Galaxy Note 5 and Galaxy S6 edge+ to have 3000 mAh batteries

12 August, 2015
The information was confirmed yet again by Evan Blass on Twitter a day before the launch.

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  • J
  • Jet Lee
  • IVI
  • 13 Aug 2015

Next time...

    • D
    • AnonD-183089
    • rsq
    • 13 Aug 2015

    Guys we're still receiving news leaks till now! It's all about hours for the official announcement , Don't judge now before releasing & give it a chance to hit the markets & try to check it's performance & new software as you may change your mind after that & get this device!

    I'm currently using the note 4, Really willing to change & I need to upgrade not to downgrade & I find nothing deserves to leave my note 4 so I will wait till the note 5 to hit the markets & judge to keep on note 4 or to shift to note 5!
    My only concern is about the design.....It's an i-Samsung! :S

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • tue
      • 13 Aug 2015

      AnonD-22824, 13 Aug 2015Wow all the note4, note3 owners are justifying that note4 a... moreTrue. This people here justifying how great the past Galaxy Note are. Last year they said it is ugly and bulky. Even for the S series. They said the band aid plastic back cover is the ugliest thing Samsung ever invented. Last year I read a lot of comments like "I rather have smaller battery than carrying ugly bulky Samsung, slim it down please". So, when Samsung decided to go for aesthetic value you all still complain. This is Samsung revenge against its bigmouth consumers. Its a way telling you all just to shut up and let them do their work.

        • D
        • AnonD-22824
        • KSt
        • 13 Aug 2015

        Samsung sud do one thing to avoid any complications they sud launch another version of note5 like the Galaxy s6 has (Galaxy S6 Activ which has 3500 mah battery) they sud name it something like a Galaxy Note5 Activ which can have 4000 to 5000 mah battery ,water & dust proofing ,Micro Sd card slot , Removable battery etc .may b they r working on 1 of the device like that, who know's ? but 1 thing will b 4sure there will b very less haters

          • D
          • AnonD-22824
          • KSt
          • 13 Aug 2015

          Wow all the note4, note3 owners are justifying that note4 and note3 better in battery backup than note5 ..come on guys what happned to you all! I also have note2 and note3 both have great battery backup but I dont like there non premium looks and ..if samsung want they can even put 4500 to 5000mah battery in note5 but that will make the note5 look very bulky & ugly, it will look like a powerbank chipset will also do its magic and the 3000mah might give more endurence than note4 like the post suggests and on top of that 3000mah is along with quick charge and samsung will provide the quick charger no one will force u to go for wireless charging. I getting the note5 all the very best samsung.

            • S
            • SV79
            • rRS
            • 13 Aug 2015

            sdetris, 12 Aug 2015Samsung has produced innovative phones. Battery and perform... moreIs it something... that Samsung has lots of profits and trying to show some losses with these kinds of loss in poor sales?

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • uJx
              • 13 Aug 2015

              Its very ironic. Now Samsung fanboys are using the same reason they counter iPhones in the first place.

                • A
                • Ahmed
                • nC1
                • 13 Aug 2015

                I am disappointed with the s6 generation and all other series were interduced along as they postponded the extended memory cards. I can see clearly that samsung is just following apple, not the clients needs.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • fxM
                  • 13 Aug 2015

                  ItsMeMyself, 13 Aug 2015Its like less than 3 generations of note. It only beats the... moresize constrain..

                    • D
                    • AnonD-152638
                    • mhB
                    • 13 Aug 2015

                    As long as the camera sticks out, I see no reason, not to use thicker batteries. Ok, it adds a bit of weight, but I dont think people read that spec.
                    People might read the thickness spec, but there, apple will probably beat the samsung anyway. That battle is probably lost. And there are lots of others that are even thinner.

                    I dont think Samsung will be using it's new camera sensor, but still rely on Sony, the announcement, simply was too recent. Even if Samsung managed to get as good pixel performance from their new sensor, despite smaller pixels, the Sony sensor has optical image stabilization, that will make it perform better in low light.

