Nokia 5800 Navigation Edition comes to lead your way

21 August, 2009
Today Nokia unveiled the Nokia 5800 Navigation Edition - a full GPS-centric variant of the Nokia 5800 XpresMusic. Using the momentum gained by the original XpressMusic handset, the new gadget matches...

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  • j
  • josh and khalil
  • 98q
  • 21 Sep 2009

this fon is h e a d a c h e !!

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • tV3
    • 11 Sep 2009

    Iphone is for monkey and there's no future for Iphone . Iphone is a pancake maker for Steve Job . Iphone just like Ipod sell like pancake even though the sound quality suck . America ppl addicted to steve job and his charm .
    That's why it failed in country like Japan where nobody find steve job is gorgeous .............

      • A
      • Anonymous
      • LXJ
      • 10 Sep 2009

      Anonymous, 26 Aug 2009damn it guys, why wont u yield, the iphone is the future, i... moreLook, until now iPhone didn't even have MMS, Tethering, Clipboard (Cut, Copy, and Paste), (for AT&T customers, MMS and Tethering have yet to be activated, plus AT&T is probably gonna charge people at least $20-30 /month for tethering, while you can get phones like Nokia 5800 which have free tethering). Plus, there is still a lot missing on the iPhone.

        • B
        • Boo
        • tVH
        • 02 Sep 2009

        Now I'm stuck with the dubious benefit of "comes with music" DRM crippled garbage (that I never wanted). This should have been an option (nav/music) when the 5800 came out. Nokia has had the last of my custom.

          • c
          • come on
          • mVx
          • 27 Aug 2009

          is it true or just a rumor like getting update with new homescreen?
          Even in the picture u can see its written XpressMusic!!!

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • EqV
            • 26 Aug 2009

            damn it guys, why wont u yield, the iphone is the future, its the revolution, its perfection made in god's image

            do not resist these sermons-embrace them!!!

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • EqV
              • 26 Aug 2009

              Anonymous, 25 Aug 2009Hey, im a convert. i read all the replies here and decide ... morestop it guys, please, its good here on the Apple side of things. i have found salvation and forgiveness from eternal sin when i got my iphone.

              its so nice, and beautiful, and perfect.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • tVk
                • 26 Aug 2009

                seriously after reading my post I felt like I was writing a review length post. So at the risk of turning this into a 3 page per post feud, I would like to end it here since I have said all that needs to be said in my opinion on the topic at hand and continuing to exhaust this topic which has been debated again and again in every news comment page is counter productive. Thank you for your lively reply comments :)

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • tVk
                  • 26 Aug 2009

                  "I really didn't know one needs a smartphone as defined in No3 above to conduct the tasks you mentioned....I thought one only needs to "dial" a number and "text" thru the 1-0 keypad, listen to music, etc...why need a "smartphone" with additional applications to perform the tasks above?"

                  -Most new phones by major phone comp these days are smart phones and smart phones are becoming the norm so the point in 'why do people need smart phones' is moot point really.

                  "Where I live, most people do "not" email via phones....they do send SMS, maybe MSN, but really seldome e-mail. Those who e-mail are mostly business users who use "smartphones" with qwerty keypad."

                  - In japan they mostly do not use sms, they use email to send messages because the internet cost there is cheap. And most of them are teenagers, not business people which makes qwerty more convenient to type. Also, some people do want to check their emails and surf on wifi spots which is a small part of the answer to your question on why not just stick to n73 ,no wifi. There's a reason why starbucks, and fast food chain now give free wifis. Good business marketing for those who want to use the internet and they mostly target young people who bring either laptops or their phones. Can you imagine business people going to fast food chains just to use the internet?

                  "Or do you suggest most users of N73/N76 really need the "smart" functions of S60 or whatever?"
                  - I don't get what your point is.

