Motorola RAZR V3
- ?
- Anonymous
- 21 Nov 2004
Antenna, do you know what you are talking about?
- A
- Antenna
- 21 Nov 2004
Note that the antenna is CLEVERLY put by the microphone end, thus reducing the effect needed to send - the head nod shading as mush. This has two benefits: Prolonged battery-life AND if your are afraid/concerned of radiation less brain-toasting.
- R
- Rahn
- 21 Nov 2004
Great phone!
Can anyone tell me how to retrieve firmware with danish spell-check and danish special (æøåÆØÅ) characters ?
Thanks :-)
Only real disadvantage is that both screens are so blank and thus get 'greassy' by hand/ear. The firmware could do with a brush-up though, (most likely designed by engineers not users) but it works ok. I'm quite tolerant in this aspect - being used to rather loussy firmware from Samsung....
- ?
- Anonymous
- 21 Nov 2004
Had the V3 a week now, the longer I have it the more I like it. Slightly wider than what I expected but the thinness makes up for it. If your used to Nokias dont complain they are differnt companies with different design engineers.
- a
- anonymus
- 20 Nov 2004
How can anyone say this pfone is crap?? This gotta be the most beautiful phone ive ever seen and its function is almost perfect as a fashion phone. Dont expect it to function as a smart phone or pda. This is not meant for that. Peace all
- W
- 20 Nov 2004
Hello Mei Mei :
I have quite a lot of different hand phones with me right now, but most of the time I use the Siemens SL55 ( this is my fifth SL55 & is a piano black limited edition......they only produce 5,000 units ). This phone is nice & small but the fonts are big & clear although only 4,096 colour. The function seems complicated when I first encounter Siemens hand phone, but once you learn; you will find them very complete & logical to use. The only complain is the weak reception.
Motorola phones has always been good at voice reproduction, so you know right away exactly who you are talking to. My Siemens SL55 can do as well but the ear piece volume is much louder than my V3.
Some other hand phone makers are quite bad in this respect, namely Nokia, Sony Ericsson ( too high pitch & the voice of the party on line not original )& a few other makers.
By the way, the production quality control of my limited edition SL55 is much better than the other four regular prduction SL55 I had owned over the last year & a half because the limited edition one is made in Germany & those other four in China.
Win Win
- S
- Sue
- 20 Nov 2004
I really think they should have rethought this design, the whole concept is flakey, I dont like the size or the 5 MB memory is pathetic :)
- S
- Sue = Pawel
- 20 Nov 2004
Sue = Pawel
- P
- Pawel
- 20 Nov 2004
Hi GSMarena i love the Motorola V3, it's so slim and nice and i love the night vision camera. i can't believe that it's built in
thanks for the specification
- ?
- Anonymous
- 19 Nov 2004
go to to read more reviews about the phone, and compare it to other phones. this site really helps you to get to know what you really want to know about phones
- D
- Daidoo
- 19 Nov 2004
The Cooooooooooooolest cell phone. It has the most sexy look. It does impress me.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 19 Nov 2004
its thin but its chunky cool metal though
- G
- Georgy
- 18 Nov 2004
Look back at year 1999(it's been 5 years now), Ericsson came up with T28 which is just 15mm. It took 5 years Motorola to create such a phone like V3. All they can do is 1mm thinner in such time? This phone's sizes are not better than T28, they fitted a little more features to the phone which is normal after all these years.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 18 Nov 2004
Hi Tealsandals, Yes different country different come with package...and opinions also. Actually i think that every phone got the goods & bad features / performance / design as well, why in the market got so much of brands is only because wanted to full-fill different satisfaction...that why we cannot say V3 is not a good phone, why some people don like it just only V3 out of his satisfaction, go and find something that u feel better loh...right? like me, i'm using SE K700 now, it is a very good hp for me only will 'hang' when sms & it's happen almost every time, bad battery life . So what i'm trying to say is 'NO EXCELLENT PHONE IN THIS WORLD'..why u say the phone is good for u because u love it just like you love your wife/hubby/boy or girl friend. Am i rignt.
- T
- Tealsandals
- 18 Nov 2004
Hi Mei Mei
I am using V3, got it as a gift for birthday from my family. Didnt think very much of it at 1st, my bro's the one who keeps saying how amazingly thin it is. Now that I've started using it. I actually like it better than my old Nokia.
By the way I was just looking at the older comments from other user. I realised that different countries package the accessories differently. For eg. Win Win (HK) seems to have an additional stand alone charger and 2 batteries, which I dont.
Ok hope you have fun.
