Galaxy S6 edge and HTC One M9 and iPhone 6 undergo bend test

03 April, 2015
The curved screen of the Galaxy S6 edge cracks due to its unusual shape, even if the phone survives.

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  • b
  • boom
  • vxA
  • 03 Apr 2015

Apple must be paying these guys to make this happen, which is sad. Admit the fault and move on and do a rethink but no they are arrogant as always

    • P
    • PRIDE
    • rAT
    • 03 Apr 2015

    Obviously iPhone 6 plus can take more pressure to break because it has soft materiel....that doesn't mean iPhone 6 plus is stronger than galaxy s6 edge...

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • 3Y2
      • 03 Apr 2015

      Akira, 03 Apr 2015Except that this test was already busted last time. You can... moreAkira, how sour do the grapes taste today? Lol.

      Funny thing is, Samsung doesn't even need any bad press, iPhone already bashed its sales since launch.

      Mentioned this from so long ago, the truth will finally out. Samsung sales are tanking fast, and bad.

        • A
        • Akira
        • mAD
        • 03 Apr 2015

        Except that this test was already busted last time. You can bend an iPhone with much less force than 110 lbs, if you hit the weak spot and use the leverage of the rest of the phone. That's (close to the volume buttons that is) where it usually bends in practice too, not the middle. Kids can bend it, without using anywhere near 110 lbs of pressure with a few fingers. Go figure.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • 3Y2
          • 03 Apr 2015

          Hey! Who went and did this? Don't you know bendgate or any other "gate" is ONLY for Apple launches. Then you're supposed to keep quiet after, until the next iPhone launch.

          Honestly, did nobody read the Hater Manual?

            • p
            • p-chan
            • Khs
            • 03 Apr 2015

            darkraver, 03 Apr 2015I wonder the amount of tests samsung paid, amongst the paid... moreSo with that statement you're admitting this is a fake test paid by apple, right? No need to bashing samsung here apple fanboy, am just stating the fact that not including the regular iphone 6 and s6 is a tricky and I believe it's on purpose, and the one that does bent and stay bent is the iphone 6+, meanwhile the s6 edge cracks, yes it cracks since it's made of glass. Do you think glass will flex?

              • j
              • joe sHmoe
              • UD{
              • 03 Apr 2015

              AnonD-120291, 03 Apr 2015i am surprised the galaxy edge did as well as it did to be ... moreYeah that also concerns me.WHY in gods name would you use the back pocket to put the phone in when you have the front pocket to keep it safe?

                • D
                • AnonD-120291
                • S3y
                • 03 Apr 2015

                i am surprised the galaxy edge did as well as it did to be honest considering its design and materials it still managed to hold out as long as the iPhone for 110lbs, that in itself is an achievement, what they should have done is also included the regular s6 to see the difference because in my opinion and probably the majority of phone owners is that the s6 edge is a niche device and is clearly more at risk from damage owing to those curves, the fact that it survived longer then the htc m9 with its unibody aluminium design before stopping working is also another good feather in its cap, but at the end of the day any device be it iphone, samsung, htc, Oppo or any other super thin phone with sub 7mm waistlines are very easily gong to be buckled and bent so the logical thing here is just be careful not to use your back pocket :-)

                  Kyembe, 03 Apr 2015Now who can subject his phone to such pressure?Such pressure is not much, equals about 45 kilos of pressure...
                  For ex if someone weighing 50 kilos sits while having that phone in ll bend.
                  Or any other pressure situation alike...
                  Thats not good for money you pay, but hey...obviously lots dont mind

                    • S
                    • Spudly
                    • B{6
                    • 03 Apr 2015

                    DanGogh, 03 Apr 2015I find it funny how the article clearly says the M9 took th... moreDid you not read the article? Is clearly says the M9 bent at 120lbs and that was also it's undoing.. It broke. That's why there's no figure on the left column.

                      • K
                      • Kyembe
                      • 3sE
                      • 03 Apr 2015

                      Now who can subject his phone to such pressure?

                        • y
                        • yeah i said it
                        • 4qm
                        • 03 Apr 2015

                        Anonymous, 03 Apr 2015Samsung fanboys are crying right now.Yeah you right, but didn't you cry when you saw your iphone 6 plus bend , so what's your point, go ahead and lie now and say you're not an isheep Lol

                          • D
                          • DanGogh
                          • EFP
                          • 03 Apr 2015

                          AnonD-58835, 03 Apr 2015Test do not include the s6 which could be compare with ipho... moreWhat exactly is nonsense. Theyre using a DIFFERENT phone. Just because they're using one that you dont want them to, doesnt negate this test

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • wry
                            • 03 Apr 2015

                            Samsung fanboys are crying right now.

                              • D
                              • AnonD-86400
                              • PEm
                              • 03 Apr 2015

                              Samsung copying Apple in everything lmao

                                • D
                                • AnonD-58835
                                • 8CU
                                • 03 Apr 2015

                                DanGogh, 03 Apr 2015How is it fake? The test is for the Edge, not the regular. ... moreTest do not include the s6 which could be compare with iphone6 in same conditions. Putting edge on the list and removing the normal s6 is a trick on the test. For real test and results , including NORMAL samsung s6 is a must. Else, the test is nonsense and fake.

                                  • j
                                  • joe sHmoe
                                  • UD{
                                  • 03 Apr 2015

                                  darkraver, 03 Apr 2015And... Edge is samsungs toptier flagship, more advanced tha... moreYes.What you say is true the edge series are now the hype and is samsungs best line up in today.But for a legitimate test was to be made then all the flasgships should have been included.Naming the iphone 6 and 6+.HTC one (M9) and the samsung galaxy s6, s6 edge.To show everyone that the test is fair and would show which is durable.Just the same as the test made before when #bendgate started that all the flagships were lined up and tested to show who's is weaker.Its fairness is what i believe everyone is looking for and again its pretty obvios that the phone thats made with glass sides would surrender first in that test its not hard to accept that.

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-335213
                                    • PT}
                                    • 03 Apr 2015

                                    DanGogh, 03 Apr 2015I find it funny how the article clearly says the M9 took th... moreyeah!, right indeed! the reason for that is i think damn simple, they want the iBend on top of the chart!, at-least in this article, they managed to get-on-top, and win! We'll just wait for the official GSM-Arena test, then I guess, hmm unless it becomes very obvious otherwise, we shall just accept and believe.

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-341196
                                      • 6u9
                                      • 03 Apr 2015

                                      Copying apple with everything.

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-382322
                                        • q{C
                                        • 03 Apr 2015

                                        joe sHmoe, 03 Apr 2015But still its prertty stupid for people to just destroy rea... moreI can see your heart bleeding over that money destroyed. LOL
                                        But it is good to know what we spend big bugs for. Rather let's bless those guys who are willing to let us know.