New update fixes Asus Zenfone 6 camera rotation issues, improves image quality

Peter, 22 July 2019

The ability to rotate the camera at any angle is one of the (practically) unique features of the Asus Zenfone 6 and today’s update should make the experience better. In fact, most of the items on the changelog for version 16.1220.1906.167 are camera-related.

First off, after the update the camera should rotate at a constant speed and should complete the full 180° rotation (some users experienced slow and incomplete rotation). Also, the Retract camera button is now more accessible (it’s on the 1st page of the quick settings).

New update fixes Asus Zenfone 6 camera rotation issues, improves image quality

Then there are a number of image quality improvements. The electronic image stabilization (EIS) was tuned to work better for video recording. Super Night Mode was tweaked to produce better texture (thanks to improved noise reduction) and render more accurate colors.

Additional changes promise reduced power usage and increased call quality. Last but not least are the usual system stability improvements.

The firmware will be delivered over the air in several batches (depending on serial number), so you it may take a few days before you see it. You can check manually by tapping System updates in Settings > System.

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Reader comments

  • Gadget freak
  • 26 Jul 2019
  • Hkw

Indian version still have call quality issue.Noise from other side is too much causing poor quality of call voice.

Ahh I want to buy this, come for sale in USA please

They have released more updates perhaps more than Google itself but, When will it come to Canada?

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