Motorola One 5G Ace

Motorola One 5G Ace

User opinions and reviews

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  • n
  • nyguy
  • SYq
  • 14 Jun 2021

I got this phone from Google Fi. Everything seemed OK until the morning after I got it. I got a "no sim card detected" message. I got a replacement sim card and that seemed to solve it. I noticed that while driving with GPS navigation the phone would lose GPS signal in spots I have never had an issue. Wide open spaces with nothing but sky. Hardware diagnostics would sometimes tell me there was a hardware problem and I should have the phone repaired, other times it would say I was connected to 8 - 12 satellites and everything was fine. Though the quality control on the pixel phones has been not great in my experience, I will probably be returning this for either a pixel 4a 5G or one of the Samsung phones. Too bad. I was really hoping to like this phone as much as I liked my old StarTac.

    Lavasani, 07 May 2021This smartphone is basically the same as moto g 56... what&... moreAs far as I can tell, the "Motorola One 5G Ace" is the US version of the "Motorola G 5G" for the international market, with the exact same dimensions and color options. The only differences I've seen is that the Motorola G 5G has dual SIM card capabilities, while the Motorola One 5G Ace can only work with a single SIM card. Because Motorola G 5G's second SIM card uses the same slot for the microSDXC, so the slot can only be used for one or the other at any given time. Also, the Motorola G 5G will only work networks that were traditionally GSM and the Motorola One 5G Ace will work those networks, it will also work on networks like Verizon Wireless that was traditionally CDMA networks.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • 4$j
      • 22 May 2021

      Anonymous, 18 May 2021No Bloatware in US AT&T versionSorry meant to say the Unlocked one has no bloatware. As far as I know AT&T only has the 5G not the ACE in my area at least. So I don't know if that one has bloatware or not from AT&T.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • 4$j
        • 22 May 2021

        If you buy an unlocked one from Motorola or Amazon it has zero bloatware

          • n
          • nicOsam
          • sHV
          • 19 May 2021

          rcasey1004.rc, 27 Apr 2021Price vs Specs is a no brainer comparison. Just based on pu... moreI have to agree on you on this Moto One 5G Ace - it is surely one of the few 'Big Bang for the Buck' smartfone for 2021.

          I have 3 months to go to get unlock code, from Metro-by-Tmobile, then I will do right away is remove all the Metro apps, and few bloatware when I got it early March.

          I do noticed a lot of google-apps that I really dont want/need - will check if OK to remove.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • 4$j
            • 18 May 2021

            Att US Version, 14 May 2021Bloatware in the ATT US Version?No Bloatware in US AT&T version

              • A
              • Att US Version
              • rVw
              • 14 May 2021

              Anonymous, 11 May 2021Does it come with any bloatware?Bloatware in the ATT US Version?

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • rVw
                • 11 May 2021

                Anonymous, 06 May 2021AT&T is offering it for $259.99 with a $30 prepaid plan... moreDoes it come with any bloatware?

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • p37
                  • 10 May 2021

                  Lavasani, 07 May 2021This smartphone is basically the same as moto g 56... what&... moreUS version

                    • L
                    • Lavasani
                    • pk{
                    • 07 May 2021

                    This smartphone is basically the same as moto g 56... what's the difference between them? Is it a regional market issue?!

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • Yi{
                      • 06 May 2021

                      AT&T is offering it for $259.99 with a $30 prepaid plan.. and $129.99 if you wanna sign your life away, and have good credit
                      i went with the $259.99 deal

                        • r
                        • rcasey1004.rc
                        • I8E
                        • 27 Apr 2021

                        Price vs Specs is a no brainer comparison. Just based on purely sizing this phone up on paper it appears to have a very well suited chipset, battery, memory package for its very modest $300 price tag. It was a very recent couple years back that a package of this quality and power would have been in the $1000 range! Add to that 5G speed capability and BOOM customers are out in front winning! Can't wait til it arrives to give it a try for myself.

                          • H
                          • Hman615
                          • GfB
                          • 22 Apr 2021

                          Great, although I wouldn’t buy it for $400. I can get it from bestbuy for Verizon for $299!

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • 4gL
                            • 20 Apr 2021

                            nicosam, 14 Mar 2021Got this recently from Metro by Tmobile as advertised as 29... moreif you are part of that company you can get it for like 100 dollars
                            Is motorola even making any money off of that?

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • 4gL
                              • 20 Apr 2021

                              5g for only like $300
                              Great deal
                              Also good mid range chipset

                                • B
                                • Brian p
                                • IbG
                                • 18 Apr 2021

                                Love this phone super fast downloads long battery life and a killer camera.i am very happy best phone I ever owned.

                                  • n
                                  • nicOsam
                                  • sHV
                                  • 10 Apr 2021

                                  Compromise, 30 Mar 2021Many people would buy for its price. Some people consider i... moreIt's really sad for a few people like you ' Compromise', who likes to blab out your own 1-sided opinion without backing with true data, instead of these innuendos' that sway the real facts for all

                                  Not that I am an advocate of Motorola but this Moto One 5G Ace is a genuine ' Bang for the buck'. Can you name other phones that can run 5G that is below 100 bucks including the unlimited talk/text/data monthly plan ? This phone boost 6GB of RAM and SD 750G octo-core with Turbo Charging. The caveat on this phone is the plastic display and frame.

                                  Dont knock it until you really have one on your own.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • IbI
                                    • 07 Apr 2021

                                    Compromise, 30 Mar 2021Many people would buy for its price. Some people consider i... moreThis is a really good phone for a mid range. Especially for the price. How many phones cheaper than this can run games LIKE fortnite and call of duty with little to no problems? If there are some there is not many.

                                      • C
                                      • Compromise
                                      • 0dw
                                      • 30 Mar 2021

                                      Many people would buy for its price. Some people consider its origin, where it is made, how it is made, why it is made for so cheap. If you think it is too good to be true it probably is. Best wishes to you if you don't have the money and you have to buy this brand now, and hopefully you gonna be fine. But remember, there are many many reasons behind cheap devices. Yea you probably won't think about it now, and I hope you gonna understand someday, before too late. And always, wish you have all the funds to spend on phones with reasonable price.

                                        • L
                                        • Love the phone.
                                        • Ygc
                                        • 19 Mar 2021

                                        Look at all of the Apple and Samsung fan boys in the comments. This phone is amazing.