Netflix launches speedtest app for iOS and Android

Prasad, 10 August, 2016

After launching the website a couple of months back, Netflix has now launched iOS and Android apps for its speed test service.

The apps look and work exactly the same way the website did. This makes them rather unnecessary, as the site did function perfectly within the native browsers on both operating systems.

As with the website, the app connects to Netflix servers to do the speed test run instead of any of the ISP servers to give a more realistic speed result. It also shows only the download speed as that's what people are usually most interested in.

If you must use the app over the opening the site in your preferred browser for some reason, you can find them in the link below.


Reader comments

  • Eske Rahn
  • 10 Aug 2016
  • 3ii

Apart from the obvious advertising value, do not forget that it can prevent support calls, if they can have people check their speed BEFORE they even consider contacting netflix on problems with the streaming, that could be explained by lack of bandw...

  • Anonym
  • 10 Aug 2016
  • Lcd

Aren't you talking about it and isn't the specialty media also talking about it? It's called FREE ADVERTISING.

  • Anonymous
  • 10 Aug 2016
  • QAL

Why shouldn't they spend time on this? Diversity... One more reason for someone to go to their site.

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