Nokia X6 Comes With Music, goes on preorder

05 November, 2009
The second wave of Nokia touch phones and the first wave of the Xseries is coming to town - the Nokia X6 is already available for preorder with an expected date of release 12th of November, complete with...

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • P%n
  • 06 Nov 2009

5ushi, 06 Nov 2009You are right. DSP (digital sound processors) don't enchanc... moreYou want sound quality?

"Audio quality deserves a High-Five
Just when we thought that they cannot get much better in this area and here come Apple to surprise us. The audio quality of the iPhone 3G was almost as good as it gets on a portable device and now with the iPhone 3GS it is simply perfect.
The iPod's bigger brother provides the best sonic experiences on the market with all of its readings simply remarkable.
As far as the improvements over the previous gen iPhones is concerned, the iPhone 3GS sports a much improved frequency response with the other readings almost on par. No one will probably be able to tell the differences in distortion levels for example, but this is mostly because the iPhone 3G performed flawlessly there to begin with.
But here are the results, so you can see for yourselves. You can find more information about the test itself and the meaning of the different numbers in the table"

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • MJJ
    • 06 Nov 2009

    Sure it will crash within 2 hours and then you will need to wait 6 months for a firware that almost works. I hate nokia!

      • s
      • sekundes @_@
      • 9Lb
      • 06 Nov 2009

      maemo should have been on this mobile.. id rather wait for that (though it'll take me years to even buy something like that lol)

      anyways, im good with my nokia 5630. no lags slowdowns on the UI with its zippy 600mhz.

      anyways 5630xm is good enough fer me, i have a nano and a mobile in one ^_^

        • T
        • vG4
        • 06 Nov 2009

        it's very good stylish.very look on the phone. i want below 20000 on mobile very good price in my thought.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • uEB
          • 06 Nov 2009

          Why us the same "X" like SE. Pathetic Nokia

            • 5
            • 5ushi
            • uBT
            • 06 Nov 2009

            honhon, 06 Nov 2009Following up on what the other people here have complained ... moreYou are right. DSP (digital sound processors) don't enchance sound in any way. They are essentially second CPUs on the phone, but are solely responsible for the audio signal processing (and nothing else).

            DSPs are usually present on devices since without it, you are prone to lags since just 1x CPU is processing AND managing the devices everyday tasks at the same time. An exampls is my W980 which I got recently. No DSP, and it lags big time when I use full sound enchancment settings. Not playing songs however results in the phone to zip through its usual stuff no problems.

            Manufacturers usually will stick a special algorthym to the DSP (think DNSe on Samsung) so that sound is 'enchanced'. The only good and proper DSP amp I've seen so far (in commercial models) is the S-Master which Sony only markets on the high-high WALKMAN market (in Japan too, mind you). But that comes down to personal preference.

            I would personally only consider a 'music' phone AFTER I tested out the sound quality - DSP don't mean good sound quality (though often it does, but not always - I used to own Samsung and never liked DNSe... Too much treble and too little bass for me...). And having used a Sony S series mp3, I tried the W980 and I went for that instead, despite the UI lag.

            Which brings me to my next point. Symbian UI I'd say is due for an overhaul. OK, basic touch stuff like kinetic scroll; don't you think that is just trying to catch up to apple (not a fan boy, so don't flame me!)? Something innovative like when apple first came out, and I'd be happy - more competition on the market, thus better phones ^_^

              • h
              • honhon
              • tWi
              • 06 Nov 2009

              Following up on what the other people here have complained about--First, I dont believe that Nokia is marketing this to a specific demographic. Yes, it's music oriented, but then again you can dress up any phone and call it music oriented. These days every mid-to-high end phones are music capable so it's not really that big of a deal.

              What it comes down to, is the phone's innards and the interface that Nokia has until now, failed to update.

              Is it using a specialized sound chip that allows the device to produce unparalleled audio? No, I dont think so but feel free to correct me if you have proof.

