User opinions and reviews

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  • A
  • Anwar
  • fvD
  • 28 Dec 2010

The phone is it
battery life.....bull shit....can't stand solve this i use juice defender and turn it into 2G and use 3G only when um browsing...and charge twice daily...but that's not smartphone features isn't it!!
juice defender lets u connect 1 min every 15 whats the point of buying a smart phone when u have turn off most of its smart features to save battery from dying after 6 hours!!!!!!!

    • J
    • JJ
    • 5F{
    • 28 Dec 2010

    kingsheart, 25 Dec 2010at first i was worried about the milestone.... my question ... moreTake it to the service center.. dat looks like the best option specially since am not sure wat exactly ur problem is

      • J
      • John
      • 5F{
      • 28 Dec 2010

      SR, 27 Dec 2010Looking at all the talk about battery life it seems there a... moreOptimus has a CPU which does not support flash...
      the minimum requirement for flash is a ARMv7 CPU
      where as the Optimus has the V6 CPU in it...

      The Milestone on the other hand has an ARM Cortex A8 which supports Flash.. its only a matter of the OS gettin rolled out for Milestone..and u could start using flash on it

        • k
        • karan
        • u{a
        • 28 Dec 2010

        SR, 27 Dec 2010Looking at all the talk about battery life it seems there a... moreit will definately get flash droid the same model it got flash with 2.2 + u can go and check on adobe website to confirm milestone has a good gpu to support flash comparing to LG, still waiting for froyo in new zealand.

          • S
          • SR
          • s8f
          • 27 Dec 2010

          Looking at all the talk about battery life it seems there are no other major flaws in this phone. By the way, since it has CPUv7 it seems that this does not support Flash in the browser. Have been reading the review of LG Optimus One the other day and as Optimus One has the same CPU that's what was said about the Froyo running handset by GSMArena. So even if Milestone does get Froyo update it wont provide the desktop grade Adobe Flash 10.1 support in the browser. What a shame... Anybody has any view about this???

            • j
            • jaimez
            • tE@
            • 27 Dec 2010

            Anonymous, 26 Dec 2010does the glass break or scratch easily? no the glass of the screen does not break easily, because its made of gorilla glass, which is a durable.... but just to keep ypur phone safe, i suggest you get a screen protector, & a case....

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • q}g
              • 26 Dec 2010

              does the glass break or scratch easily?

                • L
                • LMAO
                • ib3
                • 26 Dec 2010

                milestone is fighting with Iphone perpendicularly zzz
                see Iphone 3GS. processor speed and graphic are about the same.

                Iphone 4 and Milestone 2. processor speed and graphic are also about the same LMAO

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • Kx1
                  • 25 Dec 2010

                  kingsheart, 25 Dec 2010at first i was worried about the milestone.... my question ... morebring you Phone to srvice center. You may accidentally delete all files. I just guess?

                    • k
                    • kingsheart
                    • 9jH
                    • 25 Dec 2010

                    at first i was worried about the milestone.... my question is why my milestone when i start all of my load was gone even i did not used it... and nobody even a person can explain it to me..... i don't know what was the problem of that situation.... i hope anybody can give me some answer to it cos right now i'm still not using it.... its useless for me..... pls. give me some answer....

                      • J
                      • JohorBahruJohor
                      • TKk
                      • 25 Dec 2010

                      Anonymous, 25 Dec 2010u don't know what is standby mean, for me battery backup i... morecontrol the battery quality.

                      yeah I like ur comment. fully support you. =]

                      and control phone wattage also

                        • s
                        • siddhu
                        • NHM
                        • 25 Dec 2010

                        mike, 15 Dec 2010actually i am an iphone user. but when i bought this mobile... morethis is a very good phone, your decision is awesome.
                        i am also having the MILESTONE

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • PUj
                          • 25 Dec 2010

                          JohorBahruJohor , 25 Dec 2010you see my btm (days ago) long comment. sms internet wifi.... moreu don't know what is standby mean, for me battery backup is better than 3gs and I don't think sgs have better battery backup than milestone. ...I have 2 batteries and they have different backup. ...I think motorola should control the battery quality.

                            • J
                            • JohorBahruJohor
                            • TKk
                            • 25 Dec 2010

                            sabrina, 24 Dec 2010Excuse me, could someone please tell me how long would the ... moreyou see my btm (days ago) long comment.
                            sms internet wifi. you will get 6 hours.

                            weird? heres weirder.