                  "Then why not continue production of N73 if it satisies the needs of most people? Why constantly need "new low-end models" when old "high-end models" can do the jobs well? "
                  - I have never said that n73 satisfies the needs of most people, as I recall, I said the opposite that the n97 has a larger screen so viewing videos would be more enjoyable, a qwerty board for ease of typing(which you said only applies to business phones), wifi;point above which is one of the better selling points, higher ram which allows more apps to be opened simultaneously and runs the phone faster, touch screen in keeping up with today's trend.. actually I already listed why people would be induced to buy n97. Actually I don't know why I need to point out the why's again since I already listed reasons in the previous post. Also.. as to why they constantly need to make new low end models if high ends can do the job, that you have answered your self. Because those phones are cheaper than the high end ones which cater to the higher priced phone groups. Also, much more affordable to buy but with more features.An example is, why do people want to buy mac airbook that is expensive, have smaller screens and have no internal dvd disk drive when one could buy a generic cheaper laptop with high end features at the same price or lower only without the exclusive name.Not all of us have pockets lined with money to splurge on mobiles all the time.

                  "Call me silly, I still can't understand why someone who sends SMS / make calls / listen to music / surf internet really need the "smart" S60 O/S..."

                  Aesthetic, and speed you can open apps, Smart phones have nicer looking browsers and tabs you can push at the flick of your fingers are one of the few reasons. Before you say it doesn't really matter, let me assure you, from all the complaining I've seen about why there's no kinetic scrolling in the 5800, how the UI aren't pretty, cut and paste ability(speaking of cut and paste , I saw a lot of people pointing out that one minus in the iphone is that it has no cut and paste in it and correct me if I'm wrong but is not iphone a smartphone too? seems if people complain about it not being there then it must be something they need from the 'smart' phone)Then can you really say you see no reason why people would need smartphones to message, listen to music and all that? it does seem inconsequential but really people do complain when the features aren't there anymore. The smartphones can also double up as a pendrive and you can now drag and drop files into folders making it more computer like which is what a smart phone is supposed to be.Do we really need those things? no we don't, but it's nice to have all the same.

                  "That's why you said "I", and I never said "nobody" downloaded apps on their S60 phones."

                  -Not sisters use mobipocket. my friends use apps for sms. Also, you said "Most users who owned N76/N73 never installed a single software into their phones" which denotes that you know a majority of n76/n73 owners do not install apps which cannot be right. And you cannot group nokia n73/n76 with all the nokia phones( you didn't but it seemed implied as you keep on comparing other brands with only the n73/76 since that phone is 3 years old. The product life cycle of mobiles expires quickly and it is unfair that you want to compare that phone with iphones since one of their main marketing point and promotion is the amount of apps available to download .) And you said "I never said "nobody" downloaded apps on their S60 phones." however with the amount of phones nokia produces and the variety of choice also the fact that you cannot possibly know all owners of other n73, you cannot possibly say on behalf of the majority of n73 owners that they do not install apps.

                  "I'm a system trainer and I conduct my samples based on:

                  - people I meet in subway to / from work...
                  - people I observe at some phone shops (who would say "give me the latest model...don't care how much and how it works... or "this LOOKS GOOD, give me that")
                  - people who come into my class. I still remember the first phone from THE BRAND which supported viewing PPT files, I asked one of the users in my class, and she said "is there such function"?"

                  - A lot of these are random samples and cant really be an accurate in regards to age, gender and nationality.Although admittedly a lot of phone buyers are like that, but there are also a lot of people who scrutinize and survey phones and comparing with other phones and weighing out pros and cons of other phones before making a final choice( maybe not in the same country though).

                  "I don't doubt most people in this forum (and I don't think I'm qualified) are so tech oriented who probably spend hours to "explore" what they can do with their phones. However, these probably make up no more than 20% of all the phone uers....where a majority of them still use the phone to make calls / SMS / listen to music / browse the internet....which do not require any "smart" function."

         are arguing the merits of smartphones in a mobile forum.
                  again.. by batch cutting and pasting, kinetic scrolling, widgets, and multiple apps opening and background apps, dragging and dropping ,computer like interface,computer like browser features and all the multitude of teeny and seemingly inconsequential stuff, people are using smart phone functions without even noticing( for those who aren't tech savvy) and will notice it if they are suddenly deprived of it especially multitasking like listening to music while texting. So again.. we don't really really need it but it's great that it's there.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • Er2
                    • 26 Aug 2009

                    Anonymous, 26 Aug 2009I find the term almighty offensive. I don't worship phones,... moreSo I wonder which brand's supporters often call others as ?sheep? If you can stop others using the term ?sheep, I'll stop using the term you mentioned.


