Speculations on the Interphone study outcome cause undue panic

28 October, 2009
The Interphone study is a research trying to determine whether mobile phones increase the risk for humans developing cancer. News reports on the results of the study spread like wildfire recently allegedly...

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  • M
  • Maximus
  • utP
  • 12 Feb 2010

Could someone inform me as to when is the Final Interphone Study Result expected. The last report through gsm arena had suggested somewhere around Christmas....

    • T
    • Tyron westmare
    • N9A
    • 30 Nov 2009

    i don't think its a new thing bocause it was informed when the cellphone started to exsist,about their disadvanteges but now people are bing blinded by cellphones manufacturers such as:nokia ,motorla,samsung and so on -----.since in our world business statistics human life isn't very that important :since we all use each other as long there is benefit problem

      • J
      • JC
      • Ia9
      • 22 Nov 2009

      ive owned a mobile phone since i was 11, have gone through about 50 different phones since.. im now 19 and work in a phone store.. I usually sleep with my phone under my pillow or just beside my head.. for years ive always had headaches when laying down.. i put it down to my phone so moved it away for a few weeks and my head seemed better.. my eyesight is starting to get a little worse tho..

      during my school years yr 8 to yr 12 i had a phone (sometimes 2) in my school pants pockets.. god only knows what this has done to my ovaries then??.. im a heavy txt messenger and rarely talk on my phone, if so its never more then 1hour.. I reckon i would be the perfect candiate for this research!

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • Lyc
        • 31 Oct 2009

        caver, 30 Oct 2009many people use mobilphons and we are still over 6 miliard ... moreI think is OBIUSLY that the radiation it's not good for us, the feeling to have the cel phone in our ears for a few minutes make us unconfortable and ansios, so I think we don't need much test to understand something that our body expres ....Just feel it and believe what you want to believe, it's your life!!!

          • f
          • fathi
          • ftD
          • 31 Oct 2009

          this is a real information about GSM's SAR & DAS the phone electro-radiation damage a function of head slowly and human became depress or get a cancer and more
          this real inforamtions from this site web and if you don't belive it that mean a fone became a lovely habite to you ............

            • D
            • Dante
            • mI6
            • 31 Oct 2009

            Hats off to gsmarena ur thinkin abt us users s u vil giv da srs info to us!

              • c
              • caver
              • p3D
              • 30 Oct 2009

              many people use mobilphons and we are still over 6 miliard .cancer appers because of another thinks wich are test approved.so lets droop the speculations.

                • S
                • Sam
                • PNj
                • 30 Oct 2009

                If I held a brick to my face for 15 minutes, the side of my head would be heated like it is displayed in those thermal images.
                This doesn't prove anything.

                  • T
                  • Troet
                  • nfv
                  • 29 Oct 2009

                  From the electromagnetically point of view (the important part in respect to the real danger) the presented information is absolute information less in respect to the topic. Thermal pictures are always a relative presentation of the information and can't be judged without the relevant Data! Even more important is the fact that they can only present a surface plot and not the import information inside the head!
                  The presented pictures only show the fact that when you keep an object(whatever it is - mobile, cable telephone, a book) on one side of your face it will heat up as the heat of the skin can't be transmitted to the environment as usual. Same holds true when you go to bed and lay on the side of your face - there is no known case where someone suffers cancer from sleeping...
                  There are several sources in every days life where we are confronted with much higher fields.
                  Just my two pence about a topic many people discuss about without even have a bit of an idea what's all about.

                    • K
                    • Kemmix
                    • jeh
                    • 29 Oct 2009

                    A possible "budget" consideration to decreasing the amount of daily radiation exposure, is to put your phone into Offline (Nokia)/Airplane (Samsung) Mode at night. Different companies have different names for this mode. This way, you can still check the time in the morning, listen to music, have your alarm wake you up, etc, with less RF emissions.

                      • A
                      • Andreja
                      • mD3
                      • 29 Oct 2009

                      Well if cell phones can really reduce the number of spermatozoids, then this is serious. I am a guy and I carry my cell phone in my back pocket. I wonder if electromagnetic radiation can reduce other things too :)

                        • t
                        • takis
                        • pu6
                        • 29 Oct 2009

                        Radiation also affects your cells -apart from thermal effect! Therefore, it is not only risk for cancer..

                          • c
                          • caleb
                          • 4kV
                          • 29 Oct 2009

                          Anonymous, 29 Oct 2009i'm not really fond of bluetooth headsets. why go through t... morethe speakerphone doesn't go on your ear it is baisicly a better speakerphone for your phone you just keep it in the car. so it is a couple feet away from you and you can keep the phone several feet away reducing the radiation as much as possible. i have a bluetooth sterio in my car and this is the next best thing at a fraction of the cost.

                            • H
                            • Homer
                            • 00c
                            • 29 Oct 2009

                            It would be nice if there was an application/option on my cellphone to have it offline and connect automagically every n minutes, to get all the missed calls and messages. I don't use my cellphone a lot, maybe 5-6 calls and messages per day, so the radiation would be a lot less for me. Unfortunately I cannot do it myself since I'm still learning to code.

                              • R
                              • ReVan
                              • 2@t
                              • 29 Oct 2009

                              Keep up the good work! Looking forward to see the SAR values

                                • S
                                • SAR Technition
                                • pSB
                                • 29 Oct 2009

                                SAR ratings for in-call, standby and active-data-connections like, e.g. ActiveSync or GoogleSync, would be great!

                                  • N
                                  • Nomi
                                  • u1t
                                  • 29 Oct 2009

                                  this is a gr8 news...you can see further details from mobile9

                                    • A
                                    • Anotherguy
                                    • SaB
                                    • 29 Oct 2009

                                    How about using a bluetooth headset?

                                      • o
                                      • omnia 900/lg arena k
                                      • 3xA
                                      • 29 Oct 2009

                                      simple things 2 do 2 avoid radiation on your phone and protect your eardrums....

                                      1. used headset during phone call
                                      2. used speaker during phone call remember used only in good environment
                                      3. listening mp3 used only minimal volume

                                      good luck

                                        • D
                                        • Deep space bar
                                        • kJq
                                        • 29 Oct 2009

                                        Eagles-eye, 29 Oct 2009I think all people should be careful about the radiation pr... moreSo your saying the iphone is good since it hasma crappy battery,bad battery life horrible RFs and heats up and explodes in hot weather it's a good phone ..... Come on man
                                        It should be on the to of the list with pantech and kyocera