Motorola ROKR Z6

Motorola ROKR Z6

User opinions and reviews

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  • H
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  • 23 Jul 2007

In fact, my phone connnections come to fault too. The problem(I think) is that I did not disconnent the USB correctly from computer, i.e. not clicking "safely disconnect USB". I tried modem, memory card and mediasynic but no detection on phone. What's the problem?

    • s
    • sony
    • Ya4
    • 23 Jul 2007

    any1 knows if Elephant Cellular's Z6 is black or orange/black? (

      • A
      • Avanish
      • 2S%
      • 23 Jul 2007

      Please Help,
      i bought my z6 some 20 days back.
      whenever my phone is completely discharged and powered off,i try to put it back on charge and then switch this point the phone doesnt catch any signal. i have to charge my phone so that it can start on its own and then it catches signal and after that i have to chage it.
      i want to ask that is it a normal behaviour or somethings wrong.
      please help me.
      i wld higly appreciete your replies.

        • S
        • Sanju
        • j2C
        • 22 Jul 2007

        To sijusid - when u open yahoo , rediff and other websites , does they fit into ur screen ? Or, should u need 2 scroll between left and right or up and down ? Does the websites appear same as how it appears in desktop ? Or , are thr any modifications ? Overall , hows the web browser ?

          • k
          • kathir
          • RK2
          • 22 Jul 2007

          as someone mentioned, i dont get connection errors or USB problems, its really working beautifully. may be some problem with ur computer USB port. try connecting in another system if u can. iam able to install themes very very easily, i used this phone for one month, i dont find any faults in this phone, worth for the money!!

            • s
            • sijusid
            • vww
            • 22 Jul 2007

            i bought my phone from panvel, mumbai. its the black one just like the one to the left of our screen. i bought the regular version which had 1GB memory card, USB cable, headphones, charger and user guide. The premium version will come with a 2GB memory card and S9 stereo bluetooth headset with a price difference of approx Rs.3000 to Rs3500. i am not sure about the colour of the premium edition but most probably it would be black too .

            i respect your choices but i feel that you should keep W810 out of your equation. there are many other walkman phones which are better in features than W810 like the W610. but finally choice is yours.

            i have never faced any problem like yours till now. the call quality and reception is wee bit better than my previous phone E2. try selecting the 900/1800 band from your network settings and see if there is any difference.
            about your USB problem, can you tell your problem in detail.

              • S
              • Sijusid
              • PSx
              • 22 Jul 2007

              @sanju i am posting
              this reply from my z6 .
              All sites open nicely . I
              was able to log in my
              yahoo account without
              any problem . I think i
              have answered all ur
              questions . If u need
              any more feedback i am
              here to answer u

                • S
                • Shrads
                • 2S%
                • 22 Jul 2007

                This phone is cool. But i am facing problems with calling features, like my call gets disconnected and also it shows me connection error when i try to call someone. Also even the usb port goes dead sometimes.....can any help me with these problems...

                  • s
                  • sony
                  • Ya4
                  • 22 Jul 2007

                  oh sry my last msg was for sijusid actually my bad.

                    • s
                    • sony
                    • Ya4
                    • 22 Jul 2007

                    hey sanju, where did you buy your z6? was it the black one that you got or the orange/black one? did it come with S9 headset and 1gb microSD card?

                      • S
                      • Sanju
                      • kH@
                      • 21 Jul 2007

                      To sijusid - so , once u planet hutch , try 2 browse almost all the websites like yahoo , rediff , hotmail , indiatimes , gsmarena and so on...,and tell me , how is it...

                        • S
                        • Sanju
                        • kH@
                        • 21 Jul 2007

                        To sijusid - i am from bangalore...i will buy a new handset in august....i have narrowed down my choices to three handsets--nokia 5700 , sony ericsson w810i and motorola z6..because all the above handsets will cost around 11800....actually , i want to buy a motorola phone itself , coz previously i had l6 , and then i had l7...and now i am having nokia 6131...i bought 6131 so that i can get more features than l7....and , eventhough it has more features than l7 , it is not as cool and as stylish as l7....thats why , once again i have decided to buy a motorola phone , but i want a motorola phone with all the features ., , if z6 has good features , then i ll buy z6 itself...,..

                          • s
                          • sijusid
                          • vww
                          • 19 Jul 2007

                          here are the answers to ur 3 questions.
                          1. yes, there is a beep sound when recording call conversation at a steady interval of 10 sec which can be heard by both the persons. but the recordings do not have beeps.

