Galaxy Note 5 and Galaxy S6 edge+ to have 3000 mAh batteries

12 August, 2015
The information was confirmed yet again by Evan Blass on Twitter a day before the launch.

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[deleted post]That's suppose to impress us? No. Maybe if you actually made some sense why a sealed battery and no memory expansion ARE SO awesome, we can go for something like a Note 5. But arguing with how thin, shiny and sleek over function and features is ridiculous.

I already made 10 points on how a removable battery is so much better than a sealed one. There's nothing to justify a sealed battery, except it makes the device a fraction of a millimeter thinner than the last model. We rather it be 1mm thicker than have a stucked battery that has 300 charging cycles.

Am I? Try arguing more intelligently, or there's no reason for you posting here.

    • D
    • AnonD-424798
    • w6B
    • 13 Aug 2015

    mAh is NOT everything. Yes, it is indeed indicative.
    But with S6 and S6 Edge, Samsung did manage a good battery life out of 26xx mAh batteries. I am no fan and I hate TouchShiz* but 3000mAh doesn't mean a lost war already.

      • D
      • AnonD-22824
      • KSt
      • 13 Aug 2015

      AnonD-77443, 13 Aug 2015Actually, from what i'm seeing it isn't GN3/GN4 owners just... moreYeh man i know u and i also know that u r not justifiying the note3 or note4 ,but not everyone here is genuine as us some work to spread hate and some just tr0ol but yes its very true that lots of galaxy note series lovers like u & me wud want a bigger battery backup on there smartphone but that does not mean that i sud give up on a slim and sexy look of the smartphone the problem is samsung is not launching another version of galaxy note5 activ then ppl with diffrent likings wud pick one for themselves according to there needs however if samsung want they cud do it ,but they are just opening 1 card at a time.and playing smart like every other OEM.

        AnonD-77443, 13 Aug 2015Actually, from what i'm seeing it isn't GN3/GN4 owners just... moreThe Note 5 was suppose to be my next Note after using the Note 3 for two years. The performance of the Note 3 is excellent enough to fight off the temptation of getting the slighly excellent Note 4. The most logical course of action is the Note 4, rather than the Note 5 without a micro SD slot (yeah, how common would the dual SIM version be?), no changeable battery, and no infrared remote controller - these 3 fratures I've enjoyed and really use.

        Maybe this is just one crazy stunt Samsung to pull - they can't do any giant leap for the Note 5 over the Note 4, so instead do some shiny sleek devices that would appeal to the iPhone users, and see how the market goes. Would it be a surprise for them to have low sales as is? And then come up with something that totally go back to the original design philosophy of why the Galaxy Note was done in the first place - performance, versatility, and lots of options.

          • D
          • AnonD-364786
          • XNa
          • 13 Aug 2015

          Anonymous, 13 Aug 2015Everyone complaining about the 3000 mAh battery but will ev... moreGS6 has got good battery life is only in your dreams.
          Infact battery is one of the key issues of gs6

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • sG%
            • 13 Aug 2015

            Everyone complaining about the 3000 mAh battery but will eventually keep their mouth shut once the battery test comes out and blows other phones with the same battery size or bigger. The gs6 and note 4 are good examples being both QHD still has one of the best battery life according to the size of the battery.

              • D
              • AnonD-77443
              • XrV
              • 13 Aug 2015

              AnonD-22824, 13 Aug 2015Wow all the note4, note3 owners are justifying that note4 a... moreActually, from what i'm seeing it isn't GN3/GN4 owners justifying their devices it is GN3/GN4 owners who want to upgrade to a GN5 but are disappointed with what Samsung is offering.

              As I've said many times, I have owned the SGS2, and all 4 Notes but wont "up"grade my GN4 to the GN5 because of the key features it is rumored to be missing. If it had a 4000 mAh sealed battery and micro SD card i'd buy it in the first week.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • uJx
                • 13 Aug 2015

                Once a time, HTC was top of the world. Then they decided to remove their slots and removable batteries.. IE. HTC One .. X

                They wrote.. we listen to our customer's need and demands.. all is well!

                Then down they went. Fall and fall and fall.. Now look at them and the M9.

                Samsung! Wake UP!