                            I dont care! No mattter HOW HEAVY IS THE USAGE(gaming, mp3,internet. ON ALL IN ONE GO) or EVEN WITHOUT ANY USAGE IT still lasts for 6 hours. BELIEVE ME? BEEN THERE DONE THAT. I'm fxxking pissed

                            in reply to 100 Moto;

                            ou wow!I am amazed!300 hours?wow!LIAR!I'm crazy? ok!

                            here's the deal. I want my original from factory 2 months old Milestone last for 24 hours = 1 day, and I will GLADLY appreciate that AND totally stop what I am doing now.I am willing to do anything (except for "rooting" cos still under 1 year warranty).

                            Y I am mad?Nice phone,nice looking,nice function like other phones,SUCK BATTERY!camera is uselesss since batteries sucks. cant use it when I go for outdoor holiday.
                            1 year a battery I dont mind at all . 1 day 2-4 times charge I cant stand it.

                            I want. 1 day 1 charge.
                            TAK PUAS SAYA? NI BU SUANG WO? pity. diu ni lau mo.wa du lan liao! oh yah thanks for ur recomendation. I DU LAN LIAO. I should have go for Samsung Galaxy.

                              • T
                              • Tuka
                              • vws
                              • 24 Dec 2010

                              hey Guys,
                              Great new games released for Android Mobiles.
                              Visit the link for more information.

                                • s
                                • sabrina
                                • IWa
                                • 24 Dec 2010

                                Excuse me, could someone please tell me how long would the phone last if I only use it for like.. texting and occasional short calls and occasional wifi browsing?

                                Would it last me more than 2 days for one charge?

                                  • 1
                                  • 100 Moto
                                  • Er2
                                  • 24 Dec 2010

                                  JohorBahruJohoR, 23 Dec 2010Well... shall I compare it with Iphone 3GS (3 days standby)... moreJust checked the specs regarding standby time between Milestone vs. iphone 3GS.

                                  Milestone: 350 hours
                                  iphone: 300 hours

                                  X10? Where I live, Milestone outsold X10 by at least 10:1, and if X10 is really that good, its sales probably wouldn't be....

                                  Despite being one year old, many (new to Android) users are still buying Milestone, which is selling for around US$450 unlock without contract.

                                  Agree most batteies last about 1000 times recharge, and if one charges twice a day, the battery would last about 1-1/2 years.

                                  What do most people do with phones being 1-1/2 years old nowadays? My wife had been using her iphone 3 (not GS) for nearly 2 years, she dumped it for iphone 4 simply because everybody else is using iphone 4.

                                  Milestone is still being a good phone (especially for the price right now), though 1-1/2 year from now, other than Moto freks like myself, how many are likely to keep this phone for daily use? (maybe a good backup)

                                  If the phone satisfies one's needs after 18 months, what's wrong to get a new battery, which costs around US$27?

                                  If battery is your greatest concern over everything else, like voice quality (crystal talk), Android, etc...then suggest you to look at Philps' phones, which are known to last DAYS per charge.

                                    • J
                                    • JohorBahruJohoR
                                    • wHT
                                    • 23 Dec 2010

                                    100 Moto, 22 Dec 2010Hero's battery lasts longer? Of course! You need to consi... moreWell... shall I compare it with Iphone 3GS (3 days standby) or Iphone 4 (4 days standby), Sony X10 24 hours with my pathetic 12 hours only standby? batteries have only 1000 life span. 1 day charge twice with some heat which shortened the life span
                                    I guess 1 battery can last for 1 1/2 year only zzzz

                                    A phone which last 12 hours only is not really practical for daily user.

                                    and Plus! I hope the Android 2.2 ALSO FIX PROPERLY ON THE PROCESSOR SPEED STEP!!! Wakao!!!
                                    Advanced task manager states 550MHz for 11 hours
                                    *#*#4636#*#* also keep states 550MHz for 11 hours
                                    Android Status also states = current freq : 550Mhz

                                    Why is the speed never drops? all program have been killed using advance task manager,and running widget running

                                    I saw some articles that Android and CPUv7 in milestone support speed step! and they says min freq is 250Mhz. Wow I and only if my phone run at 250Mhz or go lower 150Mhz when idle, I cant imagine how many additional hours it can last the standby. I want this SETTING!!!!!

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • Ge@
                                      • 23 Dec 2010

                                      One of the best phones by far...but what pushes me away to another the fact that it will take too long to get Froyo...

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • 8yR
                                        • 23 Dec 2010

                                        Anonymous, 23 Dec 2010Don't be panic, that's normal.yeah thanks!!!