                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • Er2
                      • 26 Aug 2009

                      Anonymous, 26 Aug 2009I beg to differ. We use the smart phone daily .Quote from w... more"I'd like to think as smartphones as point number 3. Now your assumption that nokia owners who touted smartphones features but never uses their capabilities are totally false. Even by surfing the net and emailing you are using the smartphone capability. And as stated, even using the multimedia function constitutes as using smartphone capabilities. Ergo, my "You use the phones nowadays, for mms, calls, internet surfing, listening to music, watching videos, cameras, gps, etc" comment is not far off the mark. "

                      I really didn't know one needs a smartphone as defined in No3 above to conduct the tasks you mentioned....I thought one only needs to "dial" a number and "text" thru the 1-0 keypad, listen to music, etc...why need a "smartphone" with additional applications to perform the tasks above?

                      Where I live, most people do "not" email via phones....they do send SMS, maybe MSN, but really seldome e-mail. Those who e-mail are mostly business users who use "smartphones" with qwerty keypad.

                      Or do you suggest most users of N73/N76 really need the "smart" functions of S60 or whatever?

                      To your comment of;

                      "So can the good old N73 perform all the tasks above? Why bother with N97?"

                      Oh.. I don't know why they'd want to bother with n97. May be it has something to do with... oh.. I don't know... bigger screen, wifi, touchscreen... separate qwerty.. almost double pixel in camera..accelerometer.. double the ram= double the speed ... and plus production has been discontinued?You choose the reason.

                      Then why not continue production of N73 if it satisies the needs of most people? Why constantly need "new low-end models" when old "high-end models" can do the jobs well?

                      reply to your question;
                      "Isn't that due to the fact basically the alimghty brand uses either the S40/S60 platform starting from its mid-range phones? If most people only mms, calls, internet surfing, listening to music, watching videos, cameras, gps, etc, do they really need the "smart" functions of the phone?"

                      Look above for my answer.

                      Call me silly, I still can't understand why someone who sends SMS / make calls / listen to music / surf internet really need the "smart" S60 O/S...

                      "Most users who owned N76/N73 never installed a single software into their phones, vs. I don't know anyone who has not downloaded anything on the iphone."

                      Again I digress. Maybe people you know don't install apps. But I use my apps on a daily basis. More specifically mobipocket reader which is a (duh) ebook reader that requires a smartphone to be installed in a mobile. This is my most important app and I use it all the time. Beats carrying an ebook reader with me all the time.
                      Then there's my sms preview, call blacklist , backlight controller,female calculator yada yada. I'm not gonna list down all my apps but point is there are a lot of free apps by independant programmers out there. If there aren't any demands on apps then I doubt anyone would bother making them. And there are a lot of symbian forums dedicated to symbian apps. The forums would be dead if there aren't any apps downloaders don't you think?

                      That's why you said "I", and I never said "nobody" downloaded apps on their S60 phones.

                      I'm a system trainer and I conduct my samples based on:

                      - people I meet in subway to / from work...
                      - people I observe at some phone shops (who would say "give me the latest model...don't care how much and how it works... or "this LOOKS GOOD, give me that")
                      - people who come into my class. I still remember the first phone from THE BRAND which supported viewing PPT files, I asked one of the users in my class, and she said "is there such function"?

                      I don't doubt most people in this forum (and I don't think I'm qualified) are so tech oriented who probably spend hours to "explore" what they can do with their phones. However, these probably make up no more than 20% of all the phone uers....where a majority of them still use the phone to make calls / SMS / listen to music / browse the internet....which do not require any "smart" function.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • tVk
                        • 26 Aug 2009

                        I find the term almighty offensive. I don't worship phones, no matter the brand or company. No phone company is almighty. So by calling nokia almighty in repeated sarcasm is an annoyance especially to those who owns a nokia and doesn't give a crap about the feud between nokia and iphone fans. Guys, its just phones!