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • tPG
                  • 13 Aug 2015

                  Imagine 3 customers, customer A using Galaxy Note 4, customer B using iPhone 6, and customer C using Galaxy S6.
                  One day, all three of them faces charging problem, the phone won't charge.
                  Customer A took out the battery and noticed that the battery was a bit bloated, so he bought another battery and charging was back to normal.
                  Customer B went to Apple service center and exchanged for a refurbished set and solve the problem.
                  Customer C went to the service center and the service guy said it could be motherboard, battery or software problem, may take 3-4 days to troubleshoot and fix it. But after several days, the service guy said the battery's faulty, they have replaced a new one. So he brought home the fixed S6 and after a few days the charging problem came back. So he brought to the service center the 2nd time and this time the service guy said the motherboard spoiled. What happen next will go on and on and on....

                    • G
                    • Gowtham
                    • uCs
                    • 13 Aug 2015

                    Wait is over:( going for note 4

                      AnonD-22824, 13 Aug 2015Why r u acting like a a-h0le and just got stuck with the hi... moreWhy are you acting like a complacent iPhone user?

                      Nice suggestions, however where is it? This should have been what the Note 5 - not a whimsical shiny toy.

                      Funny you should be posting this sort of specs after my post yesterday (15 hours ago) on the sketch of an ideal Galaxy Note.

                        • J
                        • Jose
                        • Ibx
                        • 13 Aug 2015

                        Since when is the S6 considered a phablet? ??

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 62F
                          • 13 Aug 2015

                          Why not use PLS or other display ?

                            • D
                            • AnonD-418132
                            • PF5
                            • 13 Aug 2015

                            TheNeighbor, 13 Aug 2015Yeah, and let you hipsters have your cake of 5-month shiny ... really hate the Note 5 better than anyone else here, do ya'?

                              • D
                              • AnonD-22824
                              • KSt
                              • 13 Aug 2015

                              TheNeighbor, 13 Aug 2015Yeah, and let you hipsters have your cake of 5-month shiny ... moreWhy r u acting like a a-h0le and just got stuck with the hipsters only move on man there r lots of things to do in life than calling others ill.btw u still did not read my 2nd comment carefully, read it again .lol.

                                AnonD-22824, 13 Aug 2015Ohh god! when will u learn to my 2nd comment.... moreYeah, and let you hipsters have your cake of 5-month shiny disposable smartphone models. Your concern is how sleek you want the device is, without thinking how it's less useful than the previous model. Yes, don't mind the fact that it only has 300 battery charging cycles that's guaranteed for effective power holding. Go get one this month.

                                And advice to those getting the Note 5, lay off the wireless and fast charging methods, and put the battery charge between 40 to 80%. This is the only way to get triple the battery cycles and give you at least 15 months of effective battery charge. If you think I'm making this up, go do some research - you have internet.

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-22824
                                  • KSt
                                  • 13 Aug 2015

                                  TheNeighbor, 13 Aug 2015Here you are with your Pro speech about the Note 5 being gr... moreOhh god! when will u learn to my 2nd comment..its for u only lol..

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-128054
                                    • yAL
                                    • 13 Aug 2015

                                    Wow ! 3000Mah the greatest upgrade version of phablet. Who say S6 edge battery > S5 ?

                                    Even my fren using S6 Edge who was using s5 before notice S5 last longer. This is the result when they reduce 200mah from S5 to S6. For the note series too? Im quit.

                                    Motorola Play 3630 mah was the only phone i can seek for so disappointed that Samsung only compete with apple making thinnest phone. Hope the sales drop will make you guys awake from the mistake.

                                      AnonD-22824, 13 Aug 2015Wow all the note4, note3 owners are justifying that note4 a... moreHere you are with your Pro speech about the Note 5 being great because of only looks. Note 5 has features IMPAIRED, more FRAGILE with a glass back, and a battery that has an expiration of 300 cycles - yes, if you charge twice a day from heavy usage, you'd have power problems and really have to plug that more often you should in 5 months. Do the math.

                                      Fast charging, wireless charging, and constantly plugging in even if you don't need to will contribute to the battery's demise. Thanks to sealed battery, you'll need to visit a repair center for technicians to replace that. If you look at, a tear down of an S6 Edge shows everything was glued. Glue will eventually peak off. You call that quality? You have to heat up and peel open the front panel to reveal the battery.

                                      Samsung is now designing their top devices as disposables, with repairability being difficult. All this so you can have a shiny back. Really shallow. I'm not the only one who think this is a step backward in their product.

                                        • g
                                        • gw
                                        • 7jW
                                        • 13 Aug 2015

                                        I will keep my gn3 or go for gn4. . just imagine if in this time apple launches smething wid removable battry or sd card.... whoaa. . Samsung will b killed (atleast thr flagship mobile division) bcz both s series n note series r Goin "no removables" path lol...