Motorola One 5G Ace

Motorola One 5G Ace

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • 8fe
  • 15 Jul 2023

Tato, 21 Jun 2023My biggest regret in buying phones so far. Phone is not ... moreYou likely received a lemon. Mine works fine

    waayo69, 03 Aug 2022Hi! got the phone a month ago from ebay. network unlocked w... moreAliExpress huh?

      Barbie girl, 13 May 2023Only Motorola one uw ace getting android 12. Motorola one ... morePlease release Motorola one 5g ace android 12😭😭

        • T
        • Tato
        • kri
        • 21 Jun 2023

        My biggest regret in buying phones so far.

        Phone is not as capable as the specs state. I cannot have more my working app, weather app, and youtube open at once because the phone freezes, camera works like a 20 yr old phone, takes about 7 hours to fully charge in a regular charger, controls are sloppy, fringer scanner is oversensitive so a little sweat on your finger and you are locked out.

        I need to be constantly rebooting the device to able to work. Probably the worst Motorola I've had so far.

          • B
          • Barbie girl
          • uW8
          • 13 May 2023

          Snapdragon, 10 Apr 2023I contacted AT&T about upgrading from Android 11 to 12.... moreOnly Motorola one uw ace getting android 12. Motorola one 5g ace is stuck on Android 11. I should have bought UW varient 😭😭

            I contacted AT&T about upgrading from Android 11 to 12. They directed me to Motorola USA page for phones that would be upgraded with new Android OS version. It shows that under AT&T it is expected to receive Android 12. Under Verizon the Android 12 is out already.
            I then contacted Motorola USA on Facebook.
            This is the response in quote
            "Hello, . Thank you for reaching out to us, and we understand where you're coming from about this. I know we've advised that the Motorola One 5G Ace would receive Android 12. This was the original plan. However, the plans have changed. This phone model has received its one OS upgrade to Android 11, and will not be getting an update to Android 12. It will continue to receive frequent Play Store updates to Moto apps.

            The decision whether to upgrade a device is made on a case-by-case basis with several factors in mind, including carrier approvals, partner support, the capabilities of the device, number of devices in use, where the device is in its lifecycle and the overall experience. We truly apologize for any miscommunication or confusion this has caused. -Rica"
            So confusing. I replied that i will not buy Motorola phones anymore Samsung just made an agreement to upgrade their devices for 3 years android OS versions. Some apps don't work well with old android OS. Security updates are nothing and of no use. She thanked me for the reply.
            **So right now i trust only Google and samsung for new Android OS upgrades so my next phones would come from one of them. I was thinking about Motorola moto g stylus 2022 but clearly no hope for upgrade on OS version so goodbye to Motorola

              • Y
              • Yasir
              • 6p{
              • 19 Mar 2023

              The only 'BIG' reason why I never bought moto fones ever after the z2 is software updates. they just do not compare to any competitors like samsung or oneplus or even nokia.

                Taken, 12 Mar 2023Motorola lies to consumers and cannot be trusted. They said... moreI read on the internet that Verizon in USA upgraded to Android 12. I use AT&T nothing yet.

                  Taken, 12 Mar 2023Motorola lies to consumers and cannot be trusted. They said... moreI've read some posts about it too. Too bad i go the phone for free that's the only reason i will not complain too much. This is my first Motorola smartphone ever. But you are right they don't like to update the OS of their phones. I don't think I'll be buying any Motorola with my money in future

                    • T
                    • Taken
                    • ris
                    • 12 Mar 2023

                    Motorola lies to consumers and cannot be trusted. They said that this phone would get Android 12 and then "changed their minds" and said it wouldn't get it. They have done similar things in the past with other Motorola phones. They are extremely slow with security updates if you get them at all.

                    If you care about security and getting what you were promised when you spend your hard earned money on a device, Motorola is not the phone for you.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • Ib5
                      • 03 Jan 2023

                      Locopollo, 17 Jun 2022No it doesn't. Lol 😂 funny thoughYes it does. The software allows turbo charge, but the battery is designed for 15w charger. It works for a while. Seems fine and then it starts to charge slowly and deplete quickly. Try it and see for yourself. Happened to my Moto one 5g ace. PITA to fix

                        • s
                        • stillworking2004
                        • IbG
                        • 03 Dec 2022

                        RandyRiffin, 28 Jan 2022Is the phone heavy? Pixel 3 was light.Dear 1AV...
                        Use this heavy phone...
                        Skip a day at the gym...
                        It will even out...

                          • C
                          • Chris
                          • YHY
                          • 29 Nov 2022

                          I got this phone for my wife. Performance seems good, especially for what she uses it for. Hardly any apps and has a good camera and data speeds. However, the microphone has issues during calls, and there doesn't seem to be much we can do to fix it. I've had calls with her where I can only hear every few words, and several people report the same problems. I've heard about the secondary mic on it that's supposed to help with noise cancellation, but nothing seems to change when I block that off.

                            • t
                            • thetechfromheaven
                            • Prk
                            • 12 Nov 2022

                            Ehtizaz awan, 26 Aug 2022I am buying Moto one 5g ace for gaming But I've heard... moreIt should support that game. I play some PS2 games very fluidly on mine, this thing can run almost anything.

                              Anonymous, 16 Sep 2022I brought this phone back in April 2022 from Amazon. It wor... moreI originally got this phone thru T-Mobile. Worked well, except for fringe areas of coverage in parks and the like. Worked well in Switzerland this past summer (thanks Deutsche Telecomm) also. Will work with Verizon, but only 4G coverage. This phone, unlocked, had no sub mm 5G (Verizon's 5G flavor). I don't think there is a One Ace UW for Verizon.

                                • J
                                • Jvbtwo
                                • kmD
                                • 04 Nov 2022

                                Anonymous, 16 Sep 2022I brought this phone back in April 2022 from Amazon. It wor... moreh2o apn needed to be added: Name att.mvno

                                APN prodata

                                Port 80


                                mms proxy

                                mms port 80

                                mcc 310

                                mnc 410

                                apn type default,mms,supl,dun,hipri,fota,cbs,xcap

                                apn prot IPV4

                                apn roam IPV4

                                mvno type NONE

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • 7Xc
                                  • 22 Oct 2022

                                  waayo69, 03 Aug 2022Hi! got the phone a month ago from ebay. network unlocked w... moreTry to find Stock firmware for it that is for your region to unlock signal bands or you can root it & maybe there is some fixes to unlock them.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • gNa
                                    • 16 Sep 2022

                                    I brought this phone back in April 2022 from Amazon. It work with T-Mobile but would not work with H2O (ATT network) at all. It showed up as no service. I have to return it.

                                      • E
                                      • Ehtizaz awan
                                      • PAm
                                      • 26 Aug 2022

                                      I am buying Moto one 5g ace for gaming
                                      But I've heard about it that this mobile doesn't support pubg lite
                                      Kindly guide me about it

                                        Hi! got the phone a month ago from ebay. network unlocked when i bought it and did a system update. good cam, browsing speed, can do decent in games. i do have some issues tho. it doesnt detect 5G network. it stays at 4g/lte. when forcing it to NR/5G it has no network. btw carrier is T-Mobile. i have the XT2113-2 model and im from ph and sim is compatible to 5G bands