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • tVk
                          • 26 Aug 2009

                          I beg to differ. We use the smart phone daily .Quote from wiki

                          "There is no industry standard definition of a smartphone.[1][2] For some, a smartphone is a phone that runs complete operating system software providing a standardized interface and platform for application developers.[3] For others, a smartphone is simply a phone with advanced features like e-mail, Internet and e-book reader capabilities, and/or a built-in full keyboard or external USB keyboard and VGA connector. In other words, it is a miniature computer that has phone capability.Most devices considered smartphones today use an identifiable operating system, often with the ability to add applications (e.g. for enhanced data processing, connectivity or entertainment) - in contrast to regular phones which only support sandboxed applications (like Java games).[citation needed] These smartphone applications may be developed by the manufacturer of the device, by the network operator or by any other third-party software developer, since the operating system is open.[citation needed]

                          In terms of features, most smartphones support full featured email capabilities with the functionality of a complete personal organizer. Other functionality might include an additional interface such as a miniature QWERTY keyboard, a touch screen or a D-pad, a built-in camera, contact management, an accelerometer, built-in navigation hardware and software, the ability to read business documents in a variety of formats such as PDF and Microsoft Office, media software for playing music, browsing photos and viewing video clips, internet browsers or even just secure access to company mail, such as is provided by a BlackBerry. One common feature to the majority of the smartphones is a contact list able to store as many contacts as the available memory permits, in contrast to regular phones that has a limit to the maximum number of contacts that can be stored."

                          I'd like to think as smartphones as point number 3. Now your assumption that nokia owners who touted smartphones features but never uses their capabilities are totally false. Even by surfing the net and emailing you are using the smartphone capability. And as stated, even using the multimedia function constitutes as using smartphone capabilities. Ergo, my "You use the phones nowadays, for mms, calls, internet surfing, listening to music, watching videos, cameras, gps, etc" comment is not far off the mark.

                          To your comment of;

                          "So can the good old N73 perform all the tasks above? Why bother with N97?"

                          Oh.. I don't know why they'd want to bother with n97. May be it has something to do with... oh.. I don't know... bigger screen, wifi, touchscreen... separate qwerty.. almost double pixel in camera..accelerometer.. double the ram= double the speed ... and plus production has been discontinued?You choose the reason.

                          reply to your question;
                          "Isn't that due to the fact basically the alimghty brand uses either the S40/S60 platform starting from its mid-range phones? If most people only mms, calls, internet surfing, listening to music, watching videos, cameras, gps, etc, do they really need the "smart" functions of the phone?"

                          Look above for my answer.

                          "Most users who owned N76/N73 never installed a single software into their phones, vs. I don't know anyone who has not downloaded anything on the iphone."

                          Again I digress. Maybe people you know don't install apps. But I use my apps on a daily basis. More specifically mobipocket reader which is a (duh) ebook reader that requires a smartphone to be installed in a mobile. This is my most important app and I use it all the time. Beats carrying an ebook reader with me all the time.
                          Then there's my sms preview, call blacklist , backlight controller,female calculator yada yada. I'm not gonna list down all my apps but point is there are a lot of free apps by independant programmers out there. If there aren't any demands on apps then I doubt anyone would bother making them. And there are a lot of symbian forums dedicated to symbian apps. The forums would be dead if there aren't any apps downloaders don't you think?

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • Er2
                            • 26 Aug 2009

                            Anonymous, 25 Aug 2009*shrugs* part of business I'm afraid, you win some, you los... more"You use the phones nowadays, for mms, calls, internet surfing, listening to music, watching videos, cameras, gps, etc"

                            So can the good old N73 perform all the tasks above? Why bother with N97?

                            I've heard fanboys of almighty brand often claim "the almighty brand dominates the smartphone market by selling x number of smartphones"

                            Isn't that due to the fact basically the alimghty brand uses either the S40/S60 platform starting from its mid-range phones? If most people only mms, calls, internet surfing, listening to music, watching videos, cameras, gps, etc, do they really need the "smart" functions of the phone?