              Is the OS comparable to the competition in terms of usability? No, Symbian feels outdated, laggy, crippled, and unattractive. 3rd party application support is not as expansive as what you would find in the apple app store. Android is growing everyday. The firmare is growing in leaps and bounds, it's scary.

              It's true that Nokia has had many innovations on the infrastructure side, but this stagnant and unimaginative batch of phones is alienating their fanbase. They may have changed the way we communicate with improvements in high speed mobile technology but they've neglected the one thing that Apple and Google are now capitalizing on: HIGHLY IMPROVED USER EXPERIENCE

              So, there you go, I resent this old piece of technology wrapped in s brand new suit.

                • C
                • Connie
                • f4F
                • 06 Nov 2009

                Only LG and Samsung can still compete with Nokia. But Nokia has an advantage as it will provide in 2010, 3.5mm jacks even on their very low end phones that only has an FM radio. That means that Nokia knows that the most used feature after the phone function, is music on any of their devices. Other companies that want to compete against Nokia will eventually realize this, but will it be too late?

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • BNW
                  • 06 Nov 2009

                  [deleted post]nokia is now really boring, no one would interisting nokia products today

                    • G
                    • Gavul
                    • S63
                    • 06 Nov 2009

                    Oh, i forgot one thing: Nokia has excellent connectivity, no connection problems and can use Bluetooth for file transfer. iCrap can't even use BT headphones unless they are 'authorized'.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • Uij
                      • 06 Nov 2009

                      i thought this was gonna be a budget phone, like the 5800

                      this is pretty much an update of the 5800

                      so what the hells with the insane pricing.

                      the Touch HD2 and X10 are the real innovations

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • ibh
                        • 06 Nov 2009

                        jack, 06 Nov 2009if nokia expect another 5800 blockbuster with that kind of ... moreHi Jack. Totally agree with you. Nokia 5800 is the biggest success story for Nokia. 5800 is still sell like hot cake. X6 pricing will kill the line. Nokia please wake up. You are repeating the same mistake over and over again.

                          • N
                          • Nokia
                          • w0}
                          • 06 Nov 2009

                          Nokia thinks this phone is high-end, that's why the price is high.
                          I think they are making a huge mistake on the pricing factor, since the RAM is 128mb only.

                            • s
                            • skb
                            • 2@c
                            • 06 Nov 2009

                            why nokia is copieng the great SONY ERICSSON mob. XPERIA X1, because even nokia know that they that they can only try to be like xperia, they can not have even small touch of xperia x1, ha....ha.......

                            I think Nokia Engineers don't know how to make a good qlty. sound ckt. ha.....ha.haaaaa..

                            NOKIA DISTRACTING PEOPLE

                              • C
                              • Cooper
                              • iqh
                              • 06 Nov 2009

                              the price is too expensive.
                              if the preorder is the way that Nokia want to know the feedback of the markert in the price with the service, i think NOkia will reduce the price when it lanuch.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • GvB
                                • 06 Nov 2009

                                any news on x6 release in USA?

                                  • j
                                  • jack
                                  • vGD
                                  • 06 Nov 2009

                                  if nokia expect another 5800 blockbuster with that kind of price, then this is gonna be one of nokia's biggest debacles....

                                    • b
                                    • birth
                                    • vpY
                                    • 06 Nov 2009

                                    wow, too expensive.. well since its pre-order its really pricey..
                                    but when its official release in the market, it would be 480-500euro..
                                    (maybe) well i'll get n97 mini if that's the price.. same specs in 5800, only capacitive and higher mp..

                                      • V
                                      • Veg
                                      • PU0
                                      • 06 Nov 2009

                                      This is way over priced. well i will pay 550 for HD2 over this.
                                      This phone is supposed to be a mid tier handset but it is priced on high tier. Wake up ur idea Nokia!

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • qBx
                                        • 06 Nov 2009

                                        Nokia, you HAVE to do something about your prices or else competition will win over you. Your phones are WAAAYYYYY too expensive. The Droid basically can do everything the N900 can minus a few things here and there for 1/3rd of the price. You will HAVE to drop your prices soon.