HTC HD2 gets optional extended battery and kickstand

24 January, 2010
If the battery life was your only concern about the omnipresent HTC HD2 we have some great news coming your way. HTC has just come up with an extended battery that packs twice the juice of the original one...

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  • b
  • bosun99uk
  • fuN
  • 25 Jan 2010

The good keeps getting better.

Hope it will be available worldwide.

HTC is seriously moving to the top.

    • R
    • Reza
    • 0ys
    • 25 Jan 2010

    my battery works 2 days with usual use ,if i use it for video or music or internet it will stay 1 day or maybe less than that,if i charge it by my computer's usb port it remains more,but about extera battery !!! who will pay with this price?

      • F
      • FireDragon
      • sUv
      • 25 Jan 2010

      Bill, 25 Jan 2010This is news? The term futureproof doesn't exist in the cel... moreYour study is very correct, and glad to know someone voice all of these.

      To me, it seems like all these companies are after capturing one goal, they don't want to provide something that last long but they want to earn hard cash by providing fancy toys for music and movies under the name of Internet browsing, turning Smartphones into nothing more than media players so Kids, and big Kids will buy it, play with it for a while, and when something else shiny come into shelves they jump to it.

      On a side, they are "trying" to save energies to protect Earth and on other hand (some of) these companies providing so-called slim phones that actually kills battery fast because of the "features" they provid, and I think we all know the side-effects. Carrying chargers, frustration (usually), more power drainage means more bills to pay, or now buying accessories just to stay in the game, hence giving more good cash to companies.

      I am not very good with words but I hope you get what I am trying to say here.

        • m
        • mg
        • kGa
        • 25 Jan 2010

        Iphone was the first real phone, not Nokia, Even now Nokia is far behind, and N73 was my last nokia phone.

          • S
          • Sara from ...
          • Ley
          • 25 Jan 2010

          good !
          but this is very beter that they make dock station like milestone or xt720 and all new moto smartphone

            • R
            • Rudeboi
            • RbX
            • 25 Jan 2010

            DARN FANBOYS!!!!!!!!, 25 Jan 2010this looks like a good phone :) can you say that FAN BOYS... moreIt's funny you mention innovate seeing nokia basically innovated everything concerning smartphones while others trying to copy. It appears to me that HTC wants to be like apple so bad it's unreal and a very known bandwagon jumper. First they all about window mobile and now they're split between Android and Window. At least Nokia knows how to stick with something and run with it

              • `
              • `rael™
              • 9Lb
              • 25 Jan 2010

              DARN FANBOYS!!!!!!!!, 25 Jan 2010this looks like a good phone :) can you say that FAN BOYS... moreJust so u know. A mobile network won't even work without a Nokia patented techonolgy in it. No mobile network no mobile phones. ^^

                • D
                • DARN FANBOYS!!!!!!!!
                • pTy
                • 25 Jan 2010

                this looks like a good phone :)
                can you say that FAN BOYS that are bashing it i mean it is the second version of the hd model and the nokia fanboys are at it again. what is wrong with you guys. nokia has 0 innovation. anwser me this, what new innovation do the nokia phones have or have created in the last 5 years that a diffrent company did not invent? they just re-use rivals tec.
                is it so hard to say this is a good looking phone? it looks good but you will not know without trying it. why do you love nokia soooo much it is a phone a few $ piece of plastic? did your mother or fafther create it? no but all the nokiafans are bashing every phone in all of the topics. i think you guys need to check to see that everything in nokia phones have been created by rivals and they pay them to use the parts because of copy rights and patents? HAHAHAHA nokia boys do not even know this.

                  • n
                  • nokiafan
                  • 3LU
                  • 25 Jan 2010

                  Oh joy, oh rapture !! But I shall rather wait for HTC Bravo instead of this Godzilla ...

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • kMh
                    • 25 Jan 2010

                    This is good news.

                    Well, it seems that the US HD2 will get a 1GB ROM. So far, it is a good deal. Any phone/device/pc/etc... will eventually get obsolete. The question is how fast it will be obsolete.

                    The HD2 with 1GB ROM and 1GHz CPU is a good bet for the next 2 years IMO. With this extended battery and the foldable stand, the HD2 is pretty much indeed one of the best phone out there with future WM7 compatibility.

                      • B
                      • Bill
                      • 3J6
                      • 25 Jan 2010

                      This is news? The term futureproof doesn't exist in the cellphone world.

                      You wait months and months for any exicting updates on the forward drive of tech in the smartphone world and this is the best s**t they could come up with. I realise there is a recession going on, but look at the car industry, week after week or day after day we get news on exciting and interesting tech for the next generation of models 7 years away and there is no shortage of news, in the smartphone world, what is supposed to be replacing the desktop computer for Internet Browsing in a few years we are treated to the same rehash of mundane obsolete models that were not future proofed to begin with, the exception being the HD2, and awesome as it maybe, has to wait till September for WinMo7, by that time the HD2 will probably be obsolete or you never know in the smartphone world, will most likely still be HTC's best model for 2010. A model, that in 2009, is still the technically most advanced model of the HTC range of 2010 and possible 2011. It is sad to see that only one model is worthy of the range, because to be honest, aside from GPS and faster processors, the tech has NOT changed much since the days of the SE P900, tech which should be less complicated than the automobile world yet the designers and manufacturers don't have a clue. Tech for smartphone devices should progress every month, not every year. The lack of any news and the fact that people are STILL using phones from MWC 2007/8 are indicative of how 'far' we've evolved, meaning NOT very far.

                        • M
                        • Mindrage
                        • p8q
                        • 24 Jan 2010

                        I really like the idea of official extensions for phones ^^ Usually all phones are just upgraded in "new" models and they dont think of creating new ones.
                        They should create a phone base with a screen/high processor and a battery, And later replace the whole back end with a flat end that you later could add stuff thats connected to the software and to the battery ;D An Extra strong camera or event a qwerty keyboard if they like it, They would win alot more if there is a phone you could customize.
                        Try to make it as thin as possible and a decent battery and flat on the bacck with a full body cover.
                        The camera can be at the back as an extension with the current backcover.

                          • a
                          • ajit
                          • 2@e
                          • 24 Jan 2010

                          hey indian fan HTC HD2 also available in india but the around 30.000 INR and buy 2 thinks is more expensive so if u have money u buy

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • SHe
                            • 24 Jan 2010

                            I'm a little envious... I use to own the Touch HD so the HD2 must be fairly awesome but without full flash support I won't give up my n900. I know Skyfire exist but that kind of sucks compared to the built-in browser of the n900 (MicroB).

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • p7K
                              • 24 Jan 2010

                              Nice but too expensive. On such a pricy phone, the extended battery should have come with it, not require an extra purchase..

                                • C
                                • Cobra
                                • 0mH
                                • 24 Jan 2010

                                The manufacturers should make high-end flip phones with rotating screen instead of those cheap looking kickstands

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • 0Cd
                                  • 24 Jan 2010

                                  2 x the battery life = very nice! Now I always make it trough a day, with a LOT of use. With this, I would last 2 days.. If I use it normal, 3 to 4 days. That is awesome :D

                                  I am just very curious how it will veel in the hand.. with that extra few mm

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • 0aW
                                    • 24 Jan 2010

                                    wow this is an original idea(the kickstand I mean) not at all like the nokia n900.../sarcasm

                                      • j
                                      • jesus
                                      • vpY
                                      • 24 Jan 2010

                                      nice one, now i can surf the net more longer.

                                        • A
                                        • Aru
                                        • uwW
                                        • 24 Jan 2010

                                        I want it . Plz make it available in india soon.Thank you.