                            Most users who owned N76/N73 never installed a single software into their phones, vs. I don't know anyone who has not downloaded anything on the iphone.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • EqV
                              • 25 Aug 2009

                              Hey, im a convert. i read all the replies here and decide to goto an Apple store the very next morning to get the spanking new 3GS. Your viral marketing in forums like this really works.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • tV3
                                • 25 Aug 2009

                                Anonymous, 25 Aug 2009No, I didn't lose it, coz I just call it almighty brand due... more*shrugs* part of business I'm afraid, you win some, you lose some. Sony's memory stick's slowly being replaced with micro sd as well so if you're harping on memory card dominance then sony's guilty on not succeeding also, but as I said, you win some, you lose some. In business, most companies try their hand at new innovations in hopes that their product format would rule over all others. Doesn't necessarily mean that you're a big company you'd win all out. Look at the HD-dvd and bluray competition. Remember, fate is fickle. Doesn't mean that if now you're on top guarantees you're gonna stay there without effort and customer loyalty.

                                Personally I don't understand why these ifanboys are so antagonistic towards nokia. If you're satisfied with being subjected to the whims of apple then fine then.

                                Oh, another thing. What was that about nokia owners harping about specs techs and never actually using it? I beg to differ. You use the phones nowadays, for mms, calls, internet surfing, listening to music, watching videos, cameras, gps, etc. As far as I'm concerned, most of us use these on average nearly everyday. Only thing I can think of that people don't use that often is video calling. And that's because the data call is expensive.If the iphone fans say that then can't the same be said about iphone? they have thousands of app compared to symbian system( quoting them on the superiority of iphone software building) but exactly how many of them even use the lot of them? Sure they might use a number of apps, but in the end how many of them find the apps useful enough to use regularly?

                                Point is.. not that I'm condemning iphone users, but rather when arguing something, isn't it absurd that the arguments can also be used against your preferred choice of mobile?

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • Er2
                                  • 25 Aug 2009

                                  Anonymous, 25 Aug 2009looks like u lost the temper there mate, almighty brand alm... moreNo, I didn't lose it, coz I just call it almighty brand due to the fact, in the eyes of its die-hard fans, this brand can do everything and offers everything the consumers want and (all) consumers should use nothing else other than this brand, so shouldn't it be almighty?

                                  BTW, when others were using SD cards, certain brand was still using MMC. When other brands started to use micro-SD, certain brand still tried to use RsMMC...

                                  So where are all those MMC/RsMMC cards? The landfill?

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • EqV
                                    • 25 Aug 2009

                                    looks like u lost the temper there mate, almighty brand almighty brand almight brand almighty brand almighty brand almighty brand

                                    but i understand

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • Er2
                                      • 25 Aug 2009

                                      Anonymous, 24 Aug 2009I don't know, does Nokia donate money to greenpeace? How... moreAnd remember the almighty brand is almost always the last in terms of following the standards (in terms of accessories) from others?

                                      It took the almighty brand over 2 years to "start" to use micro-USB...and initially only for data transfer...not even charging.

                                      It took the almighty brand x years to dump its own pop-port headset plug for 3.5mm...

                                      And we all know how the almighty brand was so reluctant to release touchacreen phones before iphone. So if iphone's sales has no impact on the almighty brand's smartphones sales, that's a lie.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • Er2
                                        • 25 Aug 2009

                                        Anonymous, 24 Aug 2009where i live Nokia has this Recycle Kiosks for u to put use... moreMy wife's iphone is over 12 months old, and the battery still works fine.

                                        Before you accuse Apple is doing nothing about the environment, did you even think about...

                                        - what happens to the phone after you put it in the recycle bin for the almighty brand? Still at the landfill? Do you know exactly what they do with the phones? How much of the materials are being recycled?

                                        - any proof about batteries of almighty brand's phones last more than 18 months? If so, why the warranty only covers 6 mths for the batteries?