If you happen to get the V3....welcome :)
- M
- MeiMei
- 18 Nov 2004
Tealsandals & Win Win,
Thanks alot for your opinions....So what hp you 2 use now??
- R
- Robbie
- 17 Nov 2004
I love this phone so much. I hardly ever use my GX30 anymore, even though it has more features. Just carrying this baby makes me feel proud to be a man, proud to be carrying a handset of the highest calibre, The best, for the best.
- W
- 17 Nov 2004
Mei Mei,
The V3 come with the bluetooth HS820 which is quite useless to me as it does not grip my ear well. Try it for yourself first.
After using the phone for a few days, I still wasn't comfortable with holding the phone in my palm ( too wide ), I guess it's ok for a girl because you use handbag.
Mine was a special pre-order packadge which came with a montblanc leather case & an extra battery cover with my name "laser - etched". Although I sold my V3 long ago, I still have the laser - etched extra cover with me.
by the way, this phone is made in China just like most any other Motorola with a lot quality control problem.
Advise : If you like the look, go for it. If you can wait, then wait for the price to come down first. This phone definately not worth what Motorola is asking for now! ( I even told my brother-in-law not to buy it the other night when we happen to have family dinner togather ).
That's all I can say from my experience, it's all up to you to decide. It's your own money. Try the phone at the shop for yourself for a longer time first; then think again & make your final decision.
pls. bare in mind......I am not against anyone buying or liking Motorola.
P.S. By the way, there is no in-built call screening function with motorola phones after all these years.
- T
- Tealsandals
- 17 Nov 2004
Hi Mei Mei
To comment on the phone, you need a basis of comparison. Maybe comparing to some lower end Nokias, it is superb. Or in comparison to the high end Sony Ericson, you can see some drawbacks...etc.
Some people may be a loyal Nokia user, I used to be, may find the different interface confusing. Everyone has a different opinion on the cell. So to me it may be awesome but you may probably hate it.
Mine was a gift, I didnt choose it but surprisingly I like the interface better than that of Nokia's, but again that's very subjective. Yes the price is kinda steep and you should also recognise the fact that cell phone prices, like computers prices, drop significantly over time. Does that bother you? Are you the type who like the latest cell or are you the type who buy the top of the line and stick to it for several years?
If you want a cell for its range of lots of memory space, MP3 player, video, radio...this is really not it.
V3 is priced the way it is because of its design, its material (laser-etched and all), its weight, its thiness and so forth. Function wise, it's not bad. It meets my requirements. So you need to determine yours.
You need an apple to apple comparison. Cant really compare a bigger cell with lots of capability and function with this one. People buy this for its design, recognising its absence of some of the functions but love it for what it is. So you decide :)
If it is a consolation to you, here's something to "cushion" the steep pricing.
The cell comes with a leather cell holder, USB connection to backup or update your data via the PC (which I think is great), a bluetooth ear piece that costs $158, an an additional wired ear piece in case your bluetooth earpiece is out of battery....of course charger and all. Well, all these costs perhaps close to $250-300?
Most cell only comes with charger. So that brings us back to the price range of S$900 with a mobile plan? Now look at what you can get at that range of price ie in the 800-900 region, do a comparison with cells at that price range (probably the high end ones) then decide if this is what you want.
Bear in mind the accessories that you may need that do not come as a package. Those are the "rip-offs" :)
Generally Motorola has improved so much on the interface thingy and the good thing is most Motorola is packaged with all necessary accessories. The PC backup thingy is great bec you wont loose you data when you SIM cards dies on you.
Hope this helps. Just an opinion, and they are subjective, really.
And dont really need to go to M'sia to get the cell. Prices may be couple of 10 bucks cheaper but your expenses to travel there brings you back to square one. Have fun.
- W
- 17 Nov 2004
Mei Mei, I am one of the first guy in Hong Kong to put in a pre-order deposit at the end of August with my CSL 1010 provider. I received my V3 on the last week of September.
When I picked up the phone, I noticed there was a scratch on the main screen. The provider gave me another one.
When I got home to charge one of the two battries with the independent charger; I notice that the light on the charger turn from flashing green to flashing red & green & red again & so on......
motorola changed the battery for me because this one was defective. The other battery that came with the phone was ok. ( quality control problem ! )
The metal casing was another problem, one side of the top flip was so sharp I almost got my finger cut.....the other side was perfect! I also found two more fault with the casing ( Q C problem again ).
Just to name a few - - - No alarm icon when set to show alarm is on. Poor MANU ( not user friendly ). I also found ear piece volume not loud enough in noisy area.