                      • D
                      • AnonD-428849
                      • tR9
                      • 13 Aug 2015

                      The few thing that galaxy users had over iPhone users and loved (apart from android) were the screen size, the large removable battery and external hot swappable storage. I use multiple sd cards and batteries all the time. I'm on my third note (note 4) and 4th galaxy handset, I've been faithful to Samsung for the last 5 years, but they are removing half the things I loved about them. I haven't heard a single person say that they appreciate the sealed back or don't want external storage or the ability to switch batteries, I certainly do. They wonder why sales are declining? The answer is obvious, years of incremental upgrades with no big changes and lots of silly decisions. I wanted a note 4 edge but I also wanted the gear VR, isn't it obvious that the sort of tech head early adopter who would want the VR would also want the edge? But no, Samsung makes us choose one or the other and then wonders why the edge didn't sell well.

                      Don't get me started on the battery either, if they can get equivalent or even better life out of a 3,000mah battery then stick a 4ah battery in there and really make it last, big batteries are central to the note.

                      I would really like to stay with Samsung, but they are taking away some of the most important things about the phone, if I can't open the back and put a big SD card in there I will be looking for another phone from another manufacturer and I know others who will as well. I must have convinced half a dozen friends and relatives to switch from apple to Samsung, some of them now on their third phones, I don't think many of them will be s6 users in the end.

                      It wouldn't be so frustrating except that there is simply no good reason not to offer these things. Give me a 6" screen with a big battery, SD card and battery swap out and an improved camera and SoC and I'll be happy. Give me an edge that I can use in a gear VR and surprise me with something genuinely new in a phone every couple years and I'll be happier still.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • tue
                        • 13 Aug 2015

                        I would buy it. Beside, its not like Galaxy S6 had zero sales. Its still selling even the number is lower than expected. There should be at least a million Samsung loyal fans out there. Touchwiz users loyalty is quite strong since there are not many smartphone with multitask split screen and stylus function. The battery thing is not surprising. 5.5inch iphone 6plus have less than 3000mah and still working fine. Its all about battery and software optimization these day. Battery technology is at its limit anyway. The biggest battery capacity on a phablet i have seen is only 5000mah by Gionee Marathon M4 and Asus Zenfone Max. Not to mention the Galaxy Note 5 leak shows that it is thicker than Note 4. We are expecting.

                          Its like less than 3 generations of note. It only beats the original note which had 2500 mah. Note 2 had 3100 mah , 3 had 3200 and 4 had 3220.

                            • B
                            • Bozzor
                            • Hkx
                            • 13 Aug 2015

                            I have a funny feeling that the Note 5 and S6 Edge+ will get off to a strong start sales wise, as people who fall in love with the design take it...and then the sales will tank within about 2 months, as owners of earlier Note series don't see any reason to upgrade.

                            For next year, I suspect Samsung will go for a huge redesign, one that incorporates the great style that the Note 5/S6 edge+ appear to have, but with a removable battery and perhaps expanded memory (if technically feasible)

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • xfy
                              • 13 Aug 2015

                              very disappointed

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • 5F{
                                • 13 Aug 2015

                                Better screen tech, better CPU design, better OS may together reduce the need for more battery. Let see how this Note 5 work out in real life.

                                  • p
                                  • philz
                                  • 4G9
                                  • 13 Aug 2015

                                  TheNeighbor, 12 Aug 2015I thought the whole point of mobile devices is being wirele... moreSend your excellent comment to Sammy

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • Let
                                    • 13 Aug 2015

                                    AnonD-77443, 12 Aug 2015I honestly think that most Note users would rather a 1mm th... moreBut it works for gs6 edge

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • Let
                                      • 13 Aug 2015

                                      Just I wish samsung lose on this phone . So they learn next time don't downgrade batteries capacity

                                        • R
                                        • Rabie
                                        • Nq0
                                        • 13 Aug 2015

                                        I'm extremely disappointed. When i got the Note 4, i soon returned to Note 3 only because it had a noticeably better battery life N9005 vs N910c.

                                        Note 3 is still great, except i miss the fingerprint option.

                                        Now this awkward turn in production philosophy, i will definitely skip.