP3 Player is unavailable.
- S
- Spy
- SnL
- 24 Sep 2005
Very good phone!
- d
- deady sins
- 23 Sep 2005
To Kade.
Sorry to tell you. but all your disadvantages seems to be wrong. there is a software for video recordin. 64 MB. 15 songs? well. not 15. correct amount is 50 or more. i think u should know what is compressing the song. thanks. need anything. e mail the above adress.
- k
- kade
- 23 Sep 2005
joelie, i think u should try switching the storage device through the menu or if it doesnt works it means that the file is not supported.
- k
- kade
- 23 Sep 2005
hey ya to those e398 owners! Let Me LIST THE BAD DISADVANTAGES OF THE PHONE:
-cannot take video
-even though memory is 64+5= 69mb the usable amnt is only 63mb the most
-no infrared
-max storage of mp3 only is abt 15 songs
-BATTERY LIFE only lasts 2 days on average.
-ability to play videos
can also play AMR or recordings from other phones
- J
- Joelle
- 23 Sep 2005
Hi, i just bought my E398 and i have a problem with the video files.
I transfered a MPG file into the video folder under the memory card using the Mobile Tools provided, but after transfer's completed, the file doesn't appear in the folder and I can't find it anywhere.
Can someone help me with this?
- i
- ishmael
- Rn@
- 22 Sep 2005
Hey i got a e398 yesterday & i started getin alot sms from my friends but my inbox is full & i only hav 15 msgs, so can anyone tell me how to store sms on the fone.
Thanks alot
- d
- dj_ashtray
- 21 Sep 2005
@ bek
Thanx for the info, but I haven't got a e398 :-( I'd like havin' one, but I guess I don't have enough money for gettin' SE w800 and e398. But I got a friend that I'm sure he will appreciate this info.
Now, excuse me but I thought this wasn't impossible, so anyone can tell if it's possible that MOTO V3 Records video? I'll appreciate any comnt.
P.D. I ain't outdated [lol ;-)]
Thanx 4 the info bek