                          2. Music Player.
                          The music player is very good, infact excellent. previously i had E2 and my brother has E6. i have modded both phones to give better quality sound (loudness and increased bass), but still the default Z6 beats both of them. its all due to the fact that bass boost which does not work in E2 (missing in E6) works very well in Z6. spatial audio (though has 7 levels but still difference is felt only when making it on or off) is much better than the stereo widening feature of walkman and nokia phones. the only glitch i would say is the absence of standard 3.5mm audio jack (like E2 and E6). the problem can be solved by using any mini usb to 3.5mm audio converter. i have myself ordered one and waiting for them to arrive. then i will test the sound from Z6 using sony walkaman headphones. as for the default headphones, they are pretty good and does an excellent job but the fact is that they are not comfartable to wear like the sony walkman headphones. in quiter places, the sound from Z6 and any walkman phones are comparable, but in noisier places , it looses some of its effects unlike walkman headphones. but situation may be different after i get the converter and get to test both with same headphones.
                          But when it comes to sound through stereo bluetooth, there is no match for Z6. no walkman phones can come even close to Z6.

                          3. internet browser
                          i have still not tested it so cant say much. but i had used it in my E2 for a month and i really liked it. i was able to browse all the websites including rediff and yahoo and used to check my mails. and they appear similar to how it appears if we would open it using our computers. The webpages do fit to the screen . we also have option to select the text size from small medium and large. If E2 can do it, then surely Z6 can do same if not better as both phones work on the same platform. i have activated planethutch on my phone and will take atleast 48 hours to get working. if you want i will post more details then. as for flash files, i dont have any idea. most probably, it dosent. but is there anyway to test it or confirm it. if there is and if someone can tell me. i will do it.

                          by the way, sanju , when are u planning to buy the mobile. what choices have u selected. you are from which part of india?

                            • x
                            • xylene
                            • bg{
                            • 19 Jul 2007

                            This phone looks GREAT !!!!!!
                            I liked the talking phone feature, this will read out your messages aswell as who called and who sent the sms etc. you can also set the phone to read out the menus. Its simply amazing.
                            The sleek design is one other advantage, I am no fan of Nokia N series ( except N76 ) and wud definetly recommend you to buy this.

                              • S
                              • Sanju
                              • Rnp
                              • 19 Jul 2007

                              To sijusid - hows the web browser ? Can u browse all the websites that u can browse on the desktop ? Does all the websites that u open on z6 appear same as they appear on desktop ? Does the webpages fit to the screen ? Does it plays flash files ? Overall , hows the web browser ?

                                • S
                                • Sanju
                                • Rnp
                                • 19 Jul 2007

                                To sijusid - hows the music capabilities ? What is the maximum volume ? How is the sound clarity at maximum volume ?

                                  • S
                                  • Sanju
                                  • Rnp
                                  • 19 Jul 2007

                                  To sijusid - when u record a phone call conversation , do u get any beep sound or not ? ( for example , u get a beep sound for every 5 seconds Or 10 seconds and so on....) so , in z6 , do u get a beep sound or not ?

                                    • w
                                    • weelsun
                                    • Ycp
                                    • 19 Jul 2007

                                    Is this phone also available in mandarin orange color?

                                      • s
                                      • sijusid
                                      • vww
                                      • 18 Jul 2007

                                      just check out the following site
                                      click on media guide. you will get all the information regarding the audio and video formats supported ny Z6. you will have to register in that site to view those documents.

                                      regarding csll recording, yes it can be done by pressing the voice call button continously for atleast 3 seconds. time limit of recording depends on free space available.

                                      one requires onlj jar files to install java applications

                                      while writing my review yesterday, i forgot to include 2 things. one good and one bad.
                                      Bad Thing.
                                      Enabling and disabling bluetooth:- it requires minimum 4 keystrokes to enable bluetooth and 8 keystrokes to disable bluetooth. the bluetooth menu is buried deep in to the menu. if it would have been present along with the option menu in homescreen, it would have been better.

                                      good thing.
                                      anyone who is using the bundled moto headphones for listening to music can get better sound by just interchanging the headphone marked with L and R. Meaning, the one marked with R should be used with left ear and the one marked with L should be used with right ear. there is remarkable difference in sound output.

                                        • t
                                        • tolis
                                        • 001
                                        • 18 Jul 2007

                                        Do you have to install both the jar and the jad files in the phone or only the jar for a game or app?