Motorola SLVR L7
- j
- joe
- N9Z
- 13 Jun 2006
Very nice phone easy to use.
- c
- cruz
- CdA
- 13 Jun 2006
using iTunes for ringtones, i tried looking for multi-media on my main menu, i dont have a option for multi-media, am i looking in the right area. all i have there is IM,MESSAGING,RECENT CALLS,MEDIA NET,CINGULAR MALL,ITUNES,MY STUFF,ADDRESS BOOK,SETTINGS.
- a
- allan
- TS%
- 13 Jun 2006
go to menu, then select multimedia, then selects sounds, the list of songs will appear, highlight the songs, press menu n scroll down to move n select it, it will show you "phone" or "bluetooth". pls be aware your internal memory free space is bout 6MB only. Only 1 or 2 songs can fit into it n only mp3 that is store in phone memory can be use as ringtone.
try using ur N6680 to detect L7. there is a problem in detecting other phones thru bluetooth from L7.
Pero, well, u have to set the alarm daily n there is no auto keylockfor L7 as far as i am concern.
- c
- cruz
- CdA
- 12 Jun 2006
how do u copy mp3 songs to phone memory to use as a ring tone, anyone
- ?
- Anonymous
- TKb
- 12 Jun 2006
this phone are really cool, i wish i could buy it
- B
- Beanster
- wYF
- 11 Jun 2006
why can't my L7 detect my Nokia 6680 via Bluetooth!?..i've tried it many times now and it still didn't work!..
- P
- Pero
- Mn}
- 10 Jun 2006
Can enybody tell me, how to set telefon that the keypad will automatic lock????
Or can i set alarm weekly or must every day set alarm again and again???
- ?
- Anonymous
- F4p
- 10 Jun 2006
nice phone. especially with itunes installed in it. lol.
- ?
- Anonymous
- N7E
- 10 Jun 2006
i moved to the L7 after owning an i0mate PDA2k that was unfortunately destroyed. Believe it or not the L7 is a good phone, offcourse not all the functionalities i need are provided, but it does the job. 3 things i find annoying though: 1) not being able to recieve pictures with large sizes from other phones, 2) sometimes people complain that they vant hear me well, which happened a lot (microphone problem?), and 3)why couldnt it have a better camera?!. otherwise the phone is great especially its speaker, the phone never cause hangups in anyway, and the battery life is amazing(certanly better than the i-mate's). if u like small stylish phones, and dont really need a lot of gadgets( a good cam, wifi, bla bla bla) go get one!
- G
- Good old me
- I78
- 10 Jun 2006
The motorola Slvr is a very good phone. I don't know why evry1 is putting it down. If u can'y operate this phone then thats fine by me but some people have a knack for different models. Easy to text on even if the letters change slower. 4 ****
- l
- laurel
- PvW
- 09 Jun 2006
this phone is the best phone that i have ever had in my life especially the pink. beleive you it is the most amazing phone that i have own and i only use nokia i still do own
- S
- Silver Fox
- N7F
- 08 Jun 2006
Heya guys...this phone didnt receive a pic captured from a N70 with res of 1024 x 780
it says a msg "Image is too large to open ".
First, i had to shrink the image on the Nokia then re-send it was shrinked to
640 x 480 ..then i was able to open....
Reply Dudes
- t
- talk
- jjP
- 08 Jun 2006
I have the L7 for 2 days. How can the micro sd 512 mb be uesed. reply
- v
- vikas
- PTn
- 08 Jun 2006
its a nice handset with beautiful look
- r
- ryuu
- mV7
- 08 Jun 2006
hey! I love this phone. I have it for 3 weeks now and everything works great! I really don't understand why some are trying to trash this phone..
- ?
- Anonymous
- Swr
- 07 Jun 2006
Has anyone else managed to syncronise by Bluetooth, or USB with Apple iSync? I have a bad feeling that Vodafone have disabled this function, which is very irritating
- s
- sunny
- Uqs
- 07 Jun 2006
i loved only d looks of d phone...i cant operate it at all.....this phone sucks .man.........don buy this phone at all instead buy nokia 6600
- A
- AD
- 07 Jun 2006
i am not able to launch camera.I am getting the mesage " Busy,try again later" .
Can anybody tell me what might be the problem ?urgent
- c
- crosask
- N%y
- 07 Jun 2006
Switching from a Nokia 3100b, I was excited about trying something new on the 850mhz band up in northern Alberta. Sadly after only a week I've sold SLVR opting for a Nokia 6125. It takes longer to type out sms's; might be flatter but wider; no radio; difficulty accessing ringtones; overall just too complicated; but the one I hate the most if the sound in-call volume. My phone had to be set to maximum volume so I could have a a conversation with someone. This is half of what it takes on a Nokia. And I don't care that the Nokia is plane-Jane, it's easier to use.
- i
- impressed
- iIR
- 06 Jun 2006
great handset, i love it, im so impressed with this... wish i wiud of known about it sooner!!!