Motorola Photon Q 4G LTE XT897
- G
- Geophren
- St1
- 07 Mar 2016
What is the price and what other information is available for this phone? I am in Zambia and in need of this phone please.
- A
- Asad
- 6QH
- 25 Feb 2016
Please tell me about where is the SIM card place in this phone and how to used this please tell me first
- D
- AnonD-486128
- 0YQ
- 09 Jan 2016
Dee, 16 Oct 2015Hi I'd like to find out if the phone is wifi tethering capable? Yes you can but i think you have to pay to activate that service
- a
- anwar
- uWT
- 04 Jan 2016
please tell me how to change the sim card......
- D
- Dee
- A2r
- 16 Oct 2015
Hi I'd like to find out if the phone is wifi tethering capable?
- s
- sara
- krC
- 18 Sep 2015
This phone is totally awsome had it for 2 years with sprint, i Totally luv it!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4YD
- 14 Jun 2015
Ten, 24 Apr 2015So this has everything to work outside USA(SouthAmerica) bu... moreYou can get a modified one with a sim card slot for use worldwide.
- t
- timbo
- jBu
- 28 Apr 2015
I liked this phone a lot but didn't know how much until I broke it and couldn't get it fix. I found it convenient too use and met needs very well.
- T
- Ten
- LF8
- 24 Apr 2015
So this has everything to work outside USA(SouthAmerica) but has a locked-in SIM Card, so i can't use this phone in LatinAmerica. Right? -_-
- b
- basit
- tPF
- 15 Apr 2015
I want this mobile this mobile please tell me
- j
- joshnick00
- NZ4
- 09 Mar 2015
i do like how it has a keybord not many phones do these days, but its not mutch use when im using it and the text dosent show up in the text box, and i know it says it has dule cores but it dosent run like it dose its always slowing to a crawl when im just trying to do something as basic as opening my texts or opining a ofline text game, and after having it for only 3 months the headphone jack broke, but its a simple little phone easy to use but its got some problems i recomend the moto x or the new galexy nexus
- P
- vwe
- 22 Feb 2015
i eat pears, 27 Jan 2015This actually can be updated to jellybeanYES
- i
- i eat pears
- krc
- 27 Jan 2015
This actually can be updated to jellybean
- r
- rowan
- 7y$
- 17 Jan 2015
great phone last one I was able to get in Washington state for 40 bucks dropped it twice haven't had any problems but I've only had it about a month use I wire prepaid card want to update PRLs and root the phone anyone have any suggestions or feedback would be appreciated I don't want to hose it.
- G
- Guatemala
- LE{
- 14 Dec 2014
mine have 4.4.4 (kit kat)
- s
- scoobysnax928
- y3v
- 11 Dec 2014
Anonymous, 31 Mar 2014worst phone ever i only had it for three day and on the sec... moresame Thing Happens To Me I JusT Hold The Power Button Down And The Volume Down AT The Same Time For 5 Seconds tHen Release I And Then It Turns Back On
- s
- sohna munda
- w43
- 13 Oct 2014
- b
- bunty
- 9CB
- 30 Aug 2014
AnonD-287107, 25 Jul 2014Yes I just bought 3 of them because the processor is 1.5, a... moreit's simple super,i don't know what you say.......
- D
- AnonD-287107
- Yh}
- 25 Jul 2014
AnonD-156253, 10 Jun 2014Why would anyone still get this device in 2014?? Yes I just bought 3 of them because the processor is 1.5, and the new moto x is only 1.7, and it has a micro sd card slot, and the moto x doesn't, and if you complete the software updates the phone will update to 4.1.2 Jelly bean, Plus it's the last of the great sliders, but it also has really nice voice texting, and commanding, it does google now. So to buy one for about $90 new in the box on ebay is a great deal,and because this phone has great specs, that aren't really out of date compared to other newer phones. The fact is yes the new top of the line galaxy has some nice specs, but how many people really need a faster processor? The phone has enough to keep you happy.
- ?
- Anonymous
- qTM
- 16 Jul 2014
AnonD-156253, 10 Jun 2014Why would anyone still get this device in 2014?? Because it